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Everything posted by Rjafadi

  1. Is there a way to custom the weight text size?
  2. Site URL: https://www.prsnlhb.com/ Hi everyone, Does anyone know how customise / increase the weight size for buttons? Thank you!
  3. Site URL: https://www.prsnlhb.com/view-all/phb-essential-logo-t-shirt-black Hi Everyone, I'm trying to position the description into the centre is there a way it can be done? Thank you!
  4. Thank you @bangank36 is there way to move it a tiny bit more up?
  5. Site URL: https://www.prsnlhb.com/tops/phb-essential-logo-t-shirt-black Hi everyone, Is there a way to move up the padding image on mobile without affecting the desktop padding? Thank you
  6. Site URL: https://www.prsnlhb.com/view-all Site URL: https://www.prsnlhb.com/view-all/phb-essential-logo-t-shirt-black Hi everyone, Is there a way to position the related products pricing to the left side on mobile only? @tuanphan
  7. Thank you @tuanphan is there I could centre the price?
  8. Site URL: https://www.prsnlhb.com/view-all Hi Everyone, Is there a way to move the X button to the right side? Thank you!
  9. Site URL: https://www.prsnlhb.com/view-all/nlt82a0v7ai136xxx613j8xrnhqoep Is there a way to move price on the same line as the product title? desktop
  10. Site URL: https://www.prsnlhb.com/view-all/nlt82a0v7ai136xxx613j8xrnhqoep Hi everyone, Is there a way to move pricing under the title in mobile (centered)
  11. Site URL: https://www.prsnlhb.com/view-all Hi Everyone, Is there a way to move the price to the right side and on the same line?
  12. Thank you! @tuanphan Is there a way to create some space between the product title and images above? Also if the price could be under the title and centered too.
  13. Hi @tuanphan Is there a way to create some space between the product title and the images above?
  14. @creedon Thank you! Could it be possible if it was on the same line as the product name for desktop? For Mobile 1. Is there a way the price could be under the product title 2. Create some distance the image - product title - price - sizes ?
  15. Site URL: https://www.prsnlhb.com/view-all/nlt82a0v7ai136xxx613j8xrnhqoep Hi Everyone, Can some help me with this issue, I'm trying to move the price number to the product title. Thank you!
  16. Hi @Jia is there a way to center the production description with your code?
  17. Site URL: https://www.prsnlhb.com/view-all x Site URL: https://www.prsnlhb.com/view-all Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me with a mobile product gallery issue. I'm trying to have my product images sliding left to right (slideshow) instead of up and down (stacked) on mobile. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!! 465be432f5264589999d070890466bcf.MOV
  18. Hi everyone, I've been going through the Qs&As about how to hide prices on certain products and I've been finding it difficult to implement the codes into my own site. If it's possible if any of you could help me with this Task? 7.0 Thank you!
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