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Everything posted by SEOSpace_Henry

  1. Hi @mp2018 - could you confirm the page's URL you're referring to please? Usually, this is a template issue that can't be fixed, unfortunately.
  2. Because Squarespace automatically creates your sitemap, unfortunately, you can't fix a lot of the above. For example, the tag pages are created - you can't remove them from your sitemap, delete them or noindex them. The best you can do is 301 redirect them if you no longer need them.
  3. Thanks for the shoutout Ziggy! You're a legend.
  4. Poor URLs are pages that are slow and/or not mobile-friendly. These pages are typically bad for user experience, and might also be too long or not human-readable. It's hard to know exactly what's happening without seeing the specific pages/URL and the results on GSC, so feel free to send a screenshot.
  5. Hey @walevitt - there's a number of things this could be: Backlinks - links from other sites to your blog posts will boost the chance of them ranking - attached, your domain authority (a score that indicates how much of an authority you are) is 3.6 - increasing this will help Google pickup more pages Keyword cannibalization - tricky to tell if this is occurring across your site, but my plugin has detected there could be risk for your Macbeth page, so it's potentially an issue across your site (the below video will allow you to check this) Technical errors - checkout the below video where I explain how to use Google Search Console to detect errors:
  6. Thanks for the update @simon.stjohn - thought it sounded too good to be true! Just replied to your other post.
  7. Hi @simon.stjohn - It's a shame to see you're moving away from Squarespace to WordPress because of this - best of luck! I think it depends upon your priorities and skillset. I believe SQSP is better for 95% of users because of how easy it is to use, the community, security and suite of features. If you're in the top 5%, a competitive niche and are pushing across all fronts, then WordPress, Webflow etc. may be a better option. That being said, SQSP should 100% look at improving their CWV metrics as there are key areas of SEO they are lacking, this being one of them. I'm soon releasing a study looking at over 20,000 Squarespace websites to reveal what gets results and what's different with the top 10% of websites. In short, the findings are that better on-page SEO, more high-quality content, and high DR backlinks lead to more traffic - this isn't really surprising tbh! Imo, if you nail the above, it doesn't really matter what website builder or CMS you use.
  8. It's pretty hidden away, but I've added the steps below @HippoAd 👇 Edit your site's header Click "Site title & logo" Edit your site title
  9. Hi @jspano320, It's tricky to know without looking deeper into your site. Feel free to send me a couple of URLs, and I'll take a look. In short, when users aren't getting indexed, it's usually down to: Backlinks (links from other sites) - without any backlinks, or high-quality backlinks, Google has a lower chance of paying attention to you and ranking you. Quality - Google makes money from ranking high-quality content that users come back to see/view other content. Is your content better quality than what is on page 1 for your target keywords? Internal links - links between pages makes it easier for Google to go through your site and index it Age - Google will be slower to index new sites Technical errors - sometimes you may have something technically wrong on your site which prevents indexing - make sure you're following SEO best practices to rank I also have a YT video on this topic which will help:
  10. Hi @DarrenF - I recommend removing them. They're unlikely to generate any direct traffic and often have thin content on, so best to remove.
  11. Agree with everything @Ziggy has said above - also happy to put your site through some advance SEO software I have access to, which will provide suggestions you might have missed/not had access to.
  12. Thanks for letting me know - looking forward to hearing how it goes.
  13. I haven't @simon.stjohn, but I am curious to hear whether people have and if it helped their rankings. From what I've seen, it looks like a quick fix/too good to be true, so curious.
  14. Hey @SarahJames - I'm the creator of the SEO plugin for Squarespace (used by 1,400+ Squarespace users) and the Squarespace SEO experts. We offer done-for-you packages and custom packages depending on your needs. Feel free to check out our site if you like: https://www.seospace.co.uk/
  15. Hi @opra - to remove the image text, you need to: Ensure your meta/SEO description is 150-160 characters long Ensure you have quality, engaging content on your homepage - if this is lacking and your SEO description is the wrong length, Google won't have much choice of what to show Get backlinks - backlinks are links from other websites to yours. The more you have, the more "important" you are in Google's eyes. If you don't have many backlinks, Google may not deem you relevant enough to display properly on Google These things can take time, too - once you make the above changes, it may still take some time to appear correctly, unfortunately, but over time you'll get there!
  16. Hi @Mdhanjal - I recommend using my tool - it's the most popular SEO tool for Squarespace: https://www.seospace.co.uk/squarespace-seo-plugin
  17. Hi @tls2011, To change the text that shows up, you need to change your SEO title and description. To change this, click on your page's settings, go to SEO and then fill them in (attached). Your SEO title should be 50-60 characters, and your SEO description should be 150-160 characters. As for the helpful links that pop up, this is a bit more tricky. Putting the pages you want in the header of your website can help, as well as adding more internal links to the pages you want to show. Overall, by having good on-page SEO and a solid page structure, you can impact what shows, but Google has a mind of its own!
  18. Hi @simon.stjohn - I'm not 100% sure here (I've asked the team to double-check), but I believe it could be your site title. Go to edit your site header, then site title and logo (attached) - you should be able to edit it there.
  19. Hi @inluck - unfortunately, you can't edit the SEO settings of category or sub-category pages. I have discovered a code from @WillMyers which works really well to help customise them/maximise SEO potential. Feel free to check out the below video:
  20. Hi @Debbie_C - moving from 7.0 to 7.1 won't hurt your SEO as long as you follow the below steps: 1. Map the URLs out the same on the 7.1 site as you did on the 7.0 site 2. If any of the URLs change, ensure to add 301 redirects 3. Complete an SEO audit on each of the new pages (my plugin has a free plan you can try) 4. Aim to add some more content (in the form of blogs that link to important pages) and backlinks if possible - this will help build momentum when you move 5. Ensure to submit your sitemap to Google Search Console when you move and manually request indexing on important pages of your site Happy to answer any questions!
  21. Hi @Liz1994 - I recommend submitting your sitemap in Google Search Console and manually requesting indexing of your homepage. Your sitemap is added by submitting "sitemap.xml" in the box below in Google Search Console, and you can request indexing by pasting your URL into the "Inspect any URL" box at the top.
  22. Hi @Steerhk - I'm not 100% sure if you can edit this on your blog/collection page - however, this isn't too much of a concern, as your blog page is very unlikely to rank and get found directly by people on Google. If unsure, check via Google Analytics to double-check. As long as the SEO on other pages of your site is following best practices, this will likely have 0 impact.
  23. Hi @charlestonnikki - I've used both SEMRush and Ahrefs (currently use Ahrefs), so happy to chat!
  24. No problem @Immortal_Explorer - I've recorded a Loom video to answer: https://www.loom.com/share/42296f93e19b4adeb8298ec1f0a4af84
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