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Everything posted by zoebrock

  1. I haven't started - want to know if this is possible.
  2. Hi guys - any idea how to achieve this? See pic... We have a floating back to top on the left, and socials on the right. Both rotated. Hoping to replicate this effect but currently unable to find a plug in or any code that gets the same result. TIA here's the original site if that helps - Wordpress: https://holistichealthcorner.co.nz/
  3. I think it's a problem in my testimonials code but I can't figure out where. hmmmmmm
  4. Hi @tuanphan. This code worked wonders to stop my overflow - but it also cancelled other code I had installed to make all pages have sticky section scrolling.... any ideas? I've deleted yours for now as trying to find a way to keep the sticky scrolling functionality for the client. Thank you! https://think-nudge.squarespace.com/ password: Tuan
  5. You absolute superstar! Thank you so much! Hugs from New Zealand
  6. For some reason the text in the black banner is not situating itself in the middle (desktop issue only). Any ideas? I have several of these small banner dividers and they all look like crap currently... thx in advance!
  7. YES! Thank you!!!! You've saved the day. hugs!!!!! xoxoxoxo
  8. Site URL: https://athleticmindset.nz/athletes Today my client's website suddenly has a white bar at the top with a } in it across the entire site. I tried deleting all custom css to see if it resolved - no fix. Tried deleting everything in Advanced header and footer - no fix. Any ideas?! We were about to launch... yikes. Screen shot below:
  9. Hey Tuan! No, I want to either remove or re-align the text "email address". I'd also like to remove the actual BUTTON, and just have the words....
  10. Site URL: https://otipoti.squarespace.com/ Heyyy. This never ending website is killing me! Client wants a custom newsletter signup in the footer. I've gotten so far, but for the life of me can't figure out how to re-align the placeholder "email address" in the email field box (which is no longer a box). Pics attached show the problem. If anyone know how to also get rid of the actual button and just have the words "Sign Up", I'd be intrigued to learn! This is the code I've used: // Solid Underline Newsletter Form // .newsletter-form-field-element { border-bottom: solid 1px #242424 !important; background-color: transparent !important; border-top: none !important; border-left: none !important; border-right: none !important; } //NEWSLETTER FONT// body:not(.button-style-default) .newsletter-form .newsletter-form-button { font-family: OTIPOTI !important; font-size: 1.3rem !important; font-weight: 500 !important; padding: .8rem .8rem !important; } input { font-family: 'OTIPOTI'; letter-spacing: 0; font-size: 16px; line-height: 1em; padding: 15px 20px; background-color: transparent; @media screen and (max-width: 640px) { padding: 15px 15px; } @media screen and (max-width: 420px) { padding: 17px 0 17px 12px; } display: block; border: none; &::placeholder{ font-family: 'OTIPOTI'; font-size: 24px; line-height: 1em; letter-spacing: 0; position: center color: #868383 !important; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1350px) { width: ~"calc(70% - 8px)"; } @media screen and (max-width: 1200px) { width: ~"calc(64%)"; } @media screen and (max-width: 1024px) { width: ~"calc(75%)"; }
  11. So crazy that this doesn't work for me. Same issue - no solution.
  12. I'm having the same problem here https://www.johngollings.com/
  13. Hi - https://www.johngollings.com/ - this site has a rotating slideshow autoplaying at the top of the homepage. It is MASSIVE on mobile view. I've tried every single one of the codes above in this thread and nothing worked to help resize it. PLease help!
  14. Hi yes it's the same one I emailed you about 🙂 The Enquire link in the lightbox pop ups for all the images on Johngollings.com
  15. This plug in reinstates all the gallery 7.0 options. Super easy. https://www.ghostplugins.com/steps/9ehnk49g
  16. This reverts the old gallery options incredibly easily. https://www.ghostplugins.com/steps/9ehnk49g
  17. This reverts the old gallery options incredibly easily. https://www.ghostplugins.com/steps/9ehnk49g
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