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Everything posted by LewisC

  1. We want to have a button where a user can copy text to clipboard from a pre-filled textbox. Using the code below almost works buy when clicking the button, no text is copied. Any suggestions would be appreciated! <html> <body> <center> <input type="text" value="#example #example #example" id="myInput"> <button onclick="myFunction()">Copy Social Tags</button> <script> function myFunction() { // Get the text field var copyText = document.getElementById("myInput"); // Select the text field copyText.select(); copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999); // For mobile devices // Copy the text inside the text field navigator.clipboard.writeText(copyText.value); // Alert the copied text alert("Copied the text: " + copyText.value); } </script> </body> </html>
  2. Just given that a try but no luck (code below) //H1 FONT TWEAK h1 {font-family: 'FordAntenna Body' !important;} //H2 FONT TWEAK h2 {font-family: 'FordAntenna Body' !important;} //H3 FONT TWEAK h3 {font-family: 'FordAntenna Body' !important;} //FONT UPLOAD @font-face { font-family: 'FordAntenna'; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d938f54542e4e299450c80f/t/6239e02c5fb8a74c5196de74/1647960109020/ford-antenna-medium-58955836e60d2.otf);} @font-face { font-family: 'FordAntenna Body'; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d938f54542e4e299450c80f/t/623a16e40b81fc173a362aba/1647974116704/FordAntenna-Light.ttf);} @font-face { font-family: 'FordAntenna H'; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d938f54542e4e299450c80f/t/623a1ad002b7132b15b9390b/1647975121213/FordAntenna-Medium.ttf);}
  3. Site URL: https://rangerclub.uk We wanted to change our site font, but with no coding knowledge stared using a basic guide. Using the below for H1 & H2 didn't work properly but H3 and P did h1 {font-family: 'FontTitle';} After a few hours of digging and no luck getting H1 or H2 text to change, I remember what I did to get the Nav font to change. I opened Chrome DevTools and found the selector for that given piece of text which was/is: .primary-nav-wrapper nav I then used that in place of the H1 or H2 tag. Using this same technique I've trawled through the entire site and now have pretty much everything I can see in the correct font although I'm 99% sure that I've done it incorrectly. Here is my finished code: //REVIEWS .Tj4rqy6ba {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .D2bg_0SAp {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .CQfPNsFw2 {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .sHaqaKp_Y {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .LWdr7ZM4G {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-link, .ProductItem-nav-pagination-link {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} //CALENDAR .ProductItem-details .sqs-add-to-cart-button {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .ProductItem-details .variant-select-wrapper, .ProductItem-details .product-quantity-input input {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .ProductItem-details .variant-option-title, .ProductItem-details .variant-out-of-stock, .ProductItem-details .quantity-label, .sold-out .ProductItem-details .product-mark {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .ProductItem-details .product-price {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .ProductItem-details h1.ProductItem-details-title {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .yui3-squarespacecalendar .yui3-calendar-weekday {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .yui3-squarespacecalendar .marker-daynum {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .sqs-block-summary-v2 .summary-block-setting-text-size-medium .summary-title {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .sqs-block-summary-v2 .summary-metadata-item {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .eventitem-meta-item {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .product-block .productDetails .product-title {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .eventitem-pager-older {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .eventitem-pager-newer {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .eventitem-backlink {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .collection-type-album.show-album-banner .page-title, .collection-type-blog.view-list.show-blog-banner .page-title, .collection-type-events.view-list.show-events-banner .page-title, .collection-type-gallery.show-gallery-banner .page-title, .collection-type-index.show-index-banner .page-title, .collection-type-page.show-page-banner .page-title, .collection-type-project.show-project-banner .page-title, .collection-type-products.view-list.show-products-banner .page-title, .homepage.show-homepage-banner .page-title {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} //OTHER strong {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} body {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .sqs-block-summary-v2 .summary-price .product-price {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} h2:not(.index-item-title) {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} h1:not(.entry-title):not(.page-title):not(.project-intro-title):not(.BlogItem-title):not(.ProductList-title):not(.ProductItem-details-title) {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} //GALLERY .collection-type-gallery.show-gallery-banner .page-title {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} //FORUM TWEAK .form-wrapper .field-list {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .form-wrapper .field-list .field .field-element {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} //STORE TWEAK .sqs-product-quick-view-button-wrapper {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .ProductList h1.ProductList-title {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .ProductList .product-price {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .sqs-product-mark-wrapper .product-mark.sold-out {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} //DISCOUNT TWEAK .sqs-block-image .design-layout-overlap .image-title p {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .sqs-block-image .design-layout-overlap .image-subtitle p {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .sqs-block-image .image-block-outer-wrapper.design-layout-overlap .image-button a {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} //NAVIGATION FONT TWEAK .primary-nav-wrapper nav {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .secondary-nav-wrapper nav {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} //BUTTON TWEAK .sqs-block-button .sqs-block-button-element--medium {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} body:not(.button-style-default) .sqs-editable-button {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .sqs-block-button .sqs-block-button-element--small {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .sqs-block-button .sqs-block-button-element--large {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} //QUOTE FONT TWEAK .quote-block blockquote {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .quote-block .source {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} //PRODUCT BLOCK TWEAK .product-block .productDetails div.product-title.member-area-title {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .product-block .productDetails .product-price {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} //ACCORDION TWEAK .sqs-block-accordion .accordion-item__click-target {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} //BLOG TWEAK .BlogList-pagination-link-label {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .collection-type-blog.view-list.show-blog-banner .page-title {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .BlogList-item-readmore {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .BlogList-item-title {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .BlogItem-title {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .tagcloud-block ul {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .BlogItem-pagination-link-title {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} .BlogItem-pagination-link-meta-item {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} //BODY FONT TWEAK p {font-family: FordAntenna Body;} //H1 FONT TWEAK h1 {font-family: FordAntenna Body;} //H2 FONT TWEAK h2 {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} //H3 FONT TWEAK h3 {font-family:FordAntenna Body;} //FONT UPLOAD @font-face { font-family: 'FordAntenna'; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d938f54542e4e299450c80f/t/6239e02c5fb8a74c5196de74/1647960109020/ford-antenna-medium-58955836e60d2.otf);} @font-face { font-family: 'FordAntenna Body'; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d938f54542e4e299450c80f/t/623a16e40b81fc173a362aba/1647974116704/FordAntenna-Light.ttf);} @font-face { font-family: 'FordAntenna H'; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d938f54542e4e299450c80f/t/623a1ad002b7132b15b9390b/1647975121213/FordAntenna-Medium.ttf);} Could anyone please confirm the correct way to do this. We just want one font sitewide. Thanks
  4. @paul2009 We did toy with that idea but then there's no affiliation or link with the member account and the collected data (extremely hard to keep track of). Also with a form there's no way to ensure all members actually complete it. Fingers crossed the members area sign up box can be customized (like a SQSP Form block). We won't hold our breath...
  5. @paul2009 We had a video call meeting with them back in October where they wanted feedback on the Members Areas. It was implied that the changes I brought up were already known about and would be implemented. It'd just be nice as paying SQSP customers to know an ETA so that we can in turn let our customers / members know 😞
  6. Site URL: https://rangerclub.uk Since Squarespace's launch of the new Members Areas we've been wanting to sign up to it. Does anyone else find it unusable in it's current state? We plan to have 3 tiers (bronze, silver, gold) at 3 different price points, but the website content between tiers is largely the same. For example our Event Calendar will need to be identical between all tiers. (At the moment we would have to manually duplicate all the events for all 3 tiers and then try to maintain 3 identical calendars). When a user subscribes as a member we need to collect additional information such as name, phone number, vehicle registration, emergency contact, full address etc. We need the ability to send products to each member as part of their subscription (similar to how a book club would need to). The problems with membership cancellations. All our subscriptions will be annual. If the member cancels their subscription mid term but paid the full year, then it's only right their access remains until the end of the term. Apparently there is no way to cancel a subscription from the admin side? If a member is breaking rules we need the ability to cancel their membership / block the registering details (email, name, address, contact number). Even if it worked as a refund.. We've been really happy with SQSP so far but Members Areas needs massive improvements to make it usable. The customer support won't give any indication on when / if the feature is coming. As a customer of Squarespace we deserve to know, if it's not coming then we will be forced to transfer website provider.
  7. It would be exactly identical to rangerclub.uk/blog We are yet to write each article so the content will change but that's it.
  8. Hi @tuanphan, I can't share it as it's in the members area. Imagine this page (rangerclub.uk/blog) but we want to remove the dates and change the layout to be 3 columns and feature a search bar at the top. Thanks
  9. Site URL: https://rangerclub.uk We are wanting to make a knowledge base, like Wiki, for our members (will be within Members Areas). We are struggling to find the best way to make it that will be efficient for the user. At the moment we are toying with the ides of using the inbuilt Blog feature but want a couple of extra things to improve it. -Remove the blogs 'posted' date (can be done with CSS?) -Add a search bar at the top of the page -Have 3 columns of posts or be able to customize Blogs main page I have no knowledge of CSS so wondering if there's a rough guide. Thanks
  10. My name is Lewis and I am one of the admins of Ranger Club UK. We are a national private members club and community for Ford Ranger owners in the UK. We hold various meets around the UK varying in price, location and activity as well as having a massive collection on free to use discount codes (which brings traffic to our site). We use our Squarespace website for everything from merch + ticket store to event calendar and soon coming, Members Areas. rangerclub.uk @rangerclubuk
  11. Site URL: https://rangerclub.uk/discount-codes I'm wanting to create both a knowledge base and area for discount codes. Although completely different I vision the pages working in the same manner. Block of images / text filling the page with a search bar at the very head. Users can search for a topic / tag to filter results. An example is for our Discount Code page which features a lot of codes, to many to look through easily. If there was a search bar at the top where a user could enter 'car cleaning' it would filter results, only showing discounts relevent. What is the best way to achieve this? Loosely how the blog works but doesn't need to be as in depth.
  12. @Spark_plugin Thanks for the recommendation. I've updated the site so the About page is now the new homepage and I've disabled the old homepage. I think you're right, if the homepage is more engaging then people may stick around for longer.
  13. @iamdavehart You are awesome! I tried everything except that. I completely forgot about the embed feature and to be fair I'm surprised it worked (assumed it was mainly for videos). We'll keep it on the DL as Square Space support didn't even know this. When they find out they'll make the embed block premium plans only.. Would you mind testing the site for usability? https://rangerclub.uk
  14. Site URL: https://rangerclub.uk We are looking to embed ideally a custom Google map with multiple pinned locations within a single layer. This is easily done but uses JavaScript / iframe which isn't in our Square Space plan. Are there any other viable options? Google Maps does allow exporting to KML/KMZ.
  15. Site URL: https://rangerclub.uk Would anyone spare a few minutes so test out our website (we are a UK based, members only truck club). It's been developing for over a year now and has a fair bit of content. Ideally it should be as easy to use as possible but due to my extensive use at this point I'm biased when judging the site's usability. I'm most worried about mobile use as desktop use is only 20-30% percent. To save money we have the basic Personal Plan and I've done everything in my power to avoid the limitations (mainly no JavaScript / iframe). I've made custom 'member's only areas' (before it was a Square Space option) by making password protected pages.
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