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Everything posted by Que594

  1. @melody495 I can't believe I didn't know this was a feature! Thank you so much for solving this 🙂
  2. Hello! Like the title says, looking for how to remove the first blog post from displaying in my gallery. Preferably in a way that pulls an additional blog in its place because my previous solution was just adding some css to remove its display and it messes up the layout a bit. Thanks! 7.0 Pacific Theme - Site: https://DelawareRising.club/new-home-2023
  3. I've been able to figure it out after some google! Thanks for helping me figure out the issue. px are used to keep anything in a fixed position 🙂
  4. Yes. It's an iPhone thing where the browser url bar shrinks. It's affecting the site logo some how Sidenote: For some reason all of the site's sizes hasn't displayed the site logo ever being cut off like that... What unit would you recommend using? I think I'm using a % causing problems. (That might actually be causing the iPhone problem too... lol)
  5. Hi, I'm trying to prevent my mobile site from changing it's site logo position once the screen reaches the top of the site when a user scrolls... If anyone has any insight that would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
  6. Alright, thanks for taking a look! Everything is working fine for the most part, I just need the image to stop resizing. And I like the flexibility of being able to manage it myself, so I guess I'll hit the books a bit harder.
  7. The reason is I'm using the same layout for over 30+ pages, which just has a replaced image and also replaced text on the page. This is the code I've been using. I played around changing values for the padding and using min-width/max-width also, but that didn't affect the image resizing... Not sure if the absolute position is affecting it. I'm a bit new to the coding scene. .player-pic { position: absolute !important; padding-top:0 !important; padding-bottom: 0 !important; margin: -850px 0px 0px 0px !important; z-index: 2; width: 100% !important; height: auto !important; } My bad, here's the proper link! https://delawarerising.club/rob-comstock
  8. Site URL: https://www.DelawareRising.club/robbie-comstock Hi! I'm trying to get this image that I have linked within a code block to stop resizing... I've tried using padding, maybe I'm not including a certain code that's preventing any padding. But not sure how I can get this image to stay still when resizing. I've also tried doing a min-width max-width, which didn't seem to do anything either... Please let me know of any ideas, thanks!
  9. @tuanphan No worries if you don't know the code for this, but if you could even just point me in the right direction to do some research would be great!
  10. Thanks! That did help the text from moving to the left or right. However, I can't figure out how to set top or bottom padding to stop any resizing of that banner... is vertical padding the right solution for that?
  11. I thought so too, but when I've opened it on an iphone SE (2016) and certain iPhone 11's it isn't. I'm not sure what's happening or if you've encountered this before...
  12. I'm trying to have those two links resize in line with the navigation links. It currently resizes with the rest of the body. If that helps clarify at all, lol. Another problem I'm having is that those links are getting cut off on mobile because I'm not sure how to stop them from getting pushed wide.
  13. Site URL: https://delawarerising.club/ When I open the site on different iPhone versions the logo isn't centered 😞 I'm assuming there's something wrong with the custom code I'm using? //*mobile site logo sizing/position*// @media only screen and (max-width: 640px) { #header #logoWrapper #logoImage img, #header #siteTitleWrapper #logoImage img { max-height: 300px; margin: -90px; } #header #logoWrapper, #header #siteTitleWrapper { position: relative; max-height: auto; max-width: 30%; transform: translate(-50%,-80%); } }
  14. Site URL: https://www.DelawareRising.club/roster Hello! I have a second bar under my navigation on some pages, but I can't figure out the code to make it responsive like the header nav across varying sizes... Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙂 This is the code I currently use, which I know changing the margin just picks the location of the bar just on that page dimension. div.roster-banner { margin: -110px 0px 0px -500px !important; width: 2000px !important; text-align: left !important; background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(22,47,71,1) 95%, rgba(255,255,255, 1) 20%);
  15. That did the trick! Thanks so much 🙂
  16. Site URL: https://DelawareRising.club Hello! So with coding I moved the "Site Title", which is the logo for my website to the left of the navigation bar. On Chrome the links in the navigation don't have a gap where the Site Title originally was, but on Safari there is a noticeable gap in the middle of the navigation. Is there some code that I can use to stop this from happening on Safari browsers? Thanks
  17. Site URL: https://www.DelawareRising.club Hello! I'm trying to code my footer so that there are white and cyan parts that is skewed, creating two side by side sections. I'm not sure how to target just the background and not the entire section and its content... #preFooter { background: linear-gradient (50deg, #ffffff, #3bccfc); transform: skew(45deg); background-size: 100% ; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; margin: 0em 0em 0em 0em; background-repeat: no-repeat; resize: none; }
  18. I'm on Squarespace 7.0 so I don't think that I can add sections like that.
  19. Site URL: https://DelawareRising.club Hello! I'm trying to create an additional footer before my pre-footer that is on every page automatically. Is this possible with code or some Squarespace feature?
  20. @pedin36460 I found a bit of code that you should be able to mess around with. Paste it all in a code block. This ended up working for my site 🙂 Good luck! <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <style> * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: sans-serif; } body { background-color: rgb(102, 189, 16); } .mouse_move { position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100vh; overflow: hidden; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .mouse_move h2 { position: relative; font-size: 100px; color: white; } .mouse_move img { position: absolute; } #img1 { top: 80px; left: 80px; height: 250px; width: 250px; } #img2 { bottom: 80px; right: 80px; height: 250px; width: 250px; } </style> <title>Parallax</title> </head> <body> <div class="mouse_move"> <img id="img1" src= "https://media.geeksforgeeks.org/wp-content/uploads/20210101144014/gfglogo.png" class="mouse" value="5"/> <h2>GeeksforGeeks</h2> <img id="img2" src= "https://media.geeksforgeeks.org/wp-content/cdn-uploads/20190710102234/download3.png" class="mouse" value="-5"/> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> document.addEventListener("mousemove", parallax); function parallax(event) { this.querySelectorAll(".mouse").forEach((shift) => { const position = shift.getAttribute("value"); const x = (window.innerWidth - event.pageX * position) / 90; const y = (window.innerHeight - event.pageY * position) / 90; shift.style.transform = `translateX(${x}px) translateY(${y}px)`; }); } </script> </body> </html>
  21. No worries! Thank you for the attempt @tuanphan I'll be trying to figure out this code for anyone who stumbles on this thread. If I find a solution, I'll make sure to post it here!
  22. @tuanphan I appreciate your response! For some reason that doesn't work... I pasted that code as a code block, but for some reason the parallax with the mouse movement is the only part that doesn't seem to work.
  23. Site URL: https://www.NathanChwalik.com Hello! I'm trying to apply this code pen to allow for parallax movement based on mouse position: https://codepen.io/dmitrij-shorop/pen/PoOWOyN I tried code-injecting the javascript into the page header, but for some reason I can't get any movement. I've input the HTML code in a code block, the CSS in the Custom CSS, and I've tried viewing it on the live site. Still doesn't seem to work 😕 I'm really just trying to get three squares to be able to move, not the text portion... I'd be grateful for any advice! Thanks @tuanphan is this something that you know about with your insane coding skills ?
  24. Hello! Does anyone know how the unsubscribe process from email campaigns works? I'm trying to create my own custom newsletters through Adobe InDesign and need to have an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. I can't find what the general unsubscribe link for my page would be to attach it to my design? I'd greatly appreciate any help.
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