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kellijayne last won the day on August 23 2019

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  1. Thanks Paul! Let me give this a try. I haven't really started adding a lot of inventory so now would be a good time to try your suggestion.
  2. Thank you Paul! Seems like if I had just 1 store page I wouldn't be able to it set up like I do with the 6 main categories (separate pages) and dropdown menu to access each product within the 6 categories. Would I create a page then a blank page and add a summery block? I don't know what this is so confusing to me, I've created over 200 SQSP sites, and only a few very simple ecommerce sites. I'm almost to the point of asking for an expert to set it up so I can start from there 😞
  3. Thank you! However, that just adjusts the arrow lower or higher, I tried that earlier. I need to adjust the nav links with the arrows to be 1 px higher than the nav items without the arrow.
  4. nav.header-nav-list>div:last-child { position: relative; top: 2px; } I tried adjusting the (top: 2px) and nothing happens. I tried 3px, 5px, 10px and nothing
  5. I'm having the same issue, your code above didn't help in this case. The Nav links with the arrow are about 1 pixel lower. It almost looks like its a slightly different font? Check it out... https://futures-explored.squarespace.com Password: FE2024 password is case sensitive
  6. How do I Share a Product on multiple store pages using Categories? Please check out my Surplus store. (Still building this out) I will eventually have 6 Store Pages 1. Industrial/Commercial 2. Construction 3. Agriculture 4. Transportation 5. Equine Equipment 6. Material Handling Equipment I've set them up as separate stores, the ISSUE IS some stores will need to share some of the same inventory For Instance; Click on the Industrial dropdown as well as the Construction Dropdown Both contain "Generators". Seems like I could assign a category or tag to auto populate the Generator products in the other store pages. I added both a TAG and CATEGORY labeled "GENERATORS" to the generator product to test it and It didn't work! Unfortunately, I had to add the Generator product twice, 1 on the Industrial page and another on the Construction page. right now, I only have 1 generator listed, I will eventually have multiple generators so it seems the way SquareSpace is set up I would need to add the same products on each store page.. that's a lot of extra work! ------------ https://suziesurplus.squarespace.com/ PW: SuzieSuzie ----------- Thanks in advance for any help on this!!!! Maybe there is a plugin OR I'm just setting this up incorrectly??? Kelli
  7. Has anyone figured this out??? I have the same issue
  8. Did you ever get your site up and running with the multiple Stores? I am needing to create a site with the exact same functionality Kelli
  9. Site URL: https://defendprogram.squarespace.com/ I know it's possible with CSS on 7.1 but not sure about 7.1 Fluid Engine... the CSS I'm finding isn't working The top banner image focal points are to the far left AND right (not in the center). If I could get it to display like it does on desktop my client would be incredibly happy SITE: https://defendprogram.squarespace.com/ PW: Defender Thank you in advance for any help with this Cheers, Kelli
  10. It's not perfect but it's close! To see the latest update for this Add a new section to your page (blank") Add a background image then choose "EDIT SECTION" Click on "background" Scroll to "Image Effects" Click the thumbnail... second one down on the right Click on the "adjust" little icon on right below thumbnail Click PARALLAX - make sure angle is set to "90", you can also adjust the intensity PRESTO! we all now have Parallax!
  11. tuanphan!!!!! You solved yet another issue. Seriously, I cant thank you enough! now if you just had a solution for parallax 😜
  12. Hi Amanda, SquareSpace did an update, which they do often. Many of us designers add CSS or custom code to get a little more out of the generic templates... for me it's parallax and menu dropdown arrows to show a dropdown exists... those SHOULD be standard on this platform. Squarespace does NOT support custom code or CSS, so if you add it, you take the risk of this happening. I have 21 sites on 7.1 with this code integrated, about 75% of them still work and for some reason 25% don't, which I have to go back and adjust all the styling and add the standard background image animations, which are so lack luster but they are better than nothing
  13. Site URL: https://shaferrealestate.squarespace.com/ How to add font awesome down arrow to dropdown menu / folder ? I was using CSS with a down carrot but suddenly yesterday it stopped working (yesterday, Squarespace did some sort of update that conflicted with my parallax code inject AND the down arrow) Here's the CSS I was using // Style Arrow Dropdown Menu .header-nav-item.header-nav-item--folder a.header-nav-folder-title:after { font-family: FontAwesome; content: "\f0ab"; padding-left: 4px; } Also I had this in the header <link href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.5.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <style> I would like to use the circle down arrow <i class="fa-solid fa-circle-arrow-down"></i> Site I'm currently building out https://shaferrealestate.squarespace.com/ PW: Shafer
  14. @tuanphan apparently it was the parallax code i've been using on several of my 7.1 sites (fluid engine as well). Its still working fine on "most" of my 7.1 sites, but this one it really effected including styling issues! Here's one of my sites where that same code is working perfectly www.LostIsle.com Here is the site I'm currently building out where suddenly yesterday it stopped working (I've since removed the code and am using the default background animations. NOT NEAR AS COOL AS PARALLAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://shaferrealestate.squarespace.com PW: Shafer HERE IS THE CODE: (placed in footer) <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script><script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/parallax.js/1.4.2/parallax.min.js"></script> <script> $('.has-background:not(:has(.sqs-video-background))').each(function() { var findImage = $(this).find('.section-background img'); var imgUrl = findImage.data('src'); var dimensions = findImage.data('image-dimensions'); var imgWidth = dimensions.substr(0, dimensions.indexOf('x')); var imgHeight = dimensions.substr(dimensions.indexOf('x') + 1); $(this).parallax({ imageSrc: imgUrl, naturalWidth: imgWidth, naturalHeight: imgHeight, speed: 0.5, }) }); document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].onresize = function() { setTimeout(function() { jQuery(window).trigger('resize').trigger('scroll') }, 100) }; </script> <style>.has-background{background-color:transparent!important}.has-background .section-background{background-color:transparent!important}.has-background .section-background img{visibility:hidden!important}.has-background.background-width--inset{margin:4vw;padding:0!important}.has-background.background-width--inset:not(.content-collection):not(.gallery-section) .section-background{top:0!important;right:0!important;bottom:0!important;left:0!important}</style> <style>
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