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Everything posted by nathan.j.p

  1. The only way I know of to make this work is to create a separate appointment type for these bookings for the increased price and offer them in place of the lower value variation at those times. If you're using packages that include that service and you want clients with those packages to be able to use the package code for those increased rate slots, you'll have to change the package from "total number of these appointments" to either "total $ ammount" or "Total number of minutes" whichever is the most relevant common denominator. We run into these issues with our fitness studio. In a addition to conditional pricing like you're looking for, Acuity lacks the resolution of control that would make this stuff easier, like conditional logic for packages, or % deductions for packages.
  2. Is there a way to limit the number of memberships that can be purchased? Our members have access to high touch services, at an additional cost, but it would be nice to limit our top tier membership to 10 members.
  3. The downside to modify font-size for single blocks using code is deciding where the tedium of customization ends. It is best to set up your font-sizes to work out of the box across your website, and by best I mean, it's an y easy rabbit hole to fall in and get distracted with. Speaking from experience.
  4. A few questions. Are those separate blocks? Do you know how to find the block i.d.? If not I suggest adding the Squarespace ID Finder extension to Chrome. Here's the link: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/squarespace-id-finder/igjamfnifnkmecjidfbdipieoaeghcff Once installed: Use it to find the ID of those two blocks. Then go to Page Settings -> Advanced -> Header Code injection and use this code: <style>[Paste in your #block id"]{Font-size: enter font size in PX or Em;}</style> Repeat for second block. If they are the same block: <style>[Paste in your #block id"] {h1,p{Font-size: enter font size in PX or Em;}}</style>
  5. Just here to back up this request. We feel it sends the wrong signal to potential customers. It makes it look like we are rarely open instead of filling up classes. Has anyone looked for plugins to solve this?
  6. Sure, we just have basic service pages set up for now. You can go to Mothershipfitness.com. Thanks @tuanphan
  7. The header button on each service page. For example: On service page 1 I want the header button to say "Book Service 1" and link to the next step in the booking process for that service. On service page 2 I want the header button to say "Book Service 2" and link to the next step in the booking process for that service. So I just need to know how to target and change the header button text, and the header button href link location per page. I'm assuming I'll have to use some javascript in settings>advanced>code injection which I know how to do. I just don't know how to target the header button specifically. Thank you @tuanphan
  8. I'm seeing it in Chrome, but once I scroll down the page and scroll back up the problem goes away. It seems to be loading some fixed width element that isn't visible above the fold initially, but that goes away on scroll. It's not straight forward enough of an issue for me to pinpoint myself.
  9. Hi @creedon I've been trying to figure out how to make my header button text and link change for certain pages to keep my header call to action consistent with the service page being viewed, and I came across this old topic. Would this code be a starting point by adding/selectively hiding buttons? Or is there an easier way? So far when I try to target the header button it just creates a second button to change the text content it just makes a second button that floats over the navigation rather than changing the actual header button. Thank you!
  10. What browser are you using? And do you see this only in edit view or on the live site too? I've solved a similar problem for myself so I took a look and everything looks good in Safari.
  11. Is there a way to change the text of the button as well as the href link location?
  12. Hey @sophiemoss. Do you have a thumbnail on your first post? I was having the same problem, my first post was disappearing until I added the thumbnail.
  13. @tuanphan tried to use the :after psuedo-element and display block to achieve a second line on my buttons, but it only worked on the header button. All other buttons displayed the secondary text inline. Do I need to modify the code in a different way to have two lines in a button
  14. @tuanphan I thought you shared a solution to similar click through question another user had, but I'm not sure.
  15. @Beyondspace Here's the link https://www.mothershipfitness.com/classes You can see we're using a summary block to pull from an events page. When a customer clicks on the event thumbnail or excerpt, I'd like to have it open the link to the scheduler, but I can't figure out how to change the click through link. I'm thinking it will require code injection.
  16. I'm using a summary block to display events from my events page, but I'd like to change the click through destination to be my booking page instead of the event details. I know I can add a text link in the excerpt, but I'd prefer the title and image to link to the booking page as well. Changing the clickthrough destination is possible when pulling blog posts into a summary block, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do it with events without code. If it's too complex to get this function to work with each event in the summary block, I'm happy to have the entire summary block click through to my booking page. Thanks for any insight. I'll share a solution if I come up with my own.
  17. Did you ever find a solution for this? It's not clear to clients what the shaded boxes implies on mobile.
  18. This works for me as the blog is loading, but once loaded posts 4 and 6 jump to the second line. Do you know why this might be happening? Thanks.
  19. I tied this out on my blog. It aligns the top of the posts, but the spacing between posts disappears for the sides and the bottom. How can I adjust the gutter width between posts? Ive tried margin and padding for bottom and right, but padding trims off some of the thumbnail image and margin pushes the 4th item to the second line leaving a large blank space where a post should be in the first line.
  20. @eanderson I tried the code you supplied above on this page -> www.weatherbrand.com/darkchamberindex Im not seeing any results. any suggestions. Im sure I have the correct collection id but maybe I'm wrong. Thanks for your help.
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