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Everything posted by brandonhendrickson

  1. Thank you! That's rotten to hear — it makes Squarespace's option of "Digital Products" much less helpful for those of us doing online education. But I very much appreciate you being clear about this.
  2. I have a digital product (a subscription), and I'd like to include a form for people to fill out when they purchase it. How might I do that? I sorta assume I'm just overlooking a built-in functionality, but if this doesn't yet exist, I'm willing to engage in some CSS to make it happen. (If it helps to see the digital product, you can scroll partway here: scienceisWEIRD.com/year-1) Thanks in advance!
  3. I’ve created a course (yay to Squarespace for introducing courses!), now I just need to get that course onto my store page (or, more precisely, a summary block). When I go into my store, I can’t find the course. I think I understand why this is: Squarespace allows us to make different stores, and courses aren’t included in the regular store. Okay. I can maybe swing with that, because I don’t even technically use the “store” page on my site — I have a “grab a seat” page (scienceisWEIRD.com/grab-a-seat) which uses summary blocks to filter different items for different sections. I’d like to (really, I need to) get my new course to show in one of those summary blocks. When I make a new summary block, I see that I am able to add a course — but instead of showing the course (and letting people buy it), it lists the specific chapters of my course. A dark feeling in my stomach tells me that, maybe, this isn’t what Squarespace wants us to do? That they want us, instead, to not have a store page anymore, and to sell things on individual pages? If anyone knows if this is the case, please let me know — I’ll need to find a workaround solution. (I have an established site, and less flexibility than some might.) I’ve turned this all into a quick video — https://youtu.be/umxKIfE4AX0 Right after I recorded it, I had an insight — could I modify a “digital product block” to look like the other ones? I threw that into another video — https://youtu.be/21aPA4WkGpc ANY help you can give would be appreciated! If no easy solution presents itself, I’m willing to pay someone to do the CSS to make this work. - brandon
  4. You're right that mucking around with something else on the page does give the ability to save the page. But when I do that, 9 times out of 10, the changes to the form still don't save.
  5. Absolutely — https://www.scienceisweird.com/01-universe (I didn't, only because I thought it'd be paywalled. Actually, now I'm confused that it's not, but that's a question for another day!)
  6. I'm just starting to transition my online teaching business to using Squarespace's new "Courses" feature, and so far I'm loving it! My big question right now: how can I remove the notification of the number of lessons (in each chapter) on my "Course Overview" page? The reason: my business doesn't use the terms "lessons" and "chapters" the same way Squarespace does. (For us, each lesson has multiple chapters, rather than the other way 'round.) If I let it say the number of "Lessons", it'll get super-confusing for students. Alternately, if it's possible to edit it to say "1 chapter" (instead of "1 lesson"), that'd do just fine, too. Thanks in advance!
  7. I can't edit successfully any of the form blocks I've made. When I'm editing them, the edits do show up on the page. (For example, if I add a "Name" field, the field shows up at the bottom.) But when I then try to "save" the page, I'm not able to. The option is greyed out. (This happens regardless of the edit I'm trying to make.) This happens to at least two of my SS sites. Does anyone else experience this? I've been putting up with it for a year, but it's really beginning to get in the way of keeping up my site.
  8. Chiming in here — I use Squarespace to sell my multi-month classes (scienceisWEIRD.com). It would help my company greatly to be able to show when we're out of seats in a particular class, but since we do subscriptions, this seems impossible. If anyone from Squarespace is listening, it would be very, very helpful to allow subscriptions to have an inventory. (The next best option, as paul2009 has correctly put it, is to just hide an item. That confuses potential clients — who assume that they're missing something.) This definitely isn't enough for me to stop using Squarespace for my store... but it's a straw on the camel's back! This seems like a simple fix, too. Does anyone else have a workaround to this?
  9. Okay, I think this is the strangest error I've ever found in Squarespace: I'm editing my site, but any edits I make can't be seen in an actual browser, or on any device. I can, however, see the changes in the "in-Squarespace" editing window. I've found this is true, so far, for both minor text edits and changes to custom checkout forms. I only noticed this problem today. Maybe it'll clear up on it's own? (In the meantime, I'm losing money — I need to edit a form in order to end a promotion, and I can't.) There's something else wrong (that might hint as to a larger problem): for the last few months, whenever I've wanted to save an edit... I click "Save" in the upper-left corner The "Save" button turns gray Nothing else happens — there's no indication it "saved" And yet it did save — I just hit "Exit", and find the changes have been made! (I can see those changes both in the "in-Squarespace" editing window, and, before today, in an actual browser.) All in all, it's like a giant glass dome has been placed over Squarespace; nothing that happens inside can change the outside world. (Yeah, it does feel a little Stephen-King-y.) Anyone have any ideas? Notes: As a test of whether the site is (actually) updating, I've made a deliberate error on a page of my site. My last name is spelled "Hendrickson" (with only one "n" at the end); on my "Team" page, I've deliberately changed it to be spelled "Hendricksonn" (with two "n"s). At present, the misspelling is not showing up on any real browsers. If you look on that page, and see my name with two "n"s, it means the problem has gone away!
  10. Sure — scienceisWEIRD.com All the images on my homepage use the "tilt-down" style.
  11. I'd like to make all the images on my site have the "tilt-down" animation — or, better yet, have that be the default. I thought I could do this by going to "Site Styles" and "Animations", but I find that (1) "Tilt Down" isn't an option there, and (2) this is for all site elements — including text and other things that aren't images. Does anyone know a way to make all my images default to an animation style? (This isn't crucial. I have a lot of images, and this would just save a bunch of time.)
  12. On my site, I've never been able to get the buttons (on the bottom of a form) to align. When editing the form, I can click "design" and then click "button alignment [center] [or right]", but it's always left-justified. This is not the world's largest tragedy! But I wonder... Is this a known problem? Is there any bit of code that might help me make this work?
  13. Holy crap, this worked for me too! (I know that shouldn't be surprising, but I'm not very good at this, and I was trying to bring in an SVG from a different site — HeroPatterns.com? And I really didn't think it would go well.) Here's mine: section[data-section-id="6335a2837b42dc14fa98c077"] .section-background { background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg width='100' height='20' viewBox='0 0 100 20' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3E%3Cpath d='M21.184 20c.357-.13.72-.264 1.088-.402l1.768-.661C33.64 15.347 39.647 14 50 14c10.271 0 15.362 1.222 24.629 4.928.955.383 1.869.74 2.75 1.072h6.225c-2.51-.73-5.139-1.691-8.233-2.928C65.888 13.278 60.562 12 50 12c-10.626 0-16.855 1.397-26.66 5.063l-1.767.662c-2.475.923-4.66 1.674-6.724 2.275h6.335zm0-20C13.258 2.892 8.077 4 0 4V2c5.744 0 9.951-.574 14.85-2h6.334zM77.38 0C85.239 2.966 90.502 4 100 4V2c-6.842 0-11.386-.542-16.396-2h-6.225zM0 14c8.44 0 13.718-1.21 22.272-4.402l1.768-.661C33.64 5.347 39.647 4 50 4c10.271 0 15.362 1.222 24.629 4.928C84.112 12.722 89.438 14 100 14v-2c-10.271 0-15.362-1.222-24.629-4.928C65.888 3.278 60.562 2 50 2 39.374 2 33.145 3.397 23.34 7.063l-1.767.662C13.223 10.84 8.163 12 0 12v2z' fill='%23e2a47d' fill-opacity='0.4' fill-rule='evenodd'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");}
  14. Site URL: https://www.rochestertag.com/ So... I hate it — like, hate hate it, like can't use it without screaming curses... and I'm honestly confused as to why this isn't the dominant conversation topic in the SS community. Can anyone shed light on this? My experience: I've made oodles of sites in SS. I love(d) SS, and have been an enthusiastic evangelist. When I started my newest site, I found out that I'm required to use FluidEngine. I wasn't excited about this — it promised a learning curve that I didn't want to take on in a busy month — but, whatever. Gotta roll with the punches. My experience of FluidEngine so far has been nothing but woe. I have three questions for anyone who can share their experiences. 1. What's the benefit supposed to be, again? The primary benefit (to judge by all the videos I've watched on YouTube) is that now we can stack words on top of images. This is a neat feature that I do not need to use. So the primary improvement is, for me, no improvement. (Am I wrong about this? Is there another, better feature that FluidEngine is supposed to give us?) 2. Now it's more complicated to make a page, right? Even if I were really good at using Fluid Engine (and... maybe I will be, someday? maybe I'll stick with SS?... maybe?), it seems like it would still be significantly more work to make a simple page. I get the drift that the old philosophy of Squarespace ("Build it beautiful") was to limit the number of decisions we could make, to nudge our sites into elegance. (Wanted to complicate it? That's what CSS was for.) Now it feels like they've flipped the philosophy — we're forced to make tons of decisions just to put up something simple. (Am I wrong about this?) 3. It's hard to get the spacing to work on mobile, right? Like... REALLY hard, right? I loved — loved — how effortlessly my sites used to appear in mobile. There were times I had to wrestle with it, but they were rare, and only when I was trying to do something weird. But now — please, please tell me if you have a different experience — the spacing for mobile is really hard to work out! Like, IMPOSSIBLE to work out. I didn't trust my judgment of this until I saw this video by Will Myers. His solution (a code injection, some custom CSS, and some juggling) is ingenious — and should not be necessary to ensure a site looks good on a phone. (It's telling that, during his explanation, he struggles to make it work. Check out 7:20 — "This is something you need to be careful of, because I don't think Squarespace really likes you doing this, it wants to just force the extra space for some reason, I'm not really too sure why.") (God, am I wrong about this? Please tell me I'm wrong about this. Whenever I try to imagine the folks at Squarespace — who have up to now been such fastidious designers — saying, "ah, screw spacing, nobody cares about spacing!" my mind explodes.) Is anyone else being driven flipping insane by this? And does anyone know if there's a way to opt out of Fluid Design, even if for the near-term future?
  15. Oh my gosh, Fluid Engine is worse than I feared. I ended up biting the bullet and putting a few hours into learning it yesterday, and find out it's incredibly buggy when it comes to how it displays a page on a smart phone. Example: it's very common for me to put an element (e.g. a social link) at the bottom of a section, only for it to appear (on a phone) at the top of the section. (Does this also appear in the "mobile view" preview? Yes. Can I edit in the "mobile view" preview? No, confusingly.) Another example: there's a long, empty space in one of the sections (about 1 screen tall) that appears in mobile view. Can I get it out? Nope. I trust that SS will fix these problems. In the meantime, it'd be nice if I could make a good-looking website using the old SS. Squarespace employees who might be reading this: you're putting your product at risk. You're gambling with your company.
  16. I'm a longtime Squarespace user, and I'm looking to throw together a quick one-page site for a not-for-profit that I run. I logged on this morning to make it, and found that... everything has changed? I'm referring, I gather, to "Fluid Engine". I had already been adept at using 7.1, but suddenly lots of stuff looks different, and making anything is hard. I'm sure that once I get used to it it'll be wonderful blah blah blah... but in the meantime I'd really just like to make a quick new website, and not have to re-teach myself the fundamentals of Squarespace. Is it possible for me to "turn off" Fluid Engine?
  17. I think I'm flabbergasted that, two years into most events being held virtually, Squarespace hasn't yet made a way to show event times in local timezones! My business runs events with people across North America: only showing one time zone is a major problem! How major? About 20% of the way to getting me excited about creating a website on a different platform. Why? The lack of this means that I'm certain I'll have people signing up for events that they can't attend. This is a black mark on my company. Gah.
  18. Site URL: http://www.scienceisWEIRD.com/write-us None of the "submit" buttons in my forms will center justify... even when I tell them to! (They also won't right justify, or whatever. They're all left justified.) Perhaps the problem is some custom code I put in a year ago. Here 'tis: /* BLUE form button color */ .sqs-block.form-block .form-wrapper input[type="submit"] { display: block; background: #0BA2FE; color: white; border:none; font-size: 22px !important; font-weight: 400; border-radius: 2px cursor: pointer; } And even if that's not the problem, maybe there's a line I can add in there that will fix the problem? Any/every idea would be appreciated!
  19. Site URL: http://www.scienceisWEIRD.com I'm trying to unclutter my header, and I've made some progress in that by making the cart "hidden" when it's empty (huzzah!). But this creates an open space between the main navigation links and the button. I'd love to move the cart to be before the links. Is this possible? (Suddenly this seems like an elaborate setup for a lame "Putting Descartes before the links" philosophy–golf joke? I promise I mean the question in earnest!)
  20. Site URL: http://www.scienceisWEIRD.com I feel like this should be easy, but darned if I'm not stuck! I'd like to create a link directly to a specific product. (Rather than, say, a link to a Store page.) I can't figure out how to do this! I can edit the product, and go to "Options". There, I can see "Product URL". I can copy (part of) that, and type in the rest. (It's hard to explain, but I've attached a screenshot.) This is what (I believe) it's telling me the URL: https://www.scienceisweird.com/grab-a-seat/p/water-is-weird-deposit-59tjj And yet that URL turns up a 404! I'm sure I'm missing something, but have no idea what it might be. Help, please!
  21. Hmm — I'm having the same problem, and @tuanphan (who, let's be clear, really is a star!)'s answer isn't working for me. Could it be because I'm using SS 7.1? If anyone has a notion on how to center-align a single product, please do share!
  22. Site URL: http://www.adhdsat.com Hullo! I'm trying to connect PayPal to one of my Squarespace sites. IT IS NOT WORKING. What's happening: I'm clicking Commerce I'm clicking Payments I'm clicking Connect PayPal I'm typing in my PayPal login info I'm seeing "You've successfully authorized Squarespace!" I'm getting a choice — "Go back to Squarespace" or "Continue to PayPal setup" Regardless of which I choose, when I eventually go back to Squarespace, I'm seeing "the rotating circle of death" over where it used to say "Connect PayPal" (image attached) I'm waiting for minutes; it's not going away I'm clicking the "back" button on Squarespace, to go back to the "Commerce" menu I'm clicking "Payments" again, to see if this stuck! I'm discovering it has not: it says "Connect PayPal" as if I had not just done that Repeat, repeat, repeat. No change. The funny thing is, this same problem occurred before, with the same PayPal account, and a different website. We tried it for DAYS, before it randomly worked. I'd love it if, this time, we could just get it to work! Any ideas? Thanks in advance! - brandon
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