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Everything posted by Jarmo2127

  1. Its just make is really small, and and the aspect ration is worse then before and if you resize the aspect ratio stays the same
  2. Cheers mate that didn't work thought just made it small
  3. Hey All I need help Server error (5xx) error ? Cheers
  4. Hey All can anyone help sort my padding at the bottom of the video block, also global setting for the header not working Thanks
  5. Found the issue I think I had custom css in got rid of that bus still no global settings
  6. Hey Guys and girls im having trouble following this tutorial im dont have the same setting - I'm on 7.1 but it's like the menu is broken or something. I dont have the globel settings icon when editing the header only page and mobel https://www.google.com/search?q=dynamic+site+header+square+space&oq=dynamic+site+header+square+space&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQLhhA0gEJMTc0NjNqMGo0qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:c4524c41,vid:P0YDh1HFbh8,st:0 Thanks
  7. Im having a simular issure I cant see the globel settings would like to have a dynamic header
  8. Im not sure how I didit but I some how broke my site and the Url is loopoing can some have look it for me www.rhadleonardi.com.au
  9. Hey Guys www.rhadleonardi.com.au Can you test my site for seed says its slow in GT, but think thats all s.s sites, it manly design for phone, I cant really get the porfolio the way I want but have to live with as I can delete thoguth about moving it to a new page. Cheers
  10. Hey Dose anyone know how to intergrate swiperjs. Into square space 7.1
  11. Woked it out ... saved section ! this is greate !
  12. Looks you can thats cool Ill give it a go !
  13. Ive worked it out .. just had to copy the last part of the url .. its toing to take time to set up 10 projects like this .. be cool if you could copy block form one page to the next
  14. Hey All Im trying the make the user experence on my website better. It be can be a bit tricky with a protflio site. But it feels like there are dead ends. For emaple I have a protolio on my site on the front page then when you click on a project it would be good to create small thumnats at the bottom so people can click on the next project or a slected project form a carousel. I can do it maually and set up links but is there anyway to link a galley back to an existing porfolio. ?
  15. Jarmo2127


    Thanks mate I appreciate thats
  16. Jarmo2127


    https://pagespeed.web.dev/analysis/http-www-rhadleonardi-com-au/x09o6p27ez?form_factor=desktop its a bit better
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