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Everything posted by LucyBold

  1. Hello @Web_Solutions, thanks so much. Can you let me know which part of the code I can modify to adjust this spacing? I'll like to try different values. Thanks so much.
  2. Thank you @tuanphan! This works well but the quantity filed in the homepage https://www.lacalifornie.es does not pick up this code, any idea why? Also, would you be able to help me with this as well?I'll like to change the wording on the Variants, currently: "Select Size" "Select color" Here is a link to a product page where all these fields and buttons are shown: https://www.lacalifornie.es/all/p/handmade-rattan-fish
  3. Hello! I'll like to adjust the padding between the Title+price of the three product blocks I have on my homepage and the quantity+ Add to Bag button. Can you help me with this? I am attaching an image where the red shows the spacing I want to adjust. The URL: https://www.lacalifornie.es Thanks in advance!
  4. Hello there, I am trying to unify the size of the buttons and fields of the following throughout my sire both on desktop and mobile. Currently it is close but there a some subtle differences. Is there some code that allows me to adjust height and length and padding of the: - Quantity - Variant 1 (size) - Variant 2 (color) - Add to Bag button Additionally I'll like to change the wording on the Variants, currently: "Select Size" "Select color" Here is a link to a product page where all these fields and buttons are shown: https://www.lacalifornie.es/all/p/handmade-rattan-fish
  5. @tuanphan a visual reference of what I am trying to achieve.
  6. Thank you @tuanphan, unfortunately this code affects both the OVERLAY MENU on DESKTOP and OVERLAY MENU on MOBILE. I am trying to style these two separately, in this case I need to style OVERLAY MENU on DESKTOP: - type size: of main links and links within the SHOP dropdow (two different sizes) - type size: of Instagram and Email links - type size of language switcher - padding on the left of all elements so they are all left aligned - Vertical spacing/padding between elements - apply the same behaviour to the language switcher as on desktop. Selected language bolded: ESP / ENG Thank you so much for your time on this.
  7. Thank you so much @tuanphan! (Two!) last things: - I just realised that the behaviour is reversed; it gets bolded the opposite language the page is in.. - Can i apply one of the custom fonts I already have uploaded to this switcher/text?
  8. Thank you so much @tuanphan! Last thing, I just realised that the behaviour is reversed; it gets bolded the opposite language the page is in..
  9. here it is https://www.lacalifornie.es @tuanphan
  10. Hello! I currently have some custom CSS to force an OVERLAY MENU only when the browser hits a specific size; to avoid having the nav links stacked when making small the browser. I am not happy with the way it looks (see screenshot) , I want to make some adjustments to the links size, and spacing. Can ypou help to achieve this? I want to make sure tjis adjustments DO NOT affect the OVERLAY MENU on mobile. Thanks in advance!
  11. thank you @tuanphan I'll like if possible to match the treatment I have on desktop; the language in use to be bolded instead of underline, is this possible?
  12. Thanks @tuanphan! that works! I wonder if now you can help me to refine a bit: Can the same treatment (ESP/ENG) bolded on the current language and the / be added to mobile? to match desktop. I'll like to have all text (nav links, social links, search and language switcher) all aligned to the left Adjust the spacing (top and bottom) between these bottom links Thanks so much again
  13. Thank you @tuanphan i added the code you provided below but now the switcher is gone on mobile.
  14. Nice! Thank you @tuanphan! Can this treatment be applied to mobile as well?
  15. Hello! As it is right now on my website MOBILE VIEW the corners of the top Newsletter field (Email address) are slightly rounded. Ill like to match the corners of Sign Up button, how can I get this done? Thank you in advance!
  16. Hello there! I will like to simplify the WEGLOT language switcher I currently have on my site https://www.lacalifornie.es I will like to: - remove the dropdown and instead have both languages display side to side (ESP/ENG) with the current language bolded (ESP/ENG) or underlined (ESP/ENG) - adjust the spacing between these and the cart icon Thanks in advance!
  17. Hi @paul2009, thanks so much for the tip! It helped me to figure this issue out. I did some digging and the Java I adjusted was a different one suggested by you but related to pricing as well.
  18. Thank you! @tuanphan! this works great on Desktop. Could we not have this hover behaviour happen on MOBILE?
  19. hi @paul2009! this is it https://www.lacalifornie.es/all/p/oak-studio-table-gj6na-hmbzf THANKS!
  20. Hello @tuanphan any chance you can take a look at this? Thanks so much!
  21. Currently there is no jump because I did not add that part of the code. /* Text hover slide up */ .portfolio-text { transform: translateY(100px); transition: all 0.3s ease; } a.grid-item:hover .portfolio-text { transform: translateY(0); transition: all 0.3s ease; } But if I do is when the jump happens. I wonder If making what i currently have https://www.lacalifornie.es/studio but show on hover is the right way to go. Would this be possible @tuanphan? Thank you!
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