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  1. @tuanphan Really appreciate the help here, this is an improvement!
  2. Hello @tuanphan and others in this thread. I am working on trying to solve a related issue within the Brine template for summary blocks, the above code suggestions are not working for me. I'm happy with the size on desktop but the summary blocks become very small on mobile, the same result happens if I try to switch to a carousel - I would prefer to keep the summary block because of the where the arrow nav is. I'd be fine with the summary blocks displaying only one image on mobile to help with the scale. URL: mwlit.com/galleryfull *this page is unlinked on the site PW: Dev This is around the scale that I am hoping to get the images on mobile: mwlit.com/illustration I would be super grateful for any help, thank you!
  3. Hi all, I'm looking for some help with customizing the mobile menu of my website. On my project pages I am using html to change the logo to a different file in order to change the color. I'd like to accomplish this on my mobile menu as well. Additionally I am looking to change the nav links to a custom font. I have tried a few solutions that I have found on here for that, but haven't had any luck. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Site PW: AnoukTuuli Html that I am using on the project pages to change the logo file for color: .header-title-logo img { visibility: hidden; } .header-title-logo a { background-image: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6489f12d5931691c0bdd9856/t/64c0171f3f0c395ef9bf2bc0/1690310431460/Asset+6%40300x.png); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; } </style>
  4. Hi @tuanphan I am trying to achieve something similar on my site. I'm currently using one of your html solutions to change the logo to a different file on certain pages of my site, however I need to also change it on my mobile menu from red to the off white. My site is: nicoleniezgoda.com PW: AnoukTuuli Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is the code I have injected on certain pages that is working so far to change to a different color/file: <style> .header-title-logo img { visibility: hidden; } .header-title-logo a { background-image: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6489f12d5931691c0bdd9856/t/64b703e9d1ddd330ad3d685f/1689715689320/Asset+2%40300x.png); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; } </style>
  5. Hi @Rolaa awesome! That code is working for me as well, thank you! I am stuck on trying to move the menu links downward / adjust the logo size. It's currently sitting right on top of the first link and looks a little clunky. Have you had any luck with adjusting yours? cc @creedon site:mwlit pw: (press spacebar)
  6. Hi @tuanphan this is working great! Thank you so very much 🙂
  7. Hi @tuanphan - thanks for responding! I ended up pivoting to 7.0 because of the summary block options, you've kindly helped out with a few of my other queries regarding the site. site: mwlit.com PW: press spacebar I am hoping for some help with summary image click through URLs- universally I am trying to get them to open in a new window vs taking the user offsite. I pinged you in the below thread. I am also trying to figure out how I can span line blocks across the site without the use of spacers. Any input for either issue would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for your generosity and help.
  8. Hi @tuanphan I did, aside from including a line. Thanks for responding. I actually just pinged you on another topic though. I am trying to have images in summary blocks with click through URLs open in a new window. Have you worked on that in Brine by chance?
  9. Hi @tuanphan I am trying to accomplish this universally with summary block click through URLs in the Brine template for 7.0. I've followed the above suggestions without success, do you know if this code is particular to 7.1? website: mwlit.com password: (press spacebar) pages: books < adults titles < childrens titles
  10. Hi @tuanphan do you know how to hide footer icons by chance? I'm trying to remove those links in the Brine template and add a line between the footer nav and top blocks. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Thanks. mwlit.com PW: press spacebar
  11. Hey @creedon thanks for the quick response that worked in the preview but it's not appearing when I test it by visiting the site. I will keep trying! Thanks again for the help 🙂
  12. Hi @creedon I am looking to accomplish this on my mobile menu as well and was wondering if you knew how to center it vs left align? site: mwlit.com PW: press spacebar
  13. Hi there @Beyondspace I am trying to accomplish something similar and was wondering if this code snippet could be adapted. I am trying to add some padding between the title of the carousel and the images, they're sitting very close together despite type size. I am using the below code to adjust the heading font. Any input would be much appreciated, thanks! //Summary Carousel Titles// .sqs-block-summary-v2 { .summary-title, .summary-heading { font-family: LS Medium; font-weight: 600; font-size:20px !important; color: #000000; text-transform: UP; font-style: medium; } } url: https://www.mwlit.com/illustration pw:(spacebar)
  14. Site PW: (spacebar) Hi Circle community! I am having some difficulty with a 7.1 site I'm working on and was hoping for some help. I am creating a slideshow section where a title and subtitle display on hover for each image. From what I understand, there isn't a way to adjust the opacity of the overlay in site styles. I need to darken the overlay probably by 30% - has anyone encountered a good work around or solution to this? I have limited coding knowledge and would appreciate any help. Thank you.
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