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Everything posted by JayVanDyke

  1. @kaydotjpg try this in your Custom CSS body:not(#collection-66e1f85031ff720c814003e3) .flier { display: none; } //the homepage also gets a .homepage class so you don't need the collection ID body:not(.homepage) .flier { display: none; }
  2. @SoniaW if your site was not public yet and you deleted the code you won't be able to retrieve it unless you happen to still have it open on a window somewhere in the original state. If your site is launched, sometimes if it gets crawled by The Wayback Machine you can find the old code in there but if not then you're kind of out of luck. What did the header code do?
  3. @MaxNix76 We kinda need to see the whole thing to be able to tell. My assumption though is that this is an A record. You'll probably need to delete this one but I'm not sure what record isn't showing up yet.
  4. @elisasunga The date format is something thats a little more complicated and I'm pretty sure needs javascript in this spot but you could try this in custom css to see if you can get it aligned. There's some weird stuff in Squarespace's css there that's causing this. .blog-basic-grid .blog-meta-section * { font-size: 13px !important; //change to desired font size } .blog-basic-grid .blog-meta-section { padding: 15px 0; //adjust the first number to add spacing above and below. }
  5. @katrinekatrine can you share your link? It's much easier to help if we can see your site.
  6. @lisbet it looks to me like you've got some css mistakes that are probably making it not work. //these are the same element and there was a missing closing bracket anyway svg.icon--cart { display:none; } // i dont think you need this because of the first rule you have setting display:none; so delete if you dont .header .header-actions-action--cart svg { //stroke:transparent!important } //try using a different element to put your background-image on thats closer to the regular size of the cart element. .header .header-actions-action--cart .Cart-inner { background-image: url(); background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; }
  7. @ByLukaMarketing hey there! From what I remember it's not super complicated. DM me if you need some help with it.
  8. Eventually we had to have Squarespace basically do it for us because the steps in the guide did not work. I would reach out over chat first and then it should continue through email. They will send you the article and then you just tell them you did it already and it should get escalated. Good luck!
  9. @alifelessordinary Try this. @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .ProductItem-gallery { .ProductItem-gallery-slides { pointer-events: none !important; //stops the interaction that moves the slides } .ProductItem-gallery-slides-item { transform: translate(0,0) !important; //makes sure they don't move over } } } It does seem to only show the ones that are upcoming since it's setup for that sliding gallery so if you want to fix that for mobile add this like to the slides item element too or just copy and paste this below the current code. @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .ProductItem-gallery { .ProductItem-gallery-slides-item { display: block !important; } } }
  10. Sort of how the title explains it. I have a client that recently had a change in business structure and some ownership and they are trying to give "ownership" to the correct email account that is associated with each business. We have followed the steps here Here's our steps we did today that did not work.... 1. logged in as current owner and started a brand new trial site 2. added payment information but did not sign up for a subscription (this is what their doc says to do) 3. moved the domain over to the new trial site 4. invited the new potential owner and they accepted 5. transferred ownership This resulted in the new account becoming the owner of the trial site but not becoming the owner of the domain. They also did not get any permissions to the domain itself at all even though they are the current owner of the site itself. Anyone had to do this recently and figured out how to go about it?
  11. @DavvaMC nope cant see the footer. Only seeing your landing page. If you want to just make a test page with a generic section on it and send that link I'll check.
  12. @chrisyost21 a popup contact form isn't native in squarespace from a header button. To achieve this you would need a paid plugin like this one https://bergendesign.co/lightbox-anything (affiliate link). This will allow you to make a page with only a contact form on it and then use the plugin to have it popup that other page inside a Lightbox when you click the button.
  13. @DavvaMC can you share your link? If its not live yet you can add a password to the page and share the link with the password. https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/205815528-Site-wide-passwords
  14. @Styledent not really a native way but there is a great paid plugin that does this. It's pretty well documented and used across SS pretty frequently. affiliate link - https://bergendesign.co/universal-filter
  15. @Shingston try adjusting @Lesum code to be 20px instead of 0. It looks like thats what you have set as your column gap.
  16. @Fromswedenwithlove anything you can do within a section works. You could do a background video or a full width and height video block to achieve what you're trying to I bet. Background video is probably better if you want it to autoplay and don't need any sound.
  17. Yes, so SS is adding a class to each item as you scroll down the page. You would need to write a script that does the same thing to achieve the same functionality. I would let them know, i can't imaging this isn't a bug.
  18. @Fromswedenwithlove This isn't something you can do without code in SS so to make your life easier I would use this will myers plugin. Lots of other features too so worth the money if you're a developer/designer, in which case I would get the business license (its an affiliate link).. https://www.bergendesign.co/split-screen-layout Using the platform as is, I would uncheck the "fill screen" box for the section and make the grid spacing 0. Then add 2 images and 2 text blocks, make them each half the screen and full height. To get 100vh you will either need to add some custom code like this below or you'll need to eyeball it. sectionID { min-height: 100vh !important; }
  19. @DoppyG Hmm.... for some reason those elements don't seem to get any of the fade in class stuff. Try this in custom CSS. @keyframes fadeAuthor { 0% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 1; } } .blog-meta-section .blog-author { opacity: 0; animation: fadeAuthor 1.5s ease 0.111724s forwards; }
  20. @nebula where do you want the icons to go? Nav bar, page section, footer, mobile menu overlay, etc... If they are just getting hidden everywhere else but shown on this page usually what I would do is set it up to show everywhere and then use some code to hide it except for the page you want it.
  21. @Rodney1234 There may be a background option in the block settings but to make it easier I would just add a shape block and put it behind the block you have there.
  22. @Chlobot after the padding stuff but right before the .grid-item add this max-width: none !important;
  23. @Chlobot I’m not sure what you mean by 15”. Can you share a screenshot? Physical measurement of the screen doesn’t really correlate to the code, only things like pixels. Do you mean it eventually starts to show strips on the sides of the screen again when the window gets larger?
  24. @ashgirl2000 you can accomplish all of the same stuff here without setting things to sold out but this should get rid of the sold out text. If you set some to not sold out and want to point me to those products we can add some css for that too, then you don't have to worry about the inventory or pricing at all. .products.collection-content-wrapper .grid-meta-status { display: none !important; }
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