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Everything posted by Ziggy

  1. Here's some revised code for columns: @media screen and (min-width: 768px) { #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1666977167775_361208 .sqs-block-content { -webkit-column-count: 2 !important; -moz-column-count: 2 !important; column-count: 2 !important; -webkit-column-gap: 60px !important; -moz-column-gap: 60px !important; column-gap: 60px !important; } } What are you wanting to reverse the order of? The sections, so Speaking goes above Publications?
  2. Can you share your website URL and the page that this is happening on?
  3. Can you share your website URL and page that this is set up on?
  4. Can you put a site wide password in effect and share the password and URL so that the forum can see your website and provide you with help: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/205815528-Site-wide-passwords Go to the website Site Styles under the design tab in the dashboard, click on fonts and adjust the navigation size.
  5. Can you set up and share a site wide password so we can see the website? https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/205815528-Site-wide-passwords
  6. Hi @NathalieSR, can you share your website URL and a demonstration of this occurring (as best you can)?
  7. Just so you are aware, the forum is very useful for many things, but it is not primarily where Squarespace technical staff are monitoring posts for issues. In this case reporting that the issue still has not been fixed for your website to the support page is important.
  8. Can you share your website URL and page? Is this a new website? I get the impression that you're using Squarespace 7, was there a reason that you're using an old template? The way that the width of the page affects different parts of your website are perfectly demonstrated here. As you get wider screens the images get bigger (because they are a fixed width to height ratio, increase the width you increase the height), and the text gets shorter (font size is the same, text-area gets wider, and the text takes up fewer lines). The latest version of Squarespace (7.1 and Fluid Engine) can help with this as you can better control images (set to fit so they don't grow in height) and you can set text blocks to vertically center align within a block. Fluid Engine is new and does have some problems and different issues to work around, so not necessarily recommended, but it's getting better and more recommendable. You can have more control over the UI if you have a narrow content width set in pixels rather than in percent as this will keep the page looking the same across more devices, but does limit your design. Another alternative would be to have your font scaling based on the width, but this (like the other "solutions") comes with it's own problems!
  9. @minnieosc123 No problem! Can you thumbs up and mark my post as the solution? Thanks!
  10. Can you share your website URL and where you are trying to increase the padding?
  11. No problem, happy to help! Can you thumbsup and mark my post as the solution? Thanks!
  12. You can try this Custom CCS instead: .header-menu-nav-folder { min-height:20%; } .header-menu-nav-folder-content { margin-top: 40%; } .header-menu-nav .header-menu-nav-item--active a { border-bottom:none !important; }
  13. Try adding this in the Custom CSS: @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { h1 { font-size: 12vw; } } Hope that helps!
  14. No, but they should include by default! Did the Custom CSS I provided not work?
  15. Most sites seem to be fixed, I realise that doesn't help you, have you reported this to Squarespace support recently?
  16. @ryannell looks like the code I gave you worked? Give me a thumbs if it did!
  17. Hi @minnieosc123, can you share your website URL? You can try this Custom CSS: .header-menu-nav-folder { min-height:20%; } .header-menu-nav-folder-content { margin-top: 20%; } Hope that helps, if not, please describe exactly how you would like it to look. Thanks!
  18. Hi @Lian, this is a pretty common responsive design issue stemming from the width being different when you're editing and viewing, and the problem get more pronounced as the screen narrows (before jumping to mobile view). It is occurring because you have fixed ratio images and fixed px padding around the images, as the screen width gets smaller the images shrink to fit the space, but the padding remains the standard 17px around each block, and you see a different in heights. Using a gallery grid is normally a good way to fix this, but probably wont offer you the same ability to add the hover effect that you have. Moving to Fluid Engine would allow you to have the images fill a space within the grid stopping them from becoming misaligned, but you would have to have a different solution for the hover (probably a text block filling the same space plus a background and then a hover effect applied to the blocks).
  19. Hi @MtyQuinn although you can add custom fonts via Custom CSS, they will not show up in the main design fonts menu like all of the default fonts. (If you are seeing some of them they were actually available without you custom uploading them). Have a look at this guide: https://www.wolfandwild.co/the-blog/custom-font-in-squarespace It would be a nice feature for Squarespace to add custom uploaded fonts to the design dashboard, but for now we'll just have to set everything by Custom CSS.
  20. Hi @DavidBakes, have you tried setting the image block design to "card"? Depending on how you have that block styled, you can certainly use that to align the text and image better (though with the quantity of text it will still extend below when it gets too tall for the image). You can adjust when this block stacks the image and text with some CSS like this: https://schwartz-edmisten.com/blog/force-an-image-card-to-stack-on-tablet-in-squarespace @media screen and (max-width: 800px) { .sqs-block-image .design-layout-card:not(.sqs-narrow-width) { display: block!important; } .sqs-block-image .design-layout-card:not(.sqs-narrow-width) .image-card-wrapper { width: 100%; margin-left: 0!important; } .sqs-block-image .design-layout-card:not(.sqs-narrow-width)>div:first-child { width: 100%; } } Hope that helps!
  21. Every automated email should be available to edit, is this associated with commerce? Try looking under Commerce -> Customer Notifications in the dashboard.
  22. Fix looks like it has been put in place, hopefully we're almost back to normal!
  23. You should be able to adjust it in the color theme settings. If you're strategic about how you use the color themes on the top sections, make sure you use one of your dark themes when you have a background image so you can set the text to white without impacting other sections. The problem occurs when you put a background image in a top section of a page, then adjust the navigation colour to white so it looks good, then try and use that same section colour theme at the top of another page without having a background image so now the background is white and the text is white. I hope this makes sense! Basically if you have a background image or video use a dark section theme, and you shouldn't have issues with the navigation not showing up.
  24. Don't panic, temporary display issues, SQSP working on a fix, keep updated here: https://status.squarespace.com/
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