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  1. Hi Tuanphan, I'm using standard gallery page layout in grid format. the caption and description is not visible in the grid format and only comes up in lightbox. can you help me with code to have the title/description visible at all times even on the grid standard gallery page? I would greatly appreciate it. Many thanks!!
  2. Hi Paul, Thank you for the code. I've added the code to the page injection and the page appears on mobile too. However, when i press on the text linked to event pages - it keeps going back to the mobile home page. does not go beyond to anything else 😕 https://laf-uk.squarespace.com/ I'm doing a seperate homepage in the first place because the website kept crashing only for iphone users and decided to make a seperate simpler one for mobile. Thank you!
  3. Hi Tuanphan, I have a third dropdown filtering by 'Author' Names (archive which I've renamed to Boroughs in this site). When filtering by categories the text 'filtering by category: xxxxx' appears - I was hoping to get the same text for my author (borough) doprdown to appear 'filtering by Borough: xxxxx' hope that made sense. Here's the link to the active site. https://www.laf-uk.com/ Would greatly appreciate any help! Thanks!
  4. Hi Paul, I was hoping for some assistance. The website is crashing on iphone users sadly. https://www.laf-uk.com/ As we needed the eventbrite code to work, our website has ajax loading disabled. Do u think that's why it's crashing on iphones? It has some css code as well for for displaying events in grid format too. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
  5. Hi Tuanphan, I have the same issue. The website works perfectly on the desktop and for android users, but it crashes for iphone users. I'm struggling to understand why. The Page size is around 5mb only too. https://www.laf-uk.com/ Appreciate any help! Thank you so much!
  6. Thanks! not sure which template this was on but code below worked to hide footer top section on all pages (adding it to CSS)! #footerBlocksTop { display: none; }
  7. Hi, Was following this video to hide footer section in some pages. I was looking to hide the top section of my footer in certain pages. However since 7.0 doesn't have a section id - is there an way to call this section out? Thank you very much! appreciate any help. Very new to website coding!
  8. Hi Tuanphan, I tried this code for the event listing by changing this - $(".EventList-filter").html(function() { However, did not work. Was worth a shot- ha ha. #1. to have "Filtering by" change to "Events in" #2. I was hoping to shift this text above the grid to not break the grid format of the events listing too. Thank you very much! Hi t
  9. #1. Yes, you did ! Thank you tuanphan! #2 and #3 formatting we thought was not really required. So that's all good now. https://laf-uk.squarespace.com/laf24-festivalprogramme This is the link!
  10. Hi, Thank you for sharing these codes! with #2 I was able to have my event listing come in grid format. I removed the event decription as well. However I still needed the event column-info to appear. Please help with code to align the info to the left edge of the event pic. Thank you very much!
  11. Hi, Similar question-yes, I was able to add blocks to the top of the event listing, as shown in this picture. However I was looking to add image blocks at the end, between the event listing and footer. Please let me know if this is possible or if there's css for this. Thank you very much.
  12. Thank you Tuanphan! Can I ask for some more help with the event list page format, if that's alright: 1. Can I move the event info to the left border of image 2. Remove the day 3. Also have the time in the same line and seperated by a '|' Appreciate it! 🙂
  13. It has successfully taken it off from the event page description, but i was trying to hide it from only the event listings! Thank you!
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