Sorry for distorting coding terms but something like:
if url = /store-page?category=Special-category?tag=Any-tag , then div-1 display:none and div-2 display:block,
otherwise div-1 display:block and hide div-2
OR: if url contains "Special stop word" (in tag or category), then show one div and hide the other
By div I mean a combination of images (or a summary with images) in a store's Intro that I use as category links. And the reason why I want to hide some links is that when it comes to categorizing surgical instruments not by their type but by joints they are used for, some whole categories don't apply to that type of surgery.
Yes, two independent parts side by side. One containing category images with links and the other containing products. Similar to Store's Intro but universal for all stores. Like two independent frames.
Unfortunately, Index in Brine doesn't support Store pages. And all code that I've ever found for split layout is for text and images, not a whole store page.
Another option that I'm thinking about is creating a sticky div overlaying the store page. Something like custom back-to-top button that I have right now. This div will be containing a tree of categories and subcategories, like Brine's native Sorting and filtering block but for ALL store collections.
I'm creating this site for a friend and unfortunately Universal filter which is useless without an additional Lazy summary plugin is out of question (((