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  1. Hi @tuanphan & @creedon I would love some help with the same issue too please 🙏 https://dinner-with-friends.com/prints New order: All / New / Digital downloads / Dinner with friends / Dinner at home / Dinner al fresco Thanks so much in advance!
  2. Hi @tuanphan oh sorry I'm not sure why, here it is again! https://dinner-with-friends.com/prints?category=Digital+Downloads If this works will I have to add it to multiple store pages? Thanks so much!
  3. @tuanphan Thanks so much, I was able to add this code into the code injection > footer area but still haven't managed to add a heading on the digital downloads page, I'm not sure if I am doing anything wrong or the code isn't working. If you have any other suggestions that would be greatly appreciated 🙏 Thanks so much!
  4. @tuanphan Thank you so much for your help but when I paste the code into custom css it says syntax error, I couldn't find where 'code injection > footer' is 😞 I would love to be able to add a title & subheading to each different category page on the shop if possible please 🙏 https://dinner-with-friends.com/dinner-with-friends https://dinner-with-friends.com/dinner-with-friends?category=Digital+Downloads https://dinner-with-friends.com/dinner-with-friends?category=Dinner+Al+Fresco https://dinner-with-friends.com/dinner-with-friends?category=Dinner+at+Home https://dinner-with-friends.com/dinner-with-friends?category=Dinner+With+Friends And also on the templates page: (https://dinner-with-friends.com/templates) Thank you so much!
  5. Hello, I would love to be able to add a subheading to each page on my shop. They are currently organised by categories, but there isn’t an option to add a title or heading to describe what page they are on. I would also love to add an animated underline beneath each category title to show which page is active, is this possible? And lastly, the social icons in the footer aren’t editable, I wanted to make them the same navy blue colour that I have on the rest of my website but I can’t seem to be able to edit them, please let me know if this is possible too? Thank you so much for your help in advance! Chloe My website url is: https://dinner-with-friends.com/dinner-with-friends
  6. @tuanphan please let me know if there is anything I can do about this 🙏 Thank you so much! https://dinner-with-friends.com
  7. @tuanphan I am having the same issue, the footer social icon color isn't editable. I can only have black or white or red? If you would be able to change it to a custom colour that would be really helpful so everything is in the theme 🙏 Thanks so much! https://dinner-with-friends.com
  8. No under the headings, when you click the different titles I wanted to add a little subheading describing what's on each page. They are all shop pages so the design feels limited. Thanks so much!
  9. Hi @tuanphan I have the same issue! I would love to add a title and description/subheading to my shop page but don't seem to have the option to add in blocks: https://www.chloebthomas.com Thanks so much
  10. That worked perfectly thank you so much! Is there a way to make the pop out navigation slimmer as it is quite wide currently?
  11. Hi @tuanphan it's https://www.chloebthomas.com Thanks so much! 🙏
  12. I have started with the Indigo template for my new site, I am unable to edit the navigation headers from the original products to the name of my products. (I am selling art prints, the original site was selling blankets/bowls etc) Similarly, the sidebar navigation had an extra panel next to it with the logo & an email subscribe button which I didn't want so deleted, but the blank panel is still there and I am not able to delete it, any help on either of these would be much appreciated 🙂
  13. @tuanphan Hi the url is https://www.chloebthomas.com Thank you so much!
  14. Also, I would like the hover to be italicised as well but this doesn't work alongside the other code, is there a way to have both? So ideally on hover only: Times new roman, lowercase & italicised 🙏 Whilst the navigation remains as the original uppercase font, not italic Thank you so much x
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