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  1. Still no changes unfortunately, thank you for your suggestion though!
  2. Hi @Ziggy Apologies for the late reply, only just seeing your message now. Here is the CSS I have uploaded. //BODY @font-face { font-family: 'IvyPrestoText-Light'; src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/663967f1e2f0855f8c300b3b/t/665f9fdfc388e16e8ddf93cd/1717542880119/IvyPrestoText-Light.otf'); } p {font-family: 'IvyPrestoText-Light';} p{ font-family: 'IvyPrestoText-Light'; font-size: 14px !important; line-height: 1.8vw !important ; letter-spacing: 0.0rem !important; } p.sqsrte-large { font-family: IvyPrestoText-Light !important; font-size: 18px !important; line-height: 2.1vw !important ; letter-spacing: 0.0rem !important; } p.sqsrte-small { font-family: IvyPrestoText-Light !important; font-size: 13px !important; line-height: 1.8vw !important ; letter-spacing: 0.0rem !important; }
  3. Hi there, I am having trouble with the kerning of my font as it appears different on Safari to Chrome. The Chrome has the correct kerning showing. Does anyone know how I might be able to fix the kerning on Safari? The file type I had uploaded was OTF. I have circled the issues. URL: https://jaguar-red-txe9.squarespace.com/ PASSWORD: IslaKate SAFARI: CHROME:
  4. @tuanphan I've just noticed on mobile view my menu navigation is showing behind the top section, do you happen to know if there is a way to bring this forward? I've attached a screenshot for reference. URL: https://jaguar-red-txe9.squarespace.com/ PASSWORD: IslaKate
  5. Hey @tuanphan Thanks for posting this code, I've found it helpful. Is there a way to get the first section to move above the header on the home page only? Thanks in advance for your help!
  6. Hi everyone - Just have a few questions on gift cards and inventory adjustments for a client of mine, hoping someone might be able to answer these for me. 1. If I have two stores set up on a website, will a gift card be redeemable on both stores or just the store its set up in? 2. If my client sells products in person, will they need to manually adjust the inventory each day on Squarespace? We are located in Australia so I believe Point Of Sale is not available to us. 3. If my client has a customer who wants to redeem their gift card in person, can this be adjusted? Thanks in advance for your help!
  7. Hi there, I'm looking for a code to customise the font on the portfolio hover:background title list. I've tried a bunch of codes and none of them seem to work. URL: https://sepia-parakeet-yfmb.squarespace.com/ PASS: IslaKate Thanks in advance!
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