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  1. @tuanphan sorry: https://www.academyforlittlelearners.com/pto
  2. @tuanphan -- any idea how to handle the mobile version? We're having issues with the cropping Site is Academyorlittlelearners.com/PTO Password Academy1234 I was able to get some resizing to work but it's a bit off. I can't get it to center and if you flip your phone to the side it's really off. Any ideas??
  3. @jpeterI'm attempting to do the same but I'm stuck. Website -- https://www.academyforlittlelearners.com/time-off I'm hoping to implement if the answer below is no... (required) Yes No Then the following is shown: I am requesting part of the day off From in Central Time To in Central Time Can you help?
  4. We solved the issue, thanks @tuanphan
  5. Below is the code I'm currently using: <div class="tabs-container"> <button class="tab-btn" id="tab-1" onclick="tabOneClick()"> hardscapes </button> <button class="tab-btn" id="tab-2" onclick="tabTwoClick()"> softscapes </button> <button class="tab-btn" id="tab-3" onclick="tabThreeClick()"> lighting </button> </div> <script> function tabOneClick() { $('button.tab-btn:nth-of-type(1)').addClass("active"); $('button.tab-btn:nth-of-type(2)').removeClass("active"); $('button.tab-btn:nth-of-type(3)').removeClass("active"); $('#block-ca3a4c15c6ca6756b3cc').addClass("tab-section-show"); $('#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1675357227734_22569').removeClass("tab-section-show"); $('#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1675357728361_62859').removeClass("tab-section-show"); } function tabTwoClick() { $('button.tab-btn:nth-of-type(1)').removeClass("active"); $('button.tab-btn:nth-of-type(2)').addClass("active"); $('button.tab-btn:nth-of-type(3)').removeClass("active"); $('#block-ca3a4c15c6ca6756b3cc').removeClass("tab-section-show"); $('#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1675357227734_22569').addClass("tab-section-show"); $('#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1675357728361_62859').removeClass("tab-section-show"); } function tabThreeClick() { $('button.tab-btn:nth-of-type(1)').removeClass("active"); $('button.tab-btn:nth-of-type(2)').removeClass("active"); $('button.tab-btn:nth-of-type(3)').addClass("active"); $('#block-ca3a4c15c6ca6756b3cc').removeClass("tab-section-show"); $('#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1675357227734_22569').removeClass("tab-section-show"); $('#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1675357728361_62859').addClass("tab-section-show"); } $(function() { $('#block-ca3a4c15c6ca6756b3cc').addClass("tab-section-hide"); $('#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1675357227734_22569').addClass("tab-section-hide"); $('#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1675357728361_62859').addClass("tab-section-hide"); tabOneClick(); }); </script> It's not working at the moment. Any help is greatly appreciated 🙂
  6. Hey Squarespacers -- I'm a bit stuck. I have a site that the client has maxed out the gallery section (250+ images). They want to continue to add images over time so I need to split the images into separate galleries. As you can see on the current page there is a filter plugin that allows the user to filer the images. I'm thinking of setting it up with buttons to hide and show sections with the different galleries in place. Similar feel but would fix my maxed out image issue. Problem is, I'm stuck on the code! Anyone have experience doing this sort of thing that can share?
  7. Worked beautifully!! Thank you so much @tuanphan, you're a lifesaver as usual!
  8. Site URL: https://musasllc.squarespace.com/ Hey Squarespacers -- I'm currently stuck on a piece of custom code. I'm attempting to center the buttons on the Gallery Reel at the bottom of the homepage on mobile only (look similar to the testimonial slider two sections above that). I was able to make all the other adjustments but I can't figure out how to make them move. Can someone help?? https://musasllc.squarespace.com/ Password: 1234
  9. Sorry @tuanphan, yes. I was able to get as far as what you're seeing however in testing I'm seeing what @creedon's saying. Any ideas how to fix this universally? Any plugins or something? I can't really add it to the title as that would be weird. Variants would be pretty cumbersome with so many options (1lb, 2lb, etc.)
  10. Site URL: https://musasllc.squarespace.com/ Hey fellow Squarespacers -- I'm working on a retail site that sells goods per pound... meaning when I do a product listing I need to say it's $9/lb. Anyone run into this before or have a solution? I'm sure there is some code I can add to just have it add to each product price but I have no idea how to even go about figuring that out. Any suggestions much appropriated! https://musasllc.squarespace.com/ Password: 1234
  11. Site URL: http://drippypots.squarespace.com Hey Squarespace forum family -- I'm looking for some advice on setting up a contact form funnel similar to the one on the squarespace site when you go to contact them. The idea here is that you wouldn't get the contact info until you go through some questions and are giving the necessary FAQ info... Anyone have experience setting one of these up and how did you do it? For reference check out: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?platform=v6&ticket_form_id=false&websiteId=60ccbaeed960081f2622552c Thanks!!
  12. Sorry, no. I had to make the copywriter cut copy down until it fit for the client review. I would still LOVE to figure this out if you can help??
  13. @tuanphan -- I'm actually having an issue with a card no resizing, I tried your code but it's not working in my situation. Could you help? https://drippypots.squarespace.com Password: 1234
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