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  1. Thanks @Lesum I actually found this plugin that made this much easier to implement: https://www.will-myers.com/products/p/tabs-plugin-for-squarespace
  2. The above solution does work! But I also found this plugin that made this much easier to implement: https://www.will-myers.com/products/p/tabs-plugin-for-squarespace
  3. Thansk @tuanphan! The code above worked for the most part, but has also created some new issues: The text links run outside of the dropdown background It would be ideal to have the lines break so in the screenshot below, there would be 4 lines of text instead of 2 The orange line at the top should only appear when hovering The code for the orange line moves the dropdown background below the header. I adjusted the code slightly to fix this, but that did not resolve the issue of the orange line not appearing Revised code for the orange line: /* NAV TOP LINE */ div.header-nav-item>a { height: 60px; justify-content: center; align-items: center; display: flex; } div.header-announcement-bar-wrapper { padding-top: 10px !important; padding-bottom: 10px !important; } .header-nav-item.header-nav-item--folder.header-nav-item--active { border-top: 3px solid #b87d4b !important; }
  4. @tuanphan URL: https://suncoconstruction.squarespace.com/ Password: sc-2024
  5. Hello! I am working on a section within a page that will require a "side-nav" type of feature. The content on the right side of the section will change based on the side-nav link that's selected (design screenshotted below). How should this be set up? I'm assuming it will require a bit of custom work, but I'm not really sure where to start.
  6. Hi! I'm working on a site that has this custom "card" feature (shown below). When the user clicks on the titles above the card, the text and image on the card will change. The structure of each card will be the same, I just don't know what kind of block to use for this? Or would anyone be able to help write some custom code for this feature, if it's not possible with the built-in block options?
  7. Hi! I'm working on a custom drop-down and have most of the styling in place, but needs some help getting this over the finish line. Here's what I'm needing some help with: add a 6px line above the link in the header when a drop-down is enabled. The line should be the same width as the drop-down, but be 6px tall and sitting at the top of the page above the menu link center align text in drop-down add drop-shadow under drop-down menu all links to be #1E1E1E (keep orange and bold effects on hover though) This is what the design should look like: And here's how it currently looks in Squarespace: Here's my current custom CSS: /* CHANGE DROPDOWN STYLES */ .header-nav-folder-content { background: #D1D7DF !important; } .header-nav-folder-title { pointer-events: none; } .header-nav-item--active a { background-image: none !important; color:#1B3760 !important; } .header-nav-folder-content { min-width: 90px !important; } .header-nav-folder-item--active .header-nav-folder-item-content { background-image: none!important; } /* HEADER LINKS */ .header-nav-item a:hover { color:#B87D4B !important; font-weight: bold!important; } .header-nav-item a:active { color:#1B3760 !important; } .header-nav-item a:active { color:#1B3760 !important; background-image: none !important; }
  8. I'm also dealing with this. I'm working with a nonprofit organization that has a physical storefront, online sales, and a donation platform. For the donations, they needed options for recurring payments, so they are using Givebutter to process donations. They use Stripe for online e-commerce sales and now it's confirmed that they have to use Square (a platform they just transitioned away from) for POS in their storefront. Transitioning to Squarespace was supposed to make their processes easier to manage 🥴
  9. Thanks for the quick reply! Yes, I just added the new book to https://www.jsricephotography.com/books-archive as a preview. He's currently using the Commerce Advanced subscription. He's working with Bookmobile for fulfillment/drop-shipping, and they required the Commerce Advanced plan for their integration
  10. I also have this need. I tried the summary block workaround, but it's not formatting well and isn't very user-friendly. My client sells photography books and he wants to see a description of each book on the store page. Here's a sample of what he's wanting to see on the store page: https://www.jsricephotography.com/books-archive And here's how the store is currently set up: https://www.jsricephotography.com/books Additional complexity: He's currently using a third party service for fulfillment on the books that are currently published, so the "Add to cart" buttons are linked to an external site. But, he's releasing a new book next week, which will use SquareSpace's cart for checkout, which is why we need to use the store page. Otherwise, I would have just stuck with the format on the /books-archive page 🙃
  11. I also need a solution for this. I'm managing a website for a faith-based nonprofit organization, which as mentioned above, is very common to have recurring donations. We're using Stripe for processing also. Is there a way to enable this on the Squarespace side?
  12. I'm experiencing the same issue. When embedding the form, users have to scroll within the form in order to fill the whole thing out. So, it's creating a scroll-in-scroll kind of experience where the page itself is so long that users have to scroll, but also the form has it's own scroll as well URL: https://peace-restored.squarespace.com/volunteer Password: LetMeIn I'll need to embed different Google Forms on multiple pages, so a solution that could work across the site would be ideal, if possible
  13. Oh my goshhhhh, I feel ridiculous. I guess I should have read that popup a little closer 🤣 Thank you!
  14. I've already re-assigned all posts to either Peace Restored Staff or Ann Madison. The ,Key profile is still there, but can't be deleted. I'm at the point where I'm just going to accept that it's some kind of bug and not put any more effort into trying to solve this 😅
  15. No, there isn't an error message. When I go to the ",Key" profile and select the Remove button, the ",Key" profile isn't available from the drop-down list. Screen Recording 2023-11-15 at 7.40.04 PM.mov
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