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  1. Ive just been editing all my christmas products and when I went to go enable the page this keeps coming up
  2. Hi all, Im trying to keep my branding consistent however when I did my test email and did an actual purchase email the green colour is inconsistent. Any help would be appreciated
  3. I did this however it is not aligned with the burger icon. Can I design the search page? https://refinedspaces.uk
  4. Hi all! Id love any and all feedback/opinion of my website please! - I believe it's finally finished https://refinedspaces.uk
  5. Sorry id like to change it to, Title, Variant(s), Price, Quantity , Add to cart , Description
  6. If it is a sidebar that can be opened and closed that will be fine
  7. https://refinedspaces.uk/shop-all/p/spicy-margarita I would like it to be Title, Variant(s), Quantity, Price, Add to cart
  8. Hiya, how would you change this so that it is Title, Variant, Quantity, Price, Add to card
  9. Is there any way where I can customise the purchase button? It takes the customer straight to checkout whereas id like it to say add to cart so they can still continue to browse
  10. Hi all, I just wanted to ask if I could move all variants, quantity and checkout button to the top of the page forunderneath the title as I have long descriptions for each product in my store
  11. Hi all, Im very happy with the design of my website via desktop however when it comes to mobile the only thing that annoys me is when looking at categories in my shop, you have to scroll horizontally and there is not a dropdown menu/go back to previous page. First image (desktop) is how id like my mobile site to look like aswell. I have seen a few other discussions about this but was heavily confused and I don't wish to pay for a plug in
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