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  1. JoanGarroway


    I’m not sure about the exact timeline for Squarespace integrating with TikTok Shop, but it’s definitely something worth keeping an eye on. Currently, you might need to explore other solutions for selling through TikTok. If you’re looking to optimize your digital presence, digital media marketing services can help you make the most of platforms like TikTok and Squarespace.
  2. I totally feel you on this one! Sometimes the default layouts can be a bit uninspiring, and we all want our portfolios to stand out, right? But, as far as I know, Squarespace doesn't officially offer 3rd party portfolio layouts in their marketplace. Those 5 options you see are usually what you've got. It can be a bummer, especially considering the price tag. But hey, Squarespace does have some customization options within those layouts. You can tweak fonts, colors, and content to make it more your own. And there's always the option to add custom CSS if you're feeling adventurous. So while it's not the total freedom we dream of, there are still ways to make your portfolio pop You're absolutely right. As of now, what you see is what you get when it comes to portfolio layouts in Squarespace. It's a bit of a downer, I know. You're not missing something, and there aren't many 3rd party options out there. But like the OP-guy mentioned, you can still get creative with the customization tools available
  3. Hey, @Matthew26 (Q1) So you want to jazz up that language switcher, right? To fix it to the header and align it with the shop icon, you'll want to tweak the CSS. Maybe play with the 'position' and 'right' values in the CSS. Messing around with 'position: fixed' and 'right: [some pixels]' might do the trick. (Q2) For a snazzier look, a toggle button with just EN and DE sounds cool You'd need to modify the HTML and CSS for that. Add a button element and style it in the CSS to your liking. You could replace the 'English | Deutsch' links with buttons styled the way you want. (Q3) To float it in the bottom left corner, adjust the 'position' and use 'bottom' and 'left' values in the CSS. Making it sticky might involve adding some 'position: sticky' magic. For the hamburger menu, you'd likely need to dig into Squarespace's structure and maybe inject the button there using code. Keep experimenting, highlight my nickname if you need to spell out specific examples by code👾
  4. Hi💫 You want it to be like agency.capgmedia.com, a subdomain for capgmedia.com. Sounds like a smart setup for your agency side of the business, I dig it. One thing to check is if you've got the domain set up correctly in your Squarespace account. Sometimes, it's about adjusting the domain settings within Squarespace to get that subdomain you want. You might need to navigate to your Squarespace settings, find the domain section, and see if there's an option to add a subdomain like "agency." If it's still not working, maybe you could try deleting and re-adding the domain to see if that sorts out the formatting.
  5. Hi, Nathan! One option is to block that specific page using the robots.txt file. Another option is to implement a "noindex" meta tag. To provide you with more specific advice, it would be helpful if you could share the URL of your website so I can take a closer look. By the way, sometimes url analysis may be really helpful in situations like yours. Anyway, waiting for the updates!
  6. okay ~~ i think creating the dropdown menu involves a combo of html, css, and a dash of javascript you'll need a basic html structure for your dropdown menu <nav class="dropdown-menu"> <button class="dropdown-btn">Menu</button> <div class="dropdown-content"> <a href="#">Link 1</a> <a href="#">Link 2</a> <a href="#">Link 3</a> </div> </nav> now, let's style that menu using css this is where you'll make it look nice and cover the whole website body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } .dropdown-menu { position: fixed; /* This will make it cover the whole website */ top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; background-color: #333; /* Customize the background color */ } .dropdown-btn { background-color: #333; color: white; border: none; padding: 15px 20px; cursor: pointer; } .dropdown-content { display: none; /* Hide the dropdown content by default */ position: absolute; background-color: #f9f9f9; width: 100%; } .dropdown-content a { color: black; padding: 12px 16px; text-decoration: none; display: block; } .dropdown-content a:hover { background-color: #ddd; } and let's add some java to make the dropdown interactive const dropdownBtn = document.querySelector('.dropdown-btn'); const dropdownContent = document.querySelector('.dropdown-content'); dropdownBtn.addEventListener('click', function() { if (dropdownContent.style.display === 'block') { dropdownContent.style.display = 'none'; } else { dropdownContent.style.display = 'block'; } }); javascript code makes the dropdown menu appear and disappear when you click the menu button
  7. So, you want a dropdown menu that takes over the whole website, right? To make one like that, you might need to mess with the website's code a bit. You'll want to work with HTML, CSS, and maybe a dash of JavaScript. If you're not super familiar with coding, finding a tutorial or asking me here (highlight my nickname).
  8. Hi, Psychologie_Maurer We'll get this sorted! I want to help you with the stuff The "redirect error" usually means Google is trying to index a page that's set up to redirect to another page. Check if you have any redirects set up in your Squarespace settings or in your domain provider's settings that might be causing this. Also, ensure that your website's sitemap is in good shape. Squarespace generally does a good job of generating a sitemap automatically, but it's worth checking. Lastly, sometimes it just takes a bit of time for Google to process the request. Give it a little time, and try again later😺
  9. Setting up event tracking with Google Analytics on Squarespace is doable using code injection. Even if Squarespace primarily offers footer injection, you can still make it work. U can add your Google Tag Manager container code through the Squarespace code injection in the footer. Then, for event tracking on specific buttons, you can use JavaScript and fire the events based on button clicks. Use JavaScript to trigger events for your buttons, and push those events to GTM document.getElementById('your-button-id').addEventListener('click', function() { dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'your-event-name' }); }); Replace your-button-id with the actual ID of ur button, and 'your-event-name' with a relevant event name yeah, it's a bit manual compared to GTM, but it'll work 😅
  10. Hey Quentin, GTM and Squarespace can be a bit tricky to wrangle sometimes... For GA4, you can still use a similar method to what you've been doing. In GTM, you'd want to manage the events carefully. Since GA4 has a different setup, you'd focus on disabling the "page_view" event that might be triggering double data. In GA4, this event is a part of the standard setup. So, in your GTM container, maybe pause or disable the "page_view" event tag to prevent duplicate data. You'll still have the UA tracking code in Squarespace settings to handle PageView and eCommerce, but GTM can handle the behavioral tracking smoothly without the duplication.
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