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  1. We accidentally deleted the wrong email campaign draft (that had a lot of work put into it). I do not see a 'deleted' folder nor can I see it in 'recently deleted pages'. Is there any way to recover the deleted campaign?
  2. Crazy. I see it refers to https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360028367571#toc-collection-item-styles for 7.1 (from the Related Products page you mention). Does that offer anything? I have to say that everything I am hearing makes it very difficult to even consider moving to 7.1
  3. NOTE - THIS IS 7.0 .... FOR 7.1 IT IS DIFFERENT ON THAT PAGE YOU REFERENCE, YOU CAN CLICK WHERE IT SAYS 7.0 AND IT HAS THE SAME AS I HAVE BELOW I think it is template dependent but here is how I do it... Open one of the products that has Related Products turned on While open, select Design/Site Styles Click on one of the Products being displayed in the Related Products It should offer you options: Items per row .... Item spacing.... etc. Screenshot attached
  4. Tuanphan I need to change the login wording on Mobile - how do I find out what the reference is? Is there a standard way to know how to reference a mobile item if you know the desktop reference (like adding 'mobile' on the front)?
  5. Site URL: https://justgoodjuju.com/ I want to change the Customer Account sign in link in the header from 'Sign In' to something else. I tried: span.sign-in { content: "New text"; } I guess I am referencing it wrong. Anyone know how to do this?
  6. I have exactly the same need - we want to give a customer one free item from the store but not one free order.
  7. re " I'm interested in knowing how regularly Squarespace adds functionality to its platform." I believe that SquareSpace support directs all responders to say "this a great idea and I have passed it on to our Development Team for inclusion in future release". I have yet to see ANY incremental changes in the platform. There are really obvious things missing in the Commerce (filtering products on a Product page; Product appearing on more than one Product Page; the 'add a gift for purchases over xxx'; Inability to customize Gift Card notices; etc.). We are also almost at the end of our tether - we spend all our time trying to think of workarounds for things that the platform should support (we are not asking for anything revolutionary). It is a hassle to change but we feel that without Squarespace showing any desire to improve the Commerce options, we will run into one brick wall after another until we find we have to move anyway. Better to take the pain now.
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