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Everything posted by LucyBold

  1. Hello there, This is the second time I run into this issue; when uploading a new product and filling up the info I set up a price (10,000 EUR) and all is good BUT when publishing this product the price shows as 100 EUR. Then, during checkout the price is correct. I did add some custom CSS to change the format of the pricing, not sure if this has something to do with it. Any help or hints are much appreciated!
  2. Thanks for getting into so much detail @tuanphan this is the spacing (in red) i will like to tweak? I can'y make it work with the code you provided.
  3. Hello there! I will like to make the email address box and the Sign Up button the same width (full width) on MOBILE only. I will like this to happen both on the CONTACT page https://www.lacalifornie.es/contact and the footer of my page. Ideally i will like to make the corners of the email address field totally squared to match the button, currently they are slightly curved. Thanks in advance!
  4. Thank you @tuanphan! The code to remove the overlay on hover worked perfectly but not the other one it does a weird jump. I wonder if it is simpler and possible to have what I achieve w you code show and currently live https://www.lacalifornie.es/studio show on hover?
  5. Great! thanks so much @tuanphan can I now add some CSS to adjust tweak type size and spacing between this two new links?
  6. Thank you @tuanphan! I tested and it woks. I have not implement your code yet, since I will like to remove the overlay effect the covers have on hover. If possible i will like to have this new layout show on hover instead. Something similar to this https://fawngalli.com Is this possible? Thanks so much!
  7. Hi @tuanphan I am looking to adjust the size and spacing of the links on the OVERLAY MENU VERSION on DESKTOP. See the screenshot I attached above. This overlay menu triggers at a specific browser width. I don´t need to change anything on the Mega Menu layout on Desktop. Let me know if this does not make sense, maybe I am not explaining right...
  8. Thank you @cecilesablayrolles I tested it and for now I think i might leave them. Your code worked though 🙂
  9. Hi @tuanphan. What I am looking for is to adjust the size of the links and sub-links (under SHOP) as well as the spacing on the OVERLAY MENU DESKTOP VIEW only. I am happy with how the overlay menu on MOBILE VIEW link look right now so it is important to make sure I can style them separately. Is this possible?
  10. Thank you @Web_Solutions and lastly can i also remove this overlay in here https://www.lacalifornie.es The featured products at the end also has it
  11. Hi @tuanphan, your code is so close! Can the added background and Project title text added be part of the actual image instead of added to the bottom it? I prefer to keep the ratio of each cover as is. If wanted how can i adjust the font size? Thanks!
  12. Thank you thank you @tuanphan! I am getting SO close. Could a numbered navigation be added at the bottom and the title right on top? Keepin the whole image as a link opening on a new page. See mock up for reference
  13. Thanks @tuanphan it works nicely! I will like to do the same in this other page https://www.lacalifornie.es/all Can you help?
  14. Hi @tuanphan, My site is https://www.lacalifornie.es Thank you for looking into this!
  15. Hi @tuanphan! I am referring the Add to Bag button in this page: https://www.lacalifornie.es
  16. Hi! I am using my own fonts throughout my site. In Chrome everything looks good but in Safari pretty bad. Any idea why? Thanks in advance https://www.lacalifornie.es/all
  17. Hi! I will like to remove the WHITE OVERLAY or OPACITY effect that I have throughout my site when hovering on images. This currently happens: - https://www.lacalifornie.es FEATURED PRODUCTS towards the bottom - https://www.lacalifornie.es/studio PORTFOLIO PAGE - https://www.lacalifornie.es/studio/arco PROJECT PAGE (I need to maintain the lightbox on click) - https://www.lacalifornie.es/all PRODUCT LIST PAGE (I need to maintain the different image on hover) Any idea on how to do this? thanks in advance.
  18. Hello there, Since Squarespace does NOT offer shipping zones when setting up my e-commerce in Spain (Mainland, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) I am desperately trying to keep my store in SS and figure an option, alternative, workaround... Any help or tips much are appreciated!
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