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Everything posted by courseseller19

  1. @Collaborada wonderful, thank you so much! Side note - I have used your website before and it has been super helpful 🙂 thanks again!
  2. Hi All, One follow up question that is slightly different. If I am looking to have a single blog post with unique URLS embedded inside of that single post, is that possible in Squarespace? I essentially want users to be able to jump to different sections within a single blog post dynamically. For more context, a random Squarespace support article demonstrates this concept well. If the header level blog post is https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002123427-Sample-messages-for-your-privacy-policy?platform=v6&websiteId=64f385c8c5259602b5e0e417, I want to be able to create unique, section-level URLs such as the following (note the "#toc-XXXX" at the end): https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002123427-Sample-messages-for-your-privacy-policy?platform=v6&websiteId=64f385c8c5259602b5e0e417#toc-cookies https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002123427-Sample-messages-for-your-privacy-policy?platform=v6&websiteId=64f385c8c5259602b5e0e417#toc-fonts Is similar functionality available in Squarespace blogs?
  3. Thank you! That link helps. I also put together a file in Excel using text functions (LEFT, MID, RIGHT, etc.) to help automate this process somewhat. Maybe allowing for a dynamic/automated approach is something Squarespace could consider for a future release.
  4. Same issue here! Commenting for reach. Using the "File Details" approach also seems to have reduced the file size/resolution too.
  5. Thanks Shadmon. I had that same page bookmarked and was aware of the manual approach, but I was hoping for a more dynamic approach to avoid having to maintain a manual list. Even for a site that only has a few pages, going manual can result in large number of mappings (especially if you are looking to extra safe and cover every possible iteration of capitalization). For example, https://www.example.com/about https://www.example.com/About https://www.example.com/ABOUT https://www.example.com/aBout https://www.example.com/abOut https://www.example.com/aboUt https://www.example.com/abouT
  6. Hi All, I am looking for a way to standardize my 301 redirects so that a manual listing of every individual link is not needed. Specifically, I want wildcards or custom code so that versions of my URL slugs including any (or all) upper-case letters would redirect to the all lower-case versions used by Squarespace. I have heard that eliminating issues with upper-case and lower-case letters helps with SEO. An example of dynamic code is shown within the below, but I am not sure if this kind of code is supported within Squarespace. https://organicdigital.co/blog/how-to-convert-and-redirect-uppercase-url-characters-to-lowercase/ Sample Code Below from the Above Link: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} [A-Z] RewriteRule ^/?(.*)$ /${lowercase:$1} [R=301,L] One post I found made it sound like this was not possible on Squarespace unfortunately, but I wanted to see if this was still the case. Link provided below. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66532690/how-do-i-reduce-the-number-of-301-redirect-entries-using-wildcards-and-variables Thanks!
  7. FYI - making my Squarespace site password protected and sharing the password with Stripe support was enough to allow for verification while preventing my site from having to be published.
  8. Thanks Paul for the helpful reply as always. Apologies if I am being dense, but one more follow up question if I may - on my home page, I have a Newsletter block where visitors input their name/email address. Assuming a website visitor provides their information, I am able to automatically add them not only to my Contacts but also a mailing list (let's call it "Newsletter") of my choice upon them filling out this form (screenshot attached). However, on my Contact page, I have a custom form that includes a required email address field, and I have the "Email Signup" option toggled on so that visitors can sign up for news/updates from this form too. However, in the Storage settings for this custom form block (screenshot attached for this too - note my email is in there currently but I hid it in the screenshot for privacy purposes), I don't see a way to automatically add visitors who fill in the "Sign up for news and updates" checkbox to a specific mailing list (such as the same "Newsletter" mailing list from above). I do know that they are automatically added to my general "Contacts" listing. Am I missing something?
  9. Hi @paul2009, thanks for the helpful answer as always. Just wanted to double check - is this limitation still currently in effect? It seems that way based on what I am seeing within my site and also from the other more recent Squarespace forum thread here, but you tend to be the authority on here so I was hoping to double check with you 🙂. I know it is impossible to say for sure, but do you see this feature being addressed in a future release I hope? Thank you in advance!
  10. FYI I was able to get the below custom CSS code to work. There may be a better/cleaner option because I am a newbie, but this appears to work on both desktop and mobile. "NEW TEXT" is the placeholder for what you want the button to say. span.course-item__course-action-button-text.course-item__course-action-button-text--active { font-size: 18px; position: relative; color: transparent; } span.course-item__course-action-button-text.course-item__course-action-button-text--active::after { content: "NEW TEXT"; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; color: white; text-align: center; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; }
  11. For me this button now shows as "Learn More" on the course page. That said, did anyone pin down the custom CSS to change this button? I know the "Next Lesson" CSS was posted above, but I didn't see the CSS for the button mentioned in the original post. Thanks all
  12. Has anyone had any updates/progress on this item? I'm really hoping to include my courses in my store too.
  13. Have the same need and would be interested in the solution.
  14. I am planning on connecting Stripe to my Squarespace site in order to collect payments from customers. However, my Squarespace site is currently in private mode because I am putting the finishing touches on it. As a result, Stripe is unable to verify my website currently. I can finish my website and then publish it, but I am hesitant to publish my website without being able to accept payments. That said, I'm not sure how to get fully verified for Stripe without publishing my site prematurely. How have other Squarespace customers approached this situation? Is there a recommended approach for being able to avoid publishing your site before being able to accept payments?
  15. Hi All, I am a Squarespace newbie and have been doing some initial research on Squarespace Payments vs. Stripe for payment processing purposes. From my initial findings, it appears that the fees are the same for both options (https://www.collaborada.com/blog/squarespace-payments), but unlike Squarespace Payments, Stripe is compatible with products outside of the Squarespace ecosystem, such as Calendly. Although I am a huge fan of Squarespace thus far, Stripe obviously has more experience, scale, and transferability in the payment processing arena, but I figure I may be missing something. Does anyone know of any benefits to using Squarespace Payments compared to Stripe? In other words, why would folks chose to use Squarespace Payments instead of Stripe? Thanks in advance!!!
  16. Going back to the original question on the thread, what if you bundle a trivial physical good (think like a letter or a brochure) with your main product (the digital good)? Would this allow for a workaround solution for limiting sales to only the U.S. for digital goods? Thanks in advance!
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