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Everything posted by Beyondspace

  1. Try adding to Home > Design > Custom Css .form-wrapper input { background: unset !important; } Let me know how it works
  2. Can you share your site with the protected password so we can easily take a look?
  3. Your site is private now. Kindly provide it a protected password
  4. You can try adding to Home > Design > Custom Css @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .gallery-grid-wrapper { grid-template-columns: repeat(3,1fr) !important; } } Let me know how it works on your site
  5. Can you have some screenshot or demo view so we can get your idea?
  6. Can you take some screenshot of it?
  7. Can you share your site so we can take a look? (provide site-wide password also)
  8. Have you added the embed code injection to your site? I can not find it
  9. Regarding the related product, you can follow the instruction via the link: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033322792-Displaying-related-products Hope it can help
  10. You can try the following code to modify the spacing between letters section[data-section-id="6269671f6024a56078d439b0"] h3{ letter-spacing: 5px; }
  11. Do you mean the reducing the space of heading 'the focus and mood company.'?
  12. You can try the following code for summary .summary-content { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .summary-title { order: 2; } Let me know how it goes
  13. Can you share your site with the protected password so we can take a look?
  14. Do you mean clicking on the hamburger icon on the desktop view will show the navigator?
  15. You can try the following code @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { div#page-section-60615955e6fb7c423bfac5d6 .span-12 .span-4 { width: 100% !important; display: flex; } .image-block { width: 50%; } } Let me know how it works on your site
  16. I can not find the URL on the banner section Can you show some screenshots of it?
  17. I though you don't want it to be your home page. Do I miss any of your point? Can you describe more detail?
  18. I think we can set another page as home page so the splash page won't be home page any more
  19. Your site is private now. Kindly set it a protected password so we can take a look
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