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Everything posted by FluffCreativeStudio

  1. @tuanphan you are a genius! Thanks so much for explaining your code. I was able to make a few adjustments and it is looking good except for one issue. It seems there is lag time before the infinite loop kicks in - so that the scroll has an empty tail for about half the page before it begins again. Do you have a suggestion for this? Thank you again!
  2. Thank you so much @tuanphan I knew you would have the wisdom, that is exactly what I am trying to acomplish! The website is https://legally-fun.squarespace.com password is "fun" And here is a link to the image: https://ibb.co/3W2tWW6 Scrolling block is in the footer
  3. Hey there, I would love to add a small custom icon to a scrolling block. There are some scrolling widgets with image capabilities (will Myers and Elsfsight) but those are really for whole carousels of images. I really love the look of the Squarespace scroll with words - and just want to inject a tiny favicon instead of an emoji. Any coding geniuses out there have a suggestion for how to make this possible? Thank you! @tuanphan thought you might have an idea?
  4. Hey there - I almost also looking for a convenient solution to force line breaks on mobile screen sizes!
  5. Hey @Maclin I don't see any lines in your menu drop down - did you try some of my previous suggestions? It looks like you have solved it!
  6. @Ziggy This is the first I have heard of this - how come it shows that the business plan and higher are needed on their pricing plans for css then? Are you saying that CSS is allowed on all plans and only code injection is reserved for higher plans? Thanks for the clarification.
  7. First, I'd recommend clearing your browsing data and refreshing the page- it could just be hanging an old style that you've since deleted. My second suggestion, if you think its a styling setting within squarespace - reach out to their chat support and they will be able to help you located the settings on the styling platform. And lastly, my suggestion would be to launch the inspector window and take a look under the hood at where the drop down is inheriting those styles from. Here is a quick how to: Tricks for sleuthing a styling issue - Watch Video Good luck!
  8. You will need to upgrade to the business plan. If you take a look at the compare plans section of squarespace's pricing page - they show that it must be business plan or higher to add in any custom code. Hope that helps! 😊
  9. Oh, and actually if you add this bit of code it will move the drop shadow much like the example you showed: .sqs-block-button-element:hover::after { transform: translate(1rem, -1rem); }
  10. Press down button option - Watch Video // Button Block - Solid Drop Shadow Style// .sqs-block-button-element { box-shadow: 10px 10px #02CBC6;; border: 1px solid #fff !important; transition: all ease-in 0.2s !important; } .sqs-block-button-element:hover { box-shadow: none; transform: translateY(4px) !important; transition: all ease-in 0.2s; opacity: 1 !important; }
  11. Hey there, do you mind sending along the code or a link to codepen?
  12. Hey there! There is a discussion with a bunch of options in this thread: However, I would definitely suggest just recoloring your logo. Without getting into the weeds too much - this simple change is extra complicated because of its location - we cant go in and edit the html like we can a text block on the site - so all of the above solutions are requiring quite a bit of code to get there. Hope that helps!
  13. I just stumbled upon this with the same question in mind. Would love if someone knowledgable could chime in and let us know!
  14. I just stumbled upon this with the same question in mind. Would love if someone knowledgable could chime in and let us know!
  15. @thepemberleycreative Hey there! So you can add something called "Inline CSS" which is basically just a little style to your line of code. Add something like this: <a href="https://devotedcolumbus.com/wedding-directory/602/"> <img src="https://devotedcolumbus.com/badge/602/" alt="View our listing on Devoted Columbus" width="15%" height="auto"> </a> You can play around with using a percentage or a pixel (width="50px") till you get the desired result. Hope that helps!
  16. @thepemberleycreative can you please post the code for us to take a look? thank you!
  17. Just wanted to chime in - member areas has great potential and it would be so convenient if it had a few more features. In its current state it's still not usable for most things. There should be a variety of different walls not just a paywall. ie, paywall, agewall, employee wall, approval required wall. There should also be a feature to invite members to join. I say this with love because I love Squarespace wholeheartedly and have been a Squarespace designer for years. But it bums me out to see them launch new programs without fleshing out the existing ones.
  18. Oof I am struggling with this one! @tuanphan is a legend, maybe he can help you? The code for stylizing all input fields, or even input fields of a certain type (text, number etc) is easy peasy but this is a little trickier. upon inspection each individual form field input is a yui not a block-yui which means we cant target them individually that way. I was messing around with targeting the whole form and narrowing it down by using the :nth-child selector but I'm unable to get it to act the way I want it to. Good luck and Ill be excited to see when someone finds a solve.
  19. Hey there! Can you provide a link to the page you are working on and the password if its a protected site? The code solution will depend on the individual form fields names in order to target them for unique colors. Thanks!
  20. @erinsydd Looks like you already solved it 👏 ! Might be nice to post the solution so that others searching can find the answer 😊
  21. Hey @erinsydd we'd love to help but now the password is coming up as incorrect.
  22. Hey there - I would love to help can you please send along the site url?
  23. Hey @MIKE_LYTHGOE Alright for the title, I assume you are referring to the small gray text that says "size" for that you'll just want to target the .variant-option-title {display: none !important;} and then for the selection box, youll do something along these lines: .product-details .variant-select-wrapper { color: #000; border: none !important; } I hope that helps!
  24. Would you mind linking to the site so that i could take a look?
  25. Hey Angus, any chance you could add your website link so that I could check out the problem?
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