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Everything posted by JasonGipson

  1. You will need to use the html link https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_links.asp the date should shift above the content on mobile...at the 768px. It was on my test anyway. <a href="https://www.w3schools.com/" target="_blank">Visit W3Schools!</a>
  2. Yeah, this is a problem with Fluid Engine and trying to keep things together. It's very frustrating and you can spend a bunch of time to fix random shifting on desktop and mobile. If you are comfortable with HTML use a markdown block with something like below. I keep my flexbox code pretty simple so you might want to test on browsers and you do need to keep the "div" closers together at the bottom or the markdown block creates extra space. <style> .msc-outer-wrapper{ display: flex; justify-content: space-between; border-bottom: 1px solid #e7e7e7; padding-top: 2em; padding-bottom: 2em; } .msc-content{ text-align: left; justify-content: space-between; width: 70%; @media (max-width:768px) {width: 100%; } } .msc-date-year{ width: 30%; } </style> <div class="msc-outer-wrapper"> <div class="msc-date-year"> <h3>2023</h3> </div> <div class="msc-content"> <div> <p class="sqsrte-large">You're a very talented young man, with your own clever thoughts and ideas. Do you need a manager? You're a very talented young man, with your own clever thoughts and ideas. Do you need a manager? Just my luck, no ice. So you two dig up, dig up dinosaurs?</p></div></div>
  3. Did you try setting the focal point when editing the mobile layout? Just tested it on a site and that seemed to work.
  4. Squarespace already does this with the line height and font-size. If you want to manually adjust with code you could use a number of methods or you can adjust the line height in the design settings. h1 { line-height: calc(1.32184); } @media screen and (min-width: 768px), screen and (max-width: calc(3179px)) and (orientation: landscape) h1 { font-size: calc(1.67496vw + 1rem); }
  5. https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040093611-Sending-appointment-reminders-via-text Does that link have your answer?
  6. Don't hold your breath on this getting resolved! This thread was started in Feb of 2020. According to @paul2009 it was an issue that's been around since October 2019. Therefore, October 2023 will be it's four year bugaversary. The problem is the search is a bit unreliable in general plus only grabs CMS data and products. So in 7.1 no pages and portfolio items aren't scanned. It's not uncommon for search tools not to get and return page data. For example in Wordpress, if a frontend builder was used pages may not be scanned but only posts type of content which in some cases could include portfolios and in some cases not. Webflow has really good search functionality. It's a bit painstaking to set up as the control is very granular but it works well. If you really need a superior search I'd switch platforms or use a tool like TypeSwift.
  7. If that was the original font included with your pack then according to SQSP support you can't remove it. Even if you have changed the font everywhere. But if you have the SquarepaceWebsites Tools Pro Chrome extension installed then you can use the UI tweaks and reset the fonts. Maybe someone else will weigh in with another method but that's the only way I know to remove the default project font.
  8. @WilliamSmith193 As a Circle member, in your dashboard, you should see a "blank template" option under "create website" in the top right. This launches a new and completely blank website. For a blank page, you should see that under the plus icon when adding a page. Cheers, Jason
  9. Afterpay is nice but it's only for physical products. I'd love to see a payment plan option in Commerce or at least Members Areas.
  10. I thought the blank template was a gesture of goodwill to the Circle community?
  11. Can someone from Squarespace chime in on this thread and confirm that search will be fixed or not? Something solidly definitive on this topic would be great.
  12. I realize this thread is a bit old but I'm wondering. What setting controls who receives these notifications?
  13. Is the Squarespace team ever going to respond to this issue?
  14. @RyanDejaegher Thanks! I'd missed the transform unset and apparently had transposed the "m"&"n" in columns. 🤦🏻‍♂️. Works great except the height is not scaling down.
  15. Today, I noticed that Masonry and Simple Grid gallery sections default to two columns on mobile. However, the Grid: strips is one column on mobile. Has anyone managed two or three columns on mobile for the Grid: strips? @inside_the_square or @tuanphan you folks seemed to have worked with the CSS a bit. I've been targeting the .gallery-strips-item wrapper and .gallery-strips-item but haven't been able to get it to work and would appreciate other eyes.
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