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Everything posted by SEOSpace_Henry

  1. Keyword research is the FIRST step of SEO. I see a tonne of questions about how to get it right, so made a video breaking things down. Check it out below:
  2. Hi @visualizeent - I actually wrote a blog with Squarespace that should help here: https://www.squarespace.com/blog/how-to-do-seo-for-portfolio-website
  3. Thanks for getting back to me @Orosoko - I've just checked and it's showing up on my end fine - it might have been a caching issue?
  4. Hi @WHEBRU - you can't no - you have to rely on the sitemap Squarespace automatically generates for you at: yourURL.com/sitemap.xml What problems are you facing with your sitemap? Squarespace usually updates it within 24-48 hours automatically once you make changes.
  5. Hi @Orosoko - did you use SEOSpace btw? Feel free to send your site here and I'm happy to take a look at the H1.
  6. Hi everyone! I've just published a free mini course for Squarespace SEO in 2024. It walks you through how to use all of Squarespace's features and tools to get your website found. With 85% of Squarespace websites getting 0 organic traffic, these steps are crucial to attracting target customers. Check it out below and let me know if you have any questions! 👇
  7. Hi @Fortuna0 - happy to help! Here's a few tips that should help: Build a document which details info about your target customers/website visitors - what pain points and goals do they have, and what solutions do they look for? Use the above info to inform your keyword research; keywords are just search terms your target customers search for - here's a tutorial of how I find them: When you find your target keywords, it's then about optimising the web page you want to rank for a specific keyword. I.e. you need to communicate to Google you want to rank for that keyword. To do this, you need to complete the relevant SEO settings/info in Squarespace, such as: SEO title: This is the blue linked text that shows up on search engines - make it 50-60 characters and include the keyword. SEO description: This is the short paragraph below the blue linked text that shows up on search engines - make it 150-160 characters and include the keyword. Connect Google Search Console: Google Search Console is Google's native platform, where you tell it you're ready to display on search engines - I have a tutorial for this here: https://www.seospace.co/blog/squarespace-website-not-showing-up-on-google I understand the above was a lot of info! But feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
  8. Hey @locache83 - you should check out SEOSpace - it will give you Squarespace-specific recommendations, unlike Ubersuggest 👌
  9. Hi @LukeBurles - don't worry, you're not alone here! Sometimes Google displays information incorrectly - I've added a graphic which explains some reasons why your site isn't displaying properly or at all on Google. I've also just run a scan on your site with SEOSpace (below) and saw that your SEO title isn't 50-60 characters long - this is optimal for Google displaying it correctly, however, there are other things which come into play: Broken links - your works, blog and about links are broken in the footer Backlinks - if Google isn't ranking you correctly yet, it might be because you don't have enough links Google Search Console setup - as @Ziggy said, make sure you set up Google Search Console Below, I've also added a graphic which covers some other common reasons, but let me know if you have any questions.
  10. Hi @GBC - as long as the content is the same, and you didn't change the URL structure, moving to 7.1 shouldn't have any impact. There have been a lot of Google algorithm updates recently, which might have impacted your site, depending upon the niche, but feel free to send your site over and I'll take a look 👌
  11. Hi @Laura279 - could you send a screenshot of the image on search results, and your website so I can take a look please?
  12. Hi @NigelG - I think you'll have to add a link in the announcement bar to push people towards a landing page. On that page, you can have a form to allow people to join that mailing list 👌 I don't think it's possible to do directly from the bar.
  13. Hi everyone! I was looking to learn how to track custom events on Squarespace using Google Tag Manager, such as contact form submissions, and couldn't find a good guide. So, below, I've added a guide I made on how to set up Google Tag Manager on Squarespace and how to set up custom events. Squarespace Analytics is great for seeing an overview, but, for example, if you want to see where your leads come from (such as the landing page they land on and which source), you need Google Tag Manager. Hope it helps!
  14. Thanks @milanifloyd! Sorry to hear @sugarstudio - if you want to take a step back from social media, then SEO is definitely a great area to explore. While your phone being hacked sounds terrible, I wouldn't let it stop you from exploring getting reviews and doing SEO in the future—reviews, for example, are the foundations of most businesses, so to do business, really, requires reviews. If this is the main thing stopping you right now, it might be worth going above and beyond to stay secure online - use super secure passwords, a proper way to store passwords and setup 2 factor authentification.
  15. Hi @well_hello_jamie - I don't think there is unfortunately! That's one of the reasons I rely on Google Analytics.
  16. Hey @aboubakrvfx - I have a video on this topic which might help, feel free to check it out:
  17. Hey @BilO - thanks for posting this - happy to help. I ran your homepage through SEOSpace and found some things to improve, but I couldn't see any broken links. I've found from personal experience that building an accurate link checker is super difficult, so it might be the case that the one you used isn't incorrect. As long as: - The link works when you click it - There isn't a "hidden" link that is actually broken You'll be fine 👌
  18. Hi @Jaz_Currie_12 - unfortunately, your site needs to be public in order for Google to crawl it - reason being is, if it's not public, your sitemap won't be available to Google. I have a blog on this topic here: https://www.seospace.co.uk/blog/squarespace-website-not-showing-up-on-google
  19. Hi @SuffolkCindy - I'm not 100% sure, but I think it might be down to "opting in or not" - from my understanding, for the Mailchimp connection to work, people need to "opt-in" to marketing on the form. I've faced an issue like this in the past, and since moved to Zapier, however, hopefully someone else will have a concrete answer 👌
  20. Hi @Frihedssind - could you send your website through so I can take a look please?
  21. Hi @evemarden - following up on @Sifat_SEOSpace - here's the first thing I'd do: Your SEO description is currently 169 characters long (attached). Ideally, to maximise the chances of Google picking up on this correctly, you want it to be 150-160 characters long. Otherwise, it'll be "truncated," or Google might pick up other text (like it has here). Additionally, I checked on Ahrefs, and your domain authority is 0 - your domain authority (DR) is a score given to your website that deems how much of an authority you are on the internet. The higher your DR, the more likely Google is to "take your site seriously," correctly display you, and rank you higher for competitive keywords. You can increase your DR by getting more backlinks - I recently wrote an article on this for the Squarespace pros blog that @Arianna_SQSP will be sharing soon 🙌
  22. Hi @rainsscs - this is your "site title" 1. While in the edit mode, hover over your site's header and click "EDIT SITE HEADER" 2. Hover over your logo and click "SITE TITLE & LOGO" 3. Edit your site title and press save - this is the text that shows up on Google Note—once you've done this, it's also worth checking your homepage's SEO title, as sometimes Squarespace automatically adds your site title at the end of it.
  23. Thanks for the shoutout @Ziggy! SEOSpace will certainly help @pushthatenvelope - I also have a useful video on this topic:
  24. Thanks for the shout out @Ziggy!
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