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  1. Hey Kids. I hope you're all doing well. Need some quick advice on how to handle a PDF form. I am converting a website from WP (YAY!) and they have a form that gets filled out via a PDF. Is there a way natively in SQSP that can handle it? I thought about using the contact form but it's a bit complicated. Attached is the form I need to be integrated on the new site. Thanks!
  2. Is there a way to have hide an image specifically in the footer?
  3. Thanks @justin.mabee, appreciate your input and advice, you're a star.
  4. Would love to piggyback off this thread and get some advice from @justin.mabee about moving a site from WP to SQSP: Hey there, fellow Squarespace enthusiasts! I'm reaching out to this amazing community to ask for some advice on a project I'm tackling for a very special client – my wonderful wife, Miss Beefy! 💕 She's currently using a WordPress site that's proven to be a bit too complex for her needs (I wasn't the creator). I'm certain that I can create a more user-friendly experience for her by rebuilding the site on the Squarespace platform. For those of you who have experience migrating sites, I would truly appreciate your insight on the following: Pricing: What do you think is a reasonable rate to charge for a project like this? Timeline: How long have similar migrations taken you in the past? I'll share the link to the current site for reference. Thank you all in advance for sharing your knowledge and experiences. Your feedback is invaluable to me, and I can't wait to make this transition a success for Miss Beefy! 🚀 https://www.cultivateevolvefinancial.com/
  5. I'm still working on the site. Have you worked on a code for it before? I can find where I adjust the header font I just can't get the font I uploaded to work.
  6. Hey Kids. Why isn't my custom font working on the buttons? What did I miss? Here's the code and you can see the snapshot. h3, .header-nav-item a, .sqs-block-button-element--small, .sqs-button-element--tertiary { font-family: 'BrittanySignature', sans-serif; }
  7. Did some updates on my site since then, any thoughts y'all? https://bardamuconsulting.ca/
  8. Hey there, fellow Squarespace enthusiasts! I'm reaching out to this amazing community to ask for some advice on a project I'm tackling for a very special client – my wonderful wife, Miss Beefy! 💕 She's currently using a WordPress site that's proven to be a bit too complex for her needs (I wasn't the creator). I'm certain that I can create a more user-friendly experience for her by rebuilding the site on the Squarespace platform. For those of you who have experience migrating sites, I would truly appreciate your insight on the following: Pricing: What do you think is a reasonable rate to charge for a project like this? Timeline: How long have similar migrations taken you in the past? I'll share the link to the current site for reference. Thank you all in advance for sharing your knowledge and experiences. Your feedback is invaluable to me, and I can't wait to make this transition a success for Miss Beefy! 🚀 https://www.cultivateevolvefinancial.com/
  9. @tuanphan Thanks for all your help as always! How do I target custom fonts for my buttons and specifically the button in my header? Thanks!
  10. Sorry for the late response, I just saw this. I actually cleaned it up myself. Here's what I use in my header and footer. The header has some code to animate it on hover. /* General Styles and Fonts */ @font-face { font-family: 'bardamu'; src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ea09fdeda648813f7c13c91/t/6524985acca51321b283614d/1696897114218/Bardamu+Regular.otf'); } :root { --color1: #FFFFFF; --color2: #D3B575; --color3: #E82B02; --color4: #373838; --color5: #000000; --background-gradient: linear-gradient(99deg, #F1F1EF, #C87B28, #32273B); --transition-fast: 0.2s ease-in; --transition-normal: 0.3s ease-in-out; } body, h4, .sqs-block-button-element, .sqs-announcement-bar-url a { font-family: 'bardamu', sans-serif; } html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } .anchor-link { scroll-margin-top: 150px; } .background-pause-button { display: none; } /* Header Styles */ .header-actions .btn, .header-menu .header-menu-cta a { box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border: 1px solid #eee; background-color: #f0f0f0; color: #333; transition: all var(--transition-normal); } .header-actions .btn:hover, .header-menu .header-menu-cta:active a { box-shadow: 3px 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); transform: translateY(4px); opacity: 0.9; } /* Header Navigation Animated Underline */ .header-nav-item a { position: relative; overflow: hidden; display: inline-block; } .header-nav-item a::after { content: ''; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 50%; width: 0; height: 2px; background-color: var(--color2); transition: width 0.3s ease, left 0.3s ease; } .header-nav-item a:hover::after, .header-nav-item a:focus::after { width: 100%; left: 0; } /* Custom Social Media Icons - Header */ .header-actions-action--social .icon--fill:nth-of-type(1), .header-menu-actions-action:nth-of-type(1) { svg { display: none; } background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } .header-actions-action--social .icon--fill:nth-of-type(1) { background-image: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ea09fdeda648813f7c13c91/t/65dd832df0c37548de5677d9/1709015854088/bluesky-social-logo-06243b-seeklogo.com.png'); } .header-menu-actions-action:nth-of-type(1) { background-image: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ea09fdeda648813f7c13c91/t/65a8afc94770023a04db85b6/1705553865937/bluesky-social-logo-Mobile.png'); } /* Social Media Icons Interaction */ .header-actions-action--social a, .social-icon { transition: transform 0.3s ease, color 0.3s ease; display: inline-block; } .header-actions-action--social a:hover, .social-icon:hover { transform: scale(1.69); color: var(--color2); } .header-actions-action--social a:active, .social-icon:active { transform: scale(0.9); } /* Announcement Bar */ [data-header-theme] .sqs-announcement-bar-dropzone .sqs-announcement-bar { background: var(--background-gradient); background-size: 400% 400%; animation: gradientShift 6s ease infinite; } @keyframes gradientShift { 0%, 100% { background-position: 0% 49%; } 50% { background-position: 100% 52%; } } /* Button Styles */ .sqs-block-button-element { box-shadow: 3px 3px var(--color4); border: 1px solid var(--color4); transition: all var(--transition-fast); } .sqs-block-button-element:hover { box-shadow: none; transform: translateY(5px); opacity: 1; } /* Section-Specific Styles */ /* Home Section */ #block-1e4e511b4d319bbd6b7c { background-color: rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.2); border-radius: 8px; display: inline-block; padding: 5px; background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; text-align: center; } /* Blog Section */ section[data-section-id="652450d5d7113143d7599d1f"] img { border-radius: 25px; } /* Footer Styles */ footer .sqs-block-html a, footer .image-title-wrapper a, footer .image-subtitle-wrapper a, footer .sqs-image-caption a, footer .image-caption a, footer .sqs-block-newsletter a, footer .list-item-content__description a, footer .list-section-title a, footer .header .header-nav-wrapper a { text-decoration: none; } footer a:hover { text-decoration: underline; transition: all var(--transition-fast); } /* Mobile Optimization */ @media screen and (max-width: 640px) { footer * { text-align: left; } } /* Custom Scrollable Image Blocks */ #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1694302902520_3794, #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1694300586988_2013, #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1694301909911_2159 { height: 600px; overflow-y: scroll; } /* Additional Styles As Needed */ /* Hide Specific Collections or Sections */ #collection-5ea0f0db980ab54fa3b1474c header, section[data-section-id="63b7505de499f6d4f4a03996"] footer { display: none; } /* Footer Custom Social Media Icon */ .sqs-svg-icon--list a:nth-of-type(1) { svg { display: none; } background-image: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ea09fdeda648813f7c13c91/t/65a8afc94770023a04db85b6/1705553865937/bluesky-social-logo-Mobile.png'); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } /* Footer Custom Social Media Icon */ .sqs-svg-icon--list a:nth-of-type(1) { svg { display: none; } background-image: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ea09fdeda648813f7c13c91/t/65a8afc94770023a04db85b6/1705553865937/bluesky-social-logo-Mobile.png'); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; }
  11. I have the same problem with my services page which I feel should be indexed. I've requested it to be so a few times but nothing yet. Have you had any success or new insight here? Anyone?
  12. Great topic! I'll mention that I'm a graphic designer with ZERO artistic skills which wasn't easy. I launched a little web/graphic design n more company, Bardamu Consulting Services (check out the site if you're curious about the name) a few years ago and I'll share my original logo and the one now that I use. I'm thinking about evolving it even more. What changed? AI, of course. Now someone like me that can't sketch or create with my hands can now create anything with my words.
  13. Not sure to be honest but found the correct code and it's all good now. Thanks for helping out, I appreciate it!
  14. Hey Justin! Thanks for that. The Code that did work for me was: .header-actions-action--social a:nth-of-type(1) { svg { display:none; } background-image: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/.../bluesky-social-logo...); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } But it didn't work on mobile, so I added this: @media screen and (max-width: 640px) { .header-actions-action--social a:nth-of-type(1) { /* Your mobile-specific styles here */ background-image: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/.../bluesky-social-logo...); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } } But that didn't work. Thoughts? Thank you!
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