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  1. Hi, if you're looking for something like this, add the code below to custom css .sqs-slide-wrapper[data-slide-type="cover-page"] [data-slice-type="buttons"] li, .sqs-slide-wrapper[data-slide-type="cover-page"] [data-slice-type="navigation"] li, .sqs-slide-wrapper[data-slide-type="cover-page"] [data-slice-type="sso-options"] li { background: rgba(226, 226, 226, .8); } .sqs-slide-wrapper[data-slide-type="cover-page"] [data-slice-type="navigation"] ul li a { color:#000; } .sqs-slide-wrapper[data-slide-type="cover-page"] [data-slice-type="navigation"] ul li a { padding-left: 0.3em!important; padding-right: 0.1em!important; padding-top: 0.3em; padding-bottom: 0.3em; }
  2. Hi, this can be easily done by going into your portfolio, then click on the settings (3 dots on the right) of the project, then edit the 'Title' (highlighted in the attached photo). Whatever you type here will still be followed by '- Camp Clout Creative,' this is the default for all pages in your website. If you'd like to change it, head over to Settings > Marketing > SEO Appearance, click on the 'Pages' tab. Under 'SEO Title Format,' delete – %s. Just note that this will apply to all pages in your website.
  3. Hi, can you share the link to your website (and password if applicable)?
  4. Hi, add this code to custom css. It targets all the summary blocks on that specific page only: #collection-659478f9fc420f3254c5d2d1 { .summary-thumbnail-container { pointer-events: none !important; } }
  5. Ahh sorry, there was a typo (calendar) in the code, use this one instead: .yui3-squarespacecalendar .flyoutitem-link-arrow:before { color:black; }
  6. Hi, add this to custom css: .slide-content.list-item-card-background { border: 2px solid black; }
  7. Here, try this one instead: .products.collection-content-wrapper .nested-category-children::after { width: 0!important; }
  8. Hi, try adding this to custom css. If it doesn't work, share the link to your website, and password if applicable. .tweak-products-category-title .products.collection-content-wrapper .nested-category-title.nested-category-title-padding::after { width:0; }
  9. Hi, try using this selector within the mobile media query and add the important tag: .ProductItem-details h1.ProductItem-details-title
  10. Hi, the caption isn't a heading, your custom font won't affect it. This one's on me, I made an error with the previous code I posted. If you'd like the caption to be underlined on hover, use this code: .gallery-section .gallery-caption p:hover { text-decoration:underline; }
  11. Hi, looks like that was caused by a plugin. Add this code to custom css: #wm-subnav { padding: 0px; }
  12. Hi, replace that code with this instead: @font-face { font-family:'Sorren-Bold'; src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/660f5e72b537d1457d9c75e4/t/6610e4b39a4c4f2306723259/1712383156026/%E2%98%9ESorren-Bold+400+%281%29.otf'); } @font-face { font-family:'Gotham-Medium'; src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/660f5e72b537d1457d9c75e4/t/6610e4c03103495397f4085f/1712383168265/Gotham-Medium.otf'); } h1, h2, h3, h4 { font-family:'Sorren-Bold'; } p, p.sqsrte-large, p.sqsrte-small { font-family:'Gotham-Medium'; }
  13. Hi, here's the code to upload a custom font. Update it with the name of the font, the link, and the format of the font file you uploaded (woff/woff2/otf/ttf) @font-face { font-family: 'FONT NAME'; src: url('LINK TO FONT') format('woff'); } Then to change the header and paragraph fonts, add this code: h1, h2, h3, h4 { font-family:'FONT NAME'; } p, p.sqsrte-large, p.sqsrte-small { font-family:'FONT NAME'; }
  14. Hi, add this code to custom css: .flyoutitem-datetime.flyoutitem-datetime--12hr { color:black !important; } .flyoutitem-excerpt p { color:black !important; } .yui3-squarespaceccalendar .flyoutitem-link-arrow:before { color:black; }
  15. Hi, sorry, forgot about the transparent part, here's an updated code: #collection-660ed69adfb20b1a470e3ea0 { .header-background-solid { background-color:transparent!important; } .header-nav-wrapper a { color:#fffff; } .header-title { background-image:url('IMAGE URL HERE'); background-size: contain; } .header-title img { opacity:0; } }
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