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Everything posted by STC

  1. @paul2009 Any suggestions on the issue I was having with disabling clickable list items on certain pages or sections?
  2. Can this be used to change the link of a button in the footer for a single page?
  3. I want the list items clickable on this page https://sgftechcouncil.com but not on this page and a couple others https://sgftechcouncil.com/springfield-tech-community The code seems to prevent external links from opening in a new window and it is difficult to copy text from a list item when needed.
  4. That didn't seem to work. I'm assuming it's because this code usually goes in the footer injection and on pages you can only put this code into the header injection?
  5. @paul2009 This works great but there are certain pages I need to disable this on. Any suggestions?
  6. Sorry, I didn't see your reply but I was able to fix it.
  7. I am having all sorts of issues with layouts in between mobile and desktop screen sizes. Frankly I would just like the 4 white cards to stack into two columns at tablet sizes and would like the side-by-side sections to stack in a single column at tablet sizes. Otherwise I get weird issues where the text overlaying images moves up and down uncontrollably and has a lot of weird vertical spacing issues.
  8. Could you help me with code where the banner image is the same on all event posts but not on the Events collection page? I already have the events collection page with a banner on it.
  9. Our current website is sgftechcouncil.com the squarespace version is not public yet
  10. Our logo has multiple colors that can't be inverted properly, is there a way to do this that simply switches between 2 different pngs?
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