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Everything posted by Javdesign

  1. I went back to the issue and I think I am going to need to go the code injection route to resolve this as you suggested, @Ziggy. Do you know that code injection piece? (When this reolves, I will buy your coffee!) The reason this is happening (and why I had to overlap text blocks with the line blocks to get the spacing I wanted) is that the grid is not letting the line of text take up any less space than 2 grid rows no matter what I do with spacing. So it is always going to add a grid row below it, forcing me to place the line farther away form the text than I'd like to). Unless I am totally missing something, this seems to be the barrier. See attached screen shots to see.
  2. OK, I will fiddle with the grid/spacing of that particular page section to see what I can get out of it without going to code-based solutions, first. Thank you! I'll report back. -J
  3. Thanks for taking a look, Ziggy. Will that solve the responsive wrapping issues though? Will the line bump downward when a text line wraps onto two lines? I don't want to have to build in a lot of space between the text and the horizontal line for when screen widths allow the text to fit on one line just to accommodate it when it wraps - that will look weird when it fits on one line. In the meantime, I'll work on tweaking the spacing and see what happens!
  4. Oh, sorry about that! SS has you add a URL in a field when you're writing the post and then doesn't display it, I guess! And yes, I do have the blocks overlapping because I can't manipulate the section grid enough to allow me the best spacing. Here is the URL: https://www.roseconsulting.co/leadership-coaching
  5. Hello! I have a layout design consisting of text blocks interspersed with line blocks to create what looks like a ruled list of terms/sentences. It looks fine on large viewports and mobile. But anything in between on smaller screens like laptops and iPads, when the responsiveness does its thing and text lines wrap, they just overlap over the line blocks (rather than the line blocks pushing down to accommodate the text wrapping). I want the divider lines to "react" to text lines wrapping and unwrapping, accordingly to maintain the ruled list look and spacing. Any ideas on how I could do that? Before and after screen shots attached and URL is above. Thanks in advance! _ JV
  6. I believe this is a common question repeated, but I have scoured the answers for code, and I am not seeing it, specifically. For subpages contained within a folder, I would like the user to NOT have to click that arrow and get another overlay just for those subsection links. Images included on what it is by default and what I want to do instead. Version 7.1 Thanks in advance!!
  7. Is there more flexibility in the code on the placement vs. this which just drives it to the very top edge?
  8. Any code injection answers on this? I am also searching for this as well.
  9. Helpful, thanks! How about vertical alignment/placement of the list so it's not centered in the height?
  10. Just came back to say I found another solution in this thread using the Collection ID + H1 specification in the code instead, since I'm dealing with a homepage as it mentioned, and that worked! Thank you!
  11. Hi, Trying to change the H1 size on a Homepage on mobile. I found what I needed here via @christyprice's posts but it is not working for me. Even used the Chrome SS block finder extension. Changed the font size. But the type size isn't changing when I save. This is the code I am using with the appropriate text block ID in place: @media screen and (max-width: 640px) { #block-b804c57f124fbfbe2d7f { font-size: 20px !important; } }
  12. Yes, actually! Especially since it says it expands the height, and it didn't change the mobile view. I think it is only adding it below text boxes where I use a header style. I might have to look into my font Styles and see if there is something in that going on. But I'm happy to hear if there are other ideas and solutions. Thank you!
  13. Hi, I'm looking for code injection for some mobile overlay link sizing and styling. Here's what i want to achieve, any help is much appreciated! I am on version 7.1. See screenshot, also. Would like to be able to move the list up vertically rather than centered Would like to either be able to expose the menu items under "Services" with services being just a dead header, or have the caret open a drop-down with the menu items within, not go to another overlay screen as it does now. Would like to be able to change the font size of these enormous links. Thank you!
  14. Yes, I have a few. I'll start with adding this one: Drew in the black arrow to point out the spacing I am focusing on.
  15. So utterly frustrated with how SquareSpace 7.1 shows up on mobile. I haven't added any special code injections, just using their styles. It looks great in the editor and then then I view it in a browser via the URL or using the SS app and the spacing is all over the place. Two elements can be completely up against each other in the editor on desktop, but will have several hundred pixels of space between them on mobile browser view. One pattern I'm noticing is it happens consistently below a header text block (H1, H2, etc). It's adding additional space at he bottom of header text blocks and I don't know why. Anyone else have issues, or have ideas for fixes with vertical spacing being very different than in editing when seen on mobile?
  16. Do any of you know how to remove the burger and overlay menu from mobile (v. 7.1 templates), but expose the links that are in it at the top in the header instead (again, on mobile)? I only have one link to show!
  17. This removes the burger menu and overlay on mobile- very helpful, thanks! But, we have one link and one social icon in the header that we want to just display there instead of the burger on mobile. Does anyone know how to do that? The code above removed it from view entirely (understandably, but not quite what I'm trying to achieve).
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