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    CesO reacted to tuanphan in Customize font in auto layout lists   
    Add this to Design > Custom CSS
    div.list-section-title p, h2.list-item-content__title { font-family: 'Hamilton' !important; }  
  2. Like
    CesO got a reaction from creativenap in POLL: Suggestion for New Contributor Permissions Level: "Developers"   
    Hi everyone, 
    I am taking a poll to see how people feel about suggestion for Squarespace to add another Contributor level:
    I am finding that there isn't specific access for a Contributor to only provide access to allow for page editing, CSS editing, Advanced Code, style editing, etc, etc.
    I am wary of giving access to outsourced developers to have Admin access.
  3. Like
    CesO reacted to Beyondspace in Can the year be added to the display of the published date?   
    Since you site is US based, I chose the date format "mm-dd-yyyy"
    Check the snippet on snapshot mode of your site here
    The snippet is originated from https://forum.squarespace.com/topic/207841-freeshare-date-display-format-options-on-all-pages/#comment-506718
    <!-- Fix inconsistent blog date format on Squarespace 7.1 template --> <!-- Squarespace Forum Update 06-11-2021 --> <script src="https://stevenlevithan.com/assets/misc/date.format.js"></script> <script> (function(){ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { const dateformat = "mm-dd-yyyy"; const pubdates = document.querySelectorAll("time[datetime]:not([class*=event-time]), time[pubdate], time.blog-meta-item--date"); pubdates.forEach(pubDate => { let d = new Date(pubDate.getAttribute("datetime") || pubDate.innerText); if (pubDate.classList.contains('blog-meta-item--date') ) { d = new Date(document.querySelector('[itemprop="datePublished"]').getAttribute('content').split("T")[0]); } pubDate.innerHTML = d.format(dateformat); }); }); })(); </script>

  4. Love
    CesO reacted to WillMyers in How to slow down the fade transition in a 7.1 Gallery Slideshow   
    Hey gang, I took a stab at a different solution and it seems to be working on my end. Check out the CSS below if you're using Slideshow Full, I also have some CSS in an article here if you're using Slideshow Simple -- it's the same idea with a few small tweaks. 
    Basically I'm using CSS animations instead of transitions. Seem to work better since the slides are getting moved around in the DOM. Watch this if you're curious. 
    Let me know if there are any issues, I'll keep iterating as I can. 
    /** * Slow Cross Fade * Gallery Type » Slideshow Full * From Will-Myers.com **/ #sections .gallery-fullscreen-slideshow[data-transition="fade"] { --duration: 2s; figure, .gallery-fullscreen-slideshow-item-src{ opacity:1; } .gallery-fullscreen-slideshow-item{ visibility: visible; } figure:last-child { animation: fadeIn var(--duration, 2s) ease; } @keyframes fadeIn { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; } } }  
  5. Like
    CesO reacted to paul2009 in POLL: Suggestion for New Contributor Permissions Level: "Developers"   
    I agree about the privileges model. I've been advocating for improved permissions for years (and requested this as a feature). It was probably fine for most sites where there's a single user, but as Squarespace are now targeting professionals and agencies, I would like to see some improvements.
    Regarding a specific contributor role of "Developer" (as opposed to Designer), I see this as providing the same as access as Administrator but without access to areas that contain financial or personal information that do no need to be disclosed to a developer who is coding the site. For example, preventing access to Orders, Analytics and Contacts/Profiles. 
  6. Like
    CesO got a reaction from Widle in Introduce your business!   
    G'day from Sydney —
    We've recently set up Old Lady Studio, a boutique design studio working across all sort of industries from commercial and residential property marketing to educational design. I love working with small business owners and anyone with marketing materials that need some revamping.
    Our most recent project was creating the corporate website for family-run property development company in Sydney Australia - addenbrooke.com.au
    This project couldn't have been done without these amazing resources:
  7. Like
    CesO reacted to CassAggett in POLL: Suggestion for New Contributor Permissions Level: "Developers"   
    I know this is an old topic now but it popped up in my Google search results - I totally agree! I'm on the other end of it currently where I have a white label client I'm doing CSS customisation for hesitant to add me as an Administrator, however the Website Editor permission doesn't allow much at all.
  8. Thanks
    CesO reacted to tuanphan in Newsletter block formatting to suit mobile   
    Try adding to Home > Design > Custom CSS
    @media screen and (max-width:767px) { .newsletter-block .newsletter-form-body { display: flex; } .newsletter-form-fields-wrapper.form-fields { width: 70%; } .newsletter-form-button-wrapper.submit-wrapper { width: 30%; } .newsletter-form-button-wrapper.submit-wrapper button { width: 100%; } }  
  9. Like
    CesO reacted to christyprice in New Auto content blocks/lists equal height?   
    Just wanted to update this post - Squarespace rolled out an update and you no longer need a code solution here. In the auto layout (list) section, just go to Edit Content > Design > Size & Space. Scroll to the bottom and there is now the option to make each item the same height under Position:

  10. Love
    CesO got a reaction from webbroi in Introduce your business!   
    G'day from Sydney —
    We've recently set up Old Lady Studio, a boutique design studio working across all sort of industries from commercial and residential property marketing to educational design. I love working with small business owners and anyone with marketing materials that need some revamping.
    Our most recent project was creating the corporate website for family-run property development company in Sydney Australia - addenbrooke.com.au
    This project couldn't have been done without these amazing resources:
  11. Like
    CesO got a reaction from sayreambrosio in Introduce your business!   
    G'day from Sydney —
    We've recently set up Old Lady Studio, a boutique design studio working across all sort of industries from commercial and residential property marketing to educational design. I love working with small business owners and anyone with marketing materials that need some revamping.
    Our most recent project was creating the corporate website for family-run property development company in Sydney Australia - addenbrooke.com.au
    This project couldn't have been done without these amazing resources:
  12. Like
    CesO got a reaction from Nick_SquareKicker in Introduce your business!   
    G'day from Sydney —
    We've recently set up Old Lady Studio, a boutique design studio working across all sort of industries from commercial and residential property marketing to educational design. I love working with small business owners and anyone with marketing materials that need some revamping.
    Our most recent project was creating the corporate website for family-run property development company in Sydney Australia - addenbrooke.com.au
    This project couldn't have been done without these amazing resources:
  13. Like
    CesO reacted to Tiny_Coast in Introduce your business!   
    I offer digital marketing and web design services for small business owners.  Stepping out and working on my own rather than agency or in house positions has been a great new adventure. 
    You can learn more at tinycoastdigital.com
    Looking forward to learning about everyone's businesses 😊 
  14. Like
    CesO reacted to Evangelina in Background videos not displaying on mobile   
    Site URL: http://bungalow28.com
    Hello guys, 
    Last night I noticed that all background videos (on my site bungalow28.com and my clients') stopped displaying via mobile. Other people were able to reproduce this issue as well via iOS. I did not check via Android. 

    I logged this issue with Squarespace support and I was wondering whether you encountered this as well? 

    For now I placed fall back images but it defies the purpose. 😟

    Thank you so much. 
  15. Like
    CesO reacted to kinguyen in Background videos not displaying on mobile   
    Site URL: http://ki-art.work
    Hi everyone, 
    I need help please. Suddenly my background video is not playing anymore on my website homepage, now it just a static image even though I have background video added in the setting. Also, when I try to add an image for my mobile fallback image, it just replace the background video as well in the desktop version. Does anyone else experience this problem before or have any solution to this? Thank you so much. 
  16. Like
    CesO reacted to paul2009 in Font size scaling problem in 7.1   
    You can report technical issues by contacting Squarespace Customer Care directly.
  17. Like
    CesO reacted to vincentlefre in Font size scaling problem in 7.1   
    Same issue here. Fixed with custom CSS.
    But man it's crazy that this formula is wrong. What a nightmare to have to write custom code for every instance this occurs.
    It pains me to think of all the websites that behave incorrectly because of this. 

    How can we report this as a bug to Squarespace?
  18. Like
    CesO reacted to Beyondspace in Making Accordion block full-width   
    Hi @AnnaC,
    You can try the following code in Home > Design > Custom Css
    .sqs-block-accordion .accordion-item__description { max-width: unset !important; width: 100%; } Let me know how it works on your site
    Press 👍 or mark this answer as solution to help another one too
  19. Like
    CesO reacted to vincentlefre in Full viewport height page sections in 7.1 since Fluid Engine   

    I'm trying to create a site with page sections that are the full height of the viewport (and that flex with window size). This was quite achievable in 7.0, and also in 7.1 pre-Fluid Engine update. Now it seems there's no options at all for having full viewport height sections that flex, unless I'm missing something. 
    In the classic page section editor in 7.1 setting the section height to 100 would give you a 100vh section that adjusts to viewport size. Doing that in a Fluid Engine section does not yield the same result. 

    Any ideas or help on achieving this would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Like
    CesO reacted to drwclrk in Invert logo based on section color?   
    Site URL: https://maxinestrategy.com
    I'd like the logo of my website (currently white on transparent navigation) to invert based on the background color of the section. In other words, I'd like the logo to change color as I scroll down the page. The logo only needs to be either black or white, and I'd like to change according to the site styles/section color (light background colors = dark logo, and vice versa).
    Any ideas? Does the code exist? Thanks for your help!
  21. Thanks
    CesO got a reaction from creedon in Blog page: How to remove the arrow for source/external links posts?   
    Chris, you are a legend. This worked perfectly on the site I tested it on.👍
  22. Like
    CesO reacted to creedon in Blog page: How to remove the arrow for source/external links posts?   
    Add the following to Blog Settings > Advanced > Page Header Code Injection for the blog page. Please see per-page code injection.
    <style> .passthrough-link:after {   content : unset;      } </style> This is for v7.1.
    Let us know how it goes.
  23. Like
    CesO reacted to tuanphan in Scroll Arrow Indicator   
    Add to Code Block
    <div class="scroll-down"></div> <style> .scroll-down { position: absolute; left: 50%; bottom: 10px; display: block; text-align: center; font-size: 20px; z-index: 100; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: 0; width: 13px; height: 13px; border-bottom: 2px solid red; border-right: 2px solid red; z-index: 9; left: 50%; -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, 0%) rotate(45deg); -moz-transform: translate(-50%, 0%) rotate(45deg); transform: translate(-50%, 0%) rotate(45deg); -webkit-animation: fade_move_down 4s ease-in-out infinite; -moz-animation: fade_move_down 4s ease-in-out infinite; animation: fade_move_down 4s ease-in-out infinite; } /*animated scroll arrow animation*/ @-webkit-keyframes fade_move_down { 0% { -webkit-transform:translate(0,-10px) rotate(45deg); opacity: 0; } 50% { opacity: 1; } 100% { -webkit-transform:translate(0,10px) rotate(45deg); opacity: 0; } } @-moz-keyframes fade_move_down { 0% { -moz-transform:translate(0,-10px) rotate(45deg); opacity: 0; } 50% { opacity: 1; } 100% { -moz-transform:translate(0,10px) rotate(45deg); opacity: 0; } } @keyframes fade_move_down { 0% { transform:translate(0,-10px) rotate(45deg); opacity: 0; } 50% { opacity: 1; } 100% { transform:translate(0,10px) rotate(45deg); opacity: 0; } } </style>  
  24. Like
    CesO reacted to tuanphan in Where 'Use Existing Gallery' in 7.1?   
    SS bring back Gallery Block in 7.1
  25. Like
    CesO reacted to lauzza in How do I remove previous / next links in the new Squarespace 7.1 blog posts?   
    I used this on my 7.1 site and it seems to have done the job:
    .item-pagination { display:none !important; } Worked for me but not sure if it would work for others
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