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  1. Hi @tuanphan on mobile we are wanting the imagery first, then product title, then details etc. https://www.elisefriedman.co.uk/shop/p/m11-bbg password: accesscode thanks!
  2. Hi, On mobile I am wanting my product title to come after my images, please advise. Thanks in advance! elisefriedman.co.uk password: accesscode
  3. Hi @Lesum this didn't work for me, any chance you could help?
  4. Any thoughts @tuanphan, I can't seem to solve issue! Thanks in advance
  5. Hi, On mobile view my mega menu is a bit odd — when you click 'shop' the next screens text moves over to the right. I'd love help on how to change this. Thanks! website: elisefriedman.co.uk password: accesscode
  6. Thanks @Lesum, that helped for Web, is there any chance you could help for mobile?
  7. hi, I had had a very different order to my product page than is there currently. I assume this is related to the new update. I have left the code as is but would like it to be in this order: Product name, product description, variant selection if applicable, price, checkout button, additional information. Originally for this I had had help from @tuanphan if you have any new advice. Thanks so much the website is elisefriedman.co.uk and the password is accesscode
  8. Hi @Ricky10 I used the will myers mega menu plugin, its $10 and very easy to install https://www.will-myers.com/products/p/mega-menu-for-squarespace-71
  9. @tuanphan thank you for your help! 1# I was wondering if there is a way to make this transition a bit smoother, so it doesn't seem to appear out of nowhere, I've added a transition of 0.2s for the outgoing but I can't seem to have the same apply for the incoming line. #2 yes, took me a while but I figured it out!
  10. Hi, does anyone have any advice for this, perhaps @tuanphan?
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