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Everything posted by CDuMez

  1. A Donation page user option to choose donation frequency (one-time, monthly, etc.) is a charity standard practice. It would be great for Squarespace to add this option, rather than requiring the use of a third party like Donorbox...and chewing up donations with yet another fee.
  2. That's it! The "collection-type-products" did the trick! THANK YOU!
  3. Thanks for responding, Lesum! I already had that code in my site-wide Custom CSS. It works for all pages except for my Store page. If you meant I should add that code to the Store page's Code Injection, when I tried that it just added a 50px black band across the top.
  4. I've successfully used CSS to adjust the banner image height and padding on my website (www.gratefulnation.us). However, that solution doesn't get applied to my Store page for some reason. Any ideas on how to apply the same settings to my Store page? https://www.herocards.us/store Bedford template, 7.0.
  5. Commerce has an option for “Per Order” and “Per Item” pricing. The problem is that if a customer buys a quantity of 1, BOTH of those get applied to that order! So I have Per Order set at $0, Per Item set higher than I normally would (bad for higher quantities). Is there a way to set it for single-item shipping, then another price per item above 1? Example: Coffee mug order of 1 = $5 shipping, each additional mug $2 shipping. Using Per Order $5 and Per Item $2, anyone purchasing 1 coffee mug pays $7 shipping under Squarespace's setup. Printful has "Single Product" and "Additional Product" shipping prices, which is what I'd like to use in my Squarespace store. Squarespace doesn't appear to work this way. Am I missing something?
  6. There seems to be very little control over Squarespace email template design! The header section resizes images to put extra space left and right. So I make the header empty, and use an image section as the top of my email. I'd also like to remove the top margin/padding so my image top aligns with the top of the email. Does anyone know a way to do this? I'm looking to remove the gray space above the email content:
  7. Well, I found my own answer. But it's not a very satisfactory one! Squarespace on iOS arranges products in alphabetical order. It's impractical, but you can rename your products alphabetically to force the order you want. However, if you use numbers, it will sort them as Product 1, Product 10, Product 11… instead of Product 1, Product 2, Product 3… It would be nice if you could drag your most important product to the first slot, and arrange them the same way you can in your online store! Better yet, it would be intuitive if your product gallery in the Squarespace iOS POS tool would just duplicate exactly how you have it in your online store [sigh]! Squarespace Help tells me they're sending my request to the development team. So...it should be a matter of days if not hours before they implement this fix. 😉
  8. I'm using Square + Squarespace POS on iOS. In Commerce > Start New Transaction, the two view options are Grid and List. However, the order of the products shown in either view is not the same as my online store. This is problematic because my products are entitled Card Pack 1, Card Pack 2, Card Pack 3...and so on. The app lists products in a random order: Card Pack 7, 4, 8, 11, 2...etc. So in front of a customer who wants to be on their way, I'm wasting their time by having to hunt around for the Card Packs they've ordered. Is there any way to rearrange the order of products in iOS POS product views? I can't find anything. The settings (gear icons) don't offer much of anything. Save me!
  9. Same here. And for me it's not an issue with Chrome. It's happening in both Chrome and Safari (Mac desktop).
  10. Thank you tuanphan! That works perfectly! If I may presume to aske for more...do you know how I could center and italicize that text via Custom CSS?
  11. For legal/tax purposes, I'd like to add a simple text block to my Store page in a 7.0 Bedford site: “All sales are subject to approval at the home office in Wisconsin.” I could add that to each product page, but would like to have it on my main Store page. Aside from the banner, is there some way to add a simple text block to the main Store page(s)? Ideally, that would go either immediately before or after the product thumbnails. www.herocards.us/store
  12. The first option had no effect, but the second one did the trick! It impacts all pages, rather than just the main page. Not ideal, but much preferable to pushing page content off the screen on my main page! Thanks so much, Ziggy!
  13. Thanks for the fast response, Ziggy! I tried that solution, but there's no change.
  14. On the home page of my site, https://www.herocards.us/, I'd like to reduce the padding slightly between the navigation and title, and also the buttons and bottom edge (shown in red). Ideally, I'd like to do this on the home page only, as other pages seem fine. The background is a looping video. There are a lot of Forum CSS solutions for gallery pages and other similar situations. But I can't seem to find anything for adjusting this spacing on a Bedford template Home page. Can anyone help me with this CSS coding?
  15. Thanks for taking the time, paul2009...and for the thorough answers! Responding to "You don't explain...": If you look at the main URL, you'll see that we add “12 new Hero Cards, 12 new Hero Stories…every month.” That would grow the site by 144 pages per year at a minimum. I have considered the blog option but found the design limitations to be too much of a compromise. I also need to give each Hero story page a number URL (which is printed on the back of a physical card) e.g.: https://www.herocards.us/hero83. Those URLs are already printed on our cards, so I can't change the URL format. I'm not sure how to pull that specific URL off using the blog format. I'll revisit the blog collection solution, as it may be the only possibility for staying on the Squarespace platform. If I can't bend that to fit my desired design and solve the URL convention...I'll have to (unwillingly) move everything to a different platform. UGH! Thanks again for sharing your expertise! -Craig
  16. Site URL: http://www.herocards.us I'm well aware of Squarespace page count limits, so please don't respond with a link to that explanation. My site is approaching 100 pages and will grow by at least 12 pages per month. I'm also aware of some workarounds to game the page count limitations (using blogs, galleries, etc.). My questions are: Will Squarespace ever expand the limits so larger sites can stay on their platform? How does browser loading of pages work with Squarespace? Does it somehow need to load an entire site? Or does is load one page at a time? Are the limitations mainly because of the cost of server space…or load times (see above)? I'd gladly pay more for more server space. I do love Squarespace and am now well integrated with Commerce, Email Campaigns... and now looking at the new Custom Merch feature. I don't want to be forced to transfer everything to a different platform down the road because of page limitations! But if this will never be increased by Squarespace, I have no choice. It's best to do it now with <100 pages, rather than in a couple of years when we have much more content to redo. Advice?
  17. Same question here. I'm using a cover page (7.0 sites only), which does have a newsletter function. But I don't like that this requires 3 levels for the user—click on the social post, click the button on the landing page, then finally click the SUBMIT button to sign up. I'd love to remove that middle step! I'm also not a fan of the footer signup option, as Bedford 7.0 template takes up a HUMONGOUS amount of screen real estate. It would be great to be able to send someone directly to the newsletter sign-up popup!
  18. Site URL: https://www.herocards.us I'd like advice on the best way to create a page (Bedford template) filled with links that are sortable by category. My site has story pages for individual U.S. service members, and it's growing rapidly. My thought is to have a one-stop page that links for each service member, numbered consecutively. Ideally, the user would click Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or Space Force, and the list would reflect their choice. No need for images or descriptions. Just a page that fills with the names, which link to the service member’s individual page. It's simple enough to do a long list of text links. But I need help on how to make the sortable categories.
  19. Thanks Paul2009. While I don't like the answer itself, I DO like that you responded and saved me the time of continuing to troubleshoot something that can't be changed! Much obliged!
  20. Site URL: https://www.herocards.us In Bedford template (7.0), I want to edit the customer notification emails for gift cards. I know where to do that, but one of my edits is not working. The default text in the Subject area is "A Gift for {Site Title}". This makes no sense. The gift is not for my site! I want to change it to "A Gift for {Recipient Name}!" The template does allow me to type it exactly that way and save it. But the {Recipient Name} fill-in function does not work. It seems that only {Site Title} can be in the Subject area. Maybe I could just delete {Site Title} and use plain text "You" as a work-around. But can anyone help me understand why {Recipient Name} can be used in the body of the email, but not in the subject area?
  21. Site URL: https://www.herocards.us I just set up Gift Cards (Bedford template, 7.0). All works well, except that in my test all notifications go to the Gift Card Recipient. I tested placing an order to send the Gift Card to another person, then canceled the order to test the refund process. Two of the emails rightly go to the Recipient. But two emails referring to my credit card purchase should go to the Purchaser, rather than the Recipient. - Gift Card “Order Confirmed” email showing the last 4 credit card digits (should go to Purchaser) - Gift Card Issued notification email with unique code (to Recipient, correct) - Gift Card Voided email (to Recipient, correct) - Gift Card “refund has been issued” email showing the last 4 credit card digits (should go to Purchaser) Am I missing something?
  22. Update: Squarespace Support confirms that my sitemap.xml file is correct, and set to public. They say it's a Google Console issue and send me to the GC Support, which is just another help forum. I've tried every solution submitted there, and have not had my sitemap fetched now for 6 weeks. I don't want to leave Squarespace, but I have to be able to get some SEO love or I'll be out of business fast! While it doesn't seem to be a Squarespace issue, I have to try something! Anyone?
  23. Yes, that's correct Ed. Thanks so much for considering my issue! I've submitted it as you show it (https://www.herocards.us/sitemap.xml), and also did the double// before sitemap.xml as some other online forums suggested. Neither one solves the "couldn't fetch" problem. Any ideas? -Craig
  24. Site URL: https://www.herocards.us/ Google Console appears to be indexing my site but says "couldn't fetch" every time I try to submit the sitemap.xml. There are other forum posts about this, but the only resolutions I'm seeing range from "wait" to "don't worry." It has been a month since I first submitted my sitemap, and I'm still getting "couldn't fetch" under GC Sitemap, and "Indexed, not submitted in sitemap" when I do a URL Inspection. Help!
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