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Everything posted by tucecoop

  1. I have used code to center the footer text on my website, but I can't work out how to center the LinkinIn Icon. This is the code I used for the text. I tried using the Block ID to center the LinkedIn logo but couldn't get it to work. Please could someone help? // CENTER FOOTER TEXT FOR MOBILE @media screen and (max-width:767px) { footer.sections * { text-align: center !important; }} https://claudia-pascale-2.squarespace.com pw: claudia
  2. I'm not sure, I was hoping not to have to paste it back one by one, but maybe I will have to do this! There is code in Custom CSS and also Code Injection
  3. Hi, I am having issues with not being able to add blocks to the footer section of my website and I think this is due to the custom code on the site. I copied the custom code to a new website and it caused the same issue. But I don't know enough about coding to work out what part of the code is causing the footer issue. As a temporary fix I had to create a 'false' footer for each page, but need help working out how to solve this as obviously not ideal! Is anyone able to take a look and help? Thanks in advance. fife-cymbals-72mf.squarespace.com pw: friday
  4. No, none at all
  5. Thanks but how do I add the code if I can't add a code block to the footer?
  6. I have tried deleting the footer and creating a new one. Still no luck
  7. No, I don't think it's that - I can't even add any type of block in the footer edit mode
  8. Thanks this is what I normally do - but on this occasion its not working, seems like something is wrong in squarespace. I just want to add a primary button, but everytime I try it won't work
  9. proctimise.squarespace.com pw: lucy
  10. I am having problems with adding a button to a website footer. It was working fine before but no longer works, so wondering if it is a bug. Every time I am in the edit footer mode and go to add a block, it just takes me back up to the top of the website page and won't insert a block. I have checked all help topics and forums and can't find a solution.
  11. I should add that this for a basic grid blog
  12. I am trying to assign a custom font to the summary excerpt which is set to 'paragraph 3' I tried this code below, but it's not working, pls can someone tell me what I've got wrong? Thanks in advance. .summary-excerpt .sqsrte-small { font-family: 'PLUS JAKARTA SANS REGULAR' !important;}
  13. Hi, I am trying to change the background color for the header on all of my blog post items. I tried using the following code in the 'Post Blog Item Code Injection' but it doesn't seem to work. #item-654a837922e1532a3daf761a header.Header {background-color: #0C1926} Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance proctimise.squarespace.com pw: lucy
  14. Thanks so much! Is there a way to change the color of the text on hover back to black, when it's on the active page? At the moment the text on the active page link is green on hover so you can't see it over the background
  15. Also, how do I change the size of the background box (add padding etc) ?
  16. Thanks @tuanphan I would like to highlight all items on hover
  17. Hi, I am trying to get the highlight background effect on my main navigation when hovering over, to look like this this. I tried some of the code from a previous thread but can't seem to get it working, can you help? https://proctimise.squarespace.com/ pw: lucy
  18. Hi, I am trying to get the highlight background effect on my main navigation when hovering over, to look like this this. I tried some of the code in this thread but can't seem to get it working, can you help? https://proctimise.squarespace.com/ pw: lucy
  19. I am trying to make an image to extend above the first section of a page and into the site header above, to look something like this website https://www.monotwo.com/ I don't want the image behind the whole of the header, just part of it, is there a way to do this?
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