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How do I delete imported images?

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Imported (uploaded) images are accessible in new image blocks from the Search For Image > Imported section. I've had my site for several years and it's gone through drastic revamps in that time. Now, the oldest images are still there, despite no longer being in use on any existent page. How do I delete these outdated imported images? I can't find any option for it even though it seems like something so straightforward should have a very simple answer.


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You can’t.  It makes the feature useless for anything other than brand new sites. 

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  • 2 months later...

No offense to colin.irwin, or anyone else, but this is a little bit ponderous from a user/content creator perspective.  Is there any other reason for the inability to delete content that is uploaded?  Just for my situation, I'm an artist, I just need one site which I have, but there is plenty of uploading and removing, as work gets older and/or you make newer better work.  So there will be plenty of iterations.

There are a couple ways to think about this.

- I have uploaded content that is created by me, and I'm not saying anything will happen to it probably, but I therefore have no control that is on your servers once it's uploaded.  It's uploaded and can't be removed.  Little troubling, if I don't want it up there anymore, as the owner of it.  And isn't that akin to saying that SS now technically co-owns it, since its up and says I can't remove it?  Indirectly speaking.

- Maybe there's a scenario - where I work with a studio, to produce some work.  I have the ok to upload and show it on my SS site.  But what if, for some reason, they want it down?  Granted, I can remove it from visibility.  But I still have a duty to them to remove it from any place they don't want it.

- I linked my Instagram, but it initially went to a more personal account, rather than a work oriented account (which I had picked anyway).  But now personal images (safe for work, but still personal nonetheless), are in that Uploaded section.  And they can't be removed.  Not good.

- Just looking at it practically - scrolling through the uploaded list can be a little cumbersome if there are a lot of old images in there.  Some may be undesirable to use anymore, but there are still older ones that are pertinent, so you still have to go through the list.  And it can be a little slow.

- The functionality to do this very thing, is indeed there for Wix.  Just tested it.

There are more scenarios we can think of, but no point in going on and on.  But from the perspective of the user and as a creator, it overall makes me a little wary of staying with SS, to be brutally honest.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Definitely something that needs fixing. 
Especially with the "Duplicate Site" feature... What if you create a "template" and want to use it for a different client... But then they have all the old photos cluttering up their page!

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I ran across this SS support page when researching how to delete imported images.

"Deleting an image you've uploaded or a Getty Image preview removes it from the Imported tab. If you’ve used the image in multiple places, it will stay in the Imported tab until you delete all copies. If you're still seeing it in the Imported tab, you may need to empty your site's trash can."

However, I'm not finding the statement to be accurate... it appears any image I import stays in the Imported tab, even if deleted from the page, not used throughout the site, and the trash is empty. Just curious if anyone else has put it to the test?

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  • 2 weeks later...

the lack of an image library, almost makes me want to leave square space. this is fucking stupid LMAO. Basic site feauture or capability for any site builder application or coder. wtf guys?

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On 4/13/2020 at 9:00 AM, zorrillamonsoon said:

the lack of an image library, almost makes me want to leave square space. this is fucking stupid LMAO. Basic site feauture or capability for any site builder application or coder. wtf guys?

I was just searching for this now too. It's crazy how some of the most basic things just don't exist or are so buried they are unfindable. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lack of this basic feature is becoming a deal breaker for me. I will have hundreds of images and variations of them as my site grows. I need to be able to sift through them quickly and cull the ones no longer needed. As things stand, that is becoming more and more cumbersome because a simple delete feature does not exist.

I have just sent a message to their "Help" team. I suggest others do the same. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Go here to do so:


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Has this been remedied? I import different backgrounds to see what works, like multiple files of different iterations of a page rip graphic to separate sections, and I want to be able to delete all the ones I don't like / that don't work for the section. If this hasn't been remedied, it should be  - this is a major feature people need to have control over. I duplicated a site I wanted to make a few changes to for a new client and I have all of the old imported images from the old site... major issue.

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If SS implemented this feature I bet a lot of the process of editing images on a site would speed up a lot because the site wouldn't have to load a bunch of cruft!

Edited by creedon

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just my two cents thinking off the beaten path like always in life leading revolutions...

Without me dedicating time valuable time to reading through those arduous terms and conditions line by line, SS likely has some caveat in there much like Google and every other aristocratic organization in Silicon Valley that allows them to use your uploaded images and content for some acceptable purposes if need be. 

The more content they have, the more valuable their database is as a company and their intellectual property. 

They don't want you deleting that awesome content you've created and uploaded that they may be able to use for their marketing, advertising, or other purposes. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have used SquareSpace for years and just went in to clean up ton of photos I don't need and want deleted. Seriously ... I cannot remove photos from my library??

After reading this thread and also seeing it has been 1.5 years since this was said would be addressed may be my deal breaker too. Was just considering building out 50 - 100 new websites on SS and that won't be happening now. Will go back to WP and save my money.

Glad I caught this thread here now.

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