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Everything posted by Funjob

  1. Thanks! The dropdown menus look great (although the padding doesn't work on the checkout page.) Also, is there a way to make the checkout button bigger?... And the hover doesn't seem to be doing what I need it to...
  2. Can anyone help me? The (green) backgrounds of my drop down menus need to be wider and lower so the text doesn't hit their borders. Also my checkout button needs to be -bigger. -black with white writing. -white with black writing when you hover on it. I'd be so so so grateful for any help! Thanks
  3. Here's a weird one. My dropdown menus seem to have separated into individual blocks. Anyone have any idea why? I'd like the whole drop down to be one block containing all the links... Help!
  4. Ha ha! Yeah, I cheated! I'd still like to know how to set a custom font for all sections of the pop up though. Can you help? https://www.underhereyes.com Password: Eyeballs
  5. You're the man, Creedon! Thanks for that!
  6. How would I change the text of the "continue shopping" link so it says something like "take me back to the homepage"?
  7. Also, I can't seem to change the close button in styles - it's white on white and I need it to be black. Any help much appreciated! Thanks, Tuan!
  8. Sadly no. Can you help? Also, how do I set a custom font for a pop up (all sections)? Thanks!
  9. I also need it to be the same font when it appears on any product pages. And white rather than red on the cart page... Thanks so much for helping with this!
  10. Don't worry, Tuan! I found the answers here: Thanks so much anyway!
  11. Works like a dream! Just one other thing, I added a "Limited availability" tag option to my products - any idea how I'd change that font family too?
  12. https://www.underhereyes.com/checkout/order-confirmed?oid=60a4c47eb0495e41887bd7f8&authCode=NjBhNGM0N2ViMDQ5NWU0MTg4N2JkN2Y4OjIwMjEtMDUtMTlUMDc6NTU6NDAuNjY1Wk9TLxaJWMfCeKz4f4UultNHPKzkyDaQgKlvabnncDf-
  13. That's great, thanks so much! A couple of other similar things: i) How would I change the header color, and background color, of the order confirmed page? I need it to be #8d9283 ii) I'd also like the "Order Confirmed" message to be lowercase iii) On some pages the social & cart icons turn black (also the search window outline) - is there some code I can add to make them always stay white?
  14. Thanks, Tuanphan, but I figured it out. Although, while you're here could you tell me how to change the font on the "subtotal" heading on the cart screen? https://www.underhereyes.com/cart Password: Eyeballs
  15. Code worked great for me too! Can you tell me how to change the font for the "subtotal" heading on the shopping cart page?
  16. Sure, thanks! https://www.underhereyes.com/search?q=kamo Password: Eyeballs
  17. I'm having the same problem - have tried all these codes, but none seem to change the BG color on the cart page. I also need the text to be white and the "SHOPPING CART" heading to be lower case. I'd be really grateful for any help. Thanks!
  18. I'd like to know how to do this too!
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