I think your website is very well designed.
The colours are pleasant, the font is easy to read and the information is well distributed on the pages.
I would like to add the following small comments to @studiofounded 's comments:
The menu item under Collection is written reMADE, is this intentional?
I will put an overlay on the background of the home page. The way it is now is too strong and the text is not easy to read.
The paragraphs of text under Featured Project are too close together.
On Desktop:
On the FAQ page, I suggest making it two columns instead of three and centred. As it is now, you suddenly have a lot of text in front of you and you don't know where to start reading.
On mobile:
The Meet Our Team button is left-aligned and not wide enough.
I would centre it and make it wider.
Congratulations on a great website.