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Everything posted by Gigi-C

  1. @Beyondspace omg thanks so much for this!!! I was wondering if you could also help me with the hamburger icon, it does a similar thing on scroll whilst closed - stays white on scroll instead of going black like the logo. Do you know what I could use for this? Many thanks!
  2. Hello! website: coucoustudio.squarespace.com PW: CCS24 I used a code to change my logo on scroll with a transparent background to a solid background with a black logo. However when you open the hamburger menu on mobile and scroll it reverts back to the white/light logo (see video) Could someone help me understand how to make sure it stays the black logo when the hamburger menu is open? Thanks! Screen Recording 2024-05-16 at 18.32.05.mov
  3. Hey @colin.irwin So the custom code is pretty long, as there's a few parts to it which create the effect at the moment /******HOMEPAGE******/ header#header.shrink svg.icon { stroke: black; fill: black; } //-------------// //***HEADER***// header#header.shrink { background-color: white !important; } /* Change logo on scroll */ .shrink .header-title-logo img { visibility: hidden; } .shrink .header-title-logo a { background-image: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6583ad4a5d6aab0922f2d42d/t/663d03d8b127c3081d3643f6/1715274712696/Artboard+1+copy+4.png); background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; } //--- nav link colour on scroll--// header#header.shrink a { color: black; opacity: 1; } header#header.shrink img { filter: invert(1); } header#header.shrink use { fill: black !important; stroke: black !important; } //---- mobile nav----// (changes the logo and nav links colour from white the black) body:not(.header--menu-open) header#header img { content:url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6583ad4a5d6aab0922f2d42d/t/663d05a44b2a3437f0db91cd/1715275172328/Artboard+2.png) !important;} body.header--menu-open header#header img { content: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6583ad4a5d6aab0922f2d42d/t/663d03d8b127c3081d3643f6/1715274712696/Artboard+1+copy+4.png);} Thank you for the help so far!
  4. https://coucoustudio.squarespace.com/ PW: CCS24 I used code to transform my header from transparent with white text to white background with black text on scroll. However, my PDP's have a white background and now the header doesn't show up on those pages because of this. Is there a way I can target the PDP's only to reverse this effect, so my header is constantly black? Thanks! Screen Recording 2024-05-14 at 10.22.28.mov
  5. Thanks so much @tuanphan I have a similar issue in terms of colour on the same website I have used code so that when you scroll down the page, the logo goes from white to black (with a solid white nav background) However, the product pages in the video, are against a white background, and that means the logo doesn't show properly. Is there a code I can use to target only product pages that will allow me to use the black logo instead? Thanks in advance! Screen Recording 2024-05-14 at 00.04.53.mov
  6. https://thevalleycleaningservices.squarespace.com/ On the services part. Thank you!
  7. www.coucoustudiony.com pw: CCS24 I have managed to find code to allow me to invert the colours to show on a solid white background on scroll in the navigation, however the cart button did not change. I've tried to look for code and implement it myself however I can't seem to make it work. Thanks! Screen Recording 2024-05-09 at 18.33.25.mov
  8. Ah thank you for trying! @tuanphan
  9. Hey @tuanphan I understand it is not possible with the Will myers code, but I found a website (linked above) that does allow it to work on mobile. Wondering if you know how I can make it work on mobile? Thanks!
  10. @Shadmon Yes of course, www.coucoustudiony.com pw: CCS24 Thanks!
  11. Hey @Shadmon thanks so much! However, it doesn't work on iOS devices (ipad & mobile) - sorry, I should've been more specific! Do you have any workaround for this? Many thanks!
  12. URL: coucoustudiony.com pw: CCS24 Hello, I was wondering if anyone has a work around for the mobile version of this @WillMyers code for a parallax effect. https://www.will-myers.com/adding-parallax-effect-to-a-background-image-in-squarespace-71 I've seen it's possible on mobile as this website have it on mobile(maybe it's a testimonial thing?) https://thesocialagency.dk/ Thank you in advance!
  13. URL: https://coucoustudio.squarespace.com/ PW: CCS24 Hey all! I have a dilemma that I can't seem to solve. I have a testimonial block with simple list - however I can't get the the title to customise the font - I want the font to be the same but I want to change the weight to regular/light and I want to change the size. Is there a code for this? I've looked and added some but somehow nothing works. Not sure if it might be my browser? Also - if anyone knows of a neater, minimalist way of doing this without the faff, please let me know. Thanks so much!
  14. Hello, I have this code .list-item .list-image { border-radius: 12px; filter: grayscale(100%);} div:hover .list-item .list-image:hover { border-radius: 12px !important; filter: none; transform: scale(1.1); transition: .5s ease all; } which gives this following effect (video) But for some reason the border-radius disappears one hover. Ideally I would like to make sure that the transition includes the radius-border. Thank you in advance! Screen Recording 2024-04-26 at 09.48.28.mov
  15. Hey community! https://www.youbynatseleen.com/services My website is public! I have an issue with the videos being played on that page. They work well on mobile but when they're viewed on desktop the sizing of the video gets messy and the fallback image does too. I either want to: Be able to solve this issue so both image and video are the same size (square) or Be able to hide videos on desktop ONLY and display just the image, while being able to show both video and fallback image on mobile. Thank you!! Screen Recording 2023-10-26 at 00.38.01.mov
  16. Hey @Kalie I came across this forum and I'd really love to implement it onto my website, did you put all the codepen code into a code block? What was the format to get this to work? Thanks!
  17. So I added this line of code: padding-top: 10vmax !important; to the original code I had and it worked! section[data-section-id="64ca4120ff73c555d9acab5d"] .content-wrapper { width:100%!important; padding-top: 10vmax !important; background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 60%, rgba(20, 20, 20, 1) 90%, rgba(28,28,27,1.000) 100%); z-index: 1; max-width: inherit; }
  18. It's taking the whole effect off completely, I also tried to adjust the rgb/rgba's as is coded for my other page and that hasn't worked either
  19. Thank you @Ziggy! However it hasn't worked and removed the gradient all together unfortunately 😞 see code in the custom css box on the left!
  20. sure! https://www.youbynatseleen.com/education I always add it when it asks me to before I post a discussion.. I thought it shows up! Thanks @Ziggy 🙂
  21. Hey all! I have an issue with the gradient overlay that I've used between the sections on my website for a client. I don't think it was doing this previously, and it's not an issue on mobile version, but what to know if there's something I can do to stop this from happening. As you can see in the screen recording, I've used the same code for another page (about us) and it's not doing the same thing. Thanks! Screen Recording 2023-09-07 at 10.33.00.mov
  22. Hey all! I have this codepen that I think is really cool to show previous projects on my website https://codepen.io/thomassaulay/pen/XWJdORa (currently I have a similar layout on my home page with a portfolio section but the images are static). However when I use this codepen and refresh the website it doesn't create that parallax effect I'm looking for. Could someone help me achieve it? I have also put the css code in <style></style> and JS in <script> </script> https://khaki-bumblebee-rgm8.squarespace.com/&nbsp; website is live - no pass Thanks!
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