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Everything posted by rwp

  1. I don't think it could be done with just CSS
  2. I've had this saved for a while, I don't even remember where I got it. I've changed and tweaked it a bunch of times, and I have never really spent the time to get it 100% right. I just added the svg from your code to it, and it looks a lot better. Try it out, let me know what you think. https://jsfiddle.net/pelletr1/h904prbz/latest/ Edit: I just plugged it all into your page from the console and it seems to work
  3. If you share your page I can get the actual code, but it will be something like #collection #header { position: fixed; }
  4. jQuery (add script, directions in my signature) $(document).ready(function() { $('.ico.animated').on('click', function() { $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: $('.page-section:nth-child(2)').offset().top - $('#header').height() }, 1000); }); }); CSS .ico.animated { cursor: pointer; }
  5. I tested this on another 7.1 site, and have it figured out, I just need the password to test on yours and then I can share.
  6. So my thoughts are that the code is running before the fallback image is actually generated, so lets try this..... We can also get rid of the blank image, I should have thought of that earlier. Replace the old code that I gave you with this, keep the script tags, keep the jquery script, just replace whats in yellow....... $(document).ready(function () { $('.custom-fallback-image').attr('style', 'display: none'); setTimeout(function () { $('.custom-fallback-image').attr('style', 'display: block'); }, 4000); });
  7. @media screen and (min-width: 768px){ [data-form-id="5f095b98687d657c9e7696fb"] { display: inline-flex; } [data-form-id="5f095b98687d657c9e7696fb"] .form-button-wrapper.form-button-wrapper--align-center { margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 4%; } } I kind of got it to work, but it gets really weird as the page dynamically resizes. Try adding this, it will only move the button above 768px screen width.
  8. [data-form-id="5f095b98687d657c9e7696fb"] .field-list.clear { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } [data-form-id="5f095b98687d657c9e7696fb"] .form-item.field.email { margin-left: auto; } [data-form-id="5f095b98687d657c9e7696fb"] .form-item { flex:0 48%; } [data-form-id="5f095b98687d657c9e7696fb"] .form-item.field.checkbox { flex:0 100%; }
  9. Can you send me a link to that page? I don't see it.
  10. @jennypetit Can you please post a screen shot of the custom css area with the code. When I apply the code on my end it works like this:
  11. That was something different we were working on. I will look into your page now.
  12. Did you put it in design -> custom css?
  13. jQuery url is incorrect. Needs to be https:// Use the link in my signature to generate a new script block and replace.
  14. [data-form-id="5ef104cf248f58611c7849aa"] .field-list.clear { display: flex; } [data-form-id="5ef104cf248f58611c7849aa"] .form-item.field.email { margin-left: auto; } [data-form-id="5ef104cf248f58611c7849aa"] .form-item { width: 48%; }
  15. I'm not sure you can without a bunch of javascript. @tuanphan do you know?
  16. @theresa.southern Please see here and PM me if you think this might help you.
  17. The logo is centered now. Are you trying to split the menu in half on each side of the logo?
  18. I've been working hard on this, on and off for a few months. I've had it working for a while, but it was never perfect. Today I finally decided to try and wrap it up. If you are interested, I will need you to send me a PM. I need to get a little more testing done to make its its 100%. This is where I am at so far. If I am missing anything, let me know. Allows for custom link text, so you will be able to see mysite.com/home#customtext, not a bunch of gibberish Correct anchor position, right at the top of the section, not below the padding by adding an anchor in a code block Correct location on a page refresh Correct location on a redirect from a different page Fast and efficient, the only hold up in the code is waiting for 7.1 to load THIS IS FREE!!! This isn't a plug in, to be honest I don't even know what a plug in looks like for squarespace. This is code I wrote, that I use on my customers sites. Its been changed, evolved, modified, over the past 6 months, and anyone is welcome to use it. Anyway, if anyone wants to test it out, and help me get to the final stage of this, let me know via PM. Thanks.
  19. @theresa.southern I am finalizing an anchor link code for 7.1 that I have been working on for a while. I think I have it almost done.
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