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Everything posted by asenicz

  1. Update: according to squarespace support, the lightbox plug-in I got was interfering with the google recaptcha. So that is now fixed, but I'm still having issues with Zapier. Apparently the Squarespace form gives the email as in the format "xx@xx.com, accepts marketing: true/false" which is causing a problem for the email providers. I'm not sure where that true/false is coming from. Maybe the check mark that is included with the form (which I can't seem to remove). I've emailed support, but if anyone can help, let me know! I'll report back if I can figure it out. (I tried using a form from the provider instead but ran into other issues with that.)
  2. Hello, I have a new Squarespace site and am trying to connect my Form block to our email program so that I can trigger an automated sequence. Seems like a fairly standard operation, but I am getting stuck. I had it working with Mailchimp, but I'm having issues with Mailchimp and need to find a new email platform. I'm currently testing ConvertKit, which I like overall, but my Zapier is no longer working. I have it set to trigger "adding a tag" in ConvertKit. That tag is set to trigger an automation. The emails I am testing have gone into the form and I get an email notice, but they are not triggering the tag in ConvertKit like they are supposed to. One was already a subscriber, the other was not, but I'm thinking it should work in both cases. It worked in neither case. I have not yet paid for ConvertKit and if there is another affordable program (other than Mailchimp) that is easy to connect through Zapier, I'm willing to try it. The ConvertKit tech support team is also trying to help but so far, no luck. Any recommendations?
  3. I'm not finding that but i'll do some research. On another note, I'm also wondering if it is normal for the SLL processing to take up to 72 hours. I transferred my domain yesterday.
  4. @tuanphan Yes I wasn't crazy about how the menu looks on menu. Do I need to use CSS for that?
  5. Hey! I actually already set it to public and have had a few other people look at it. (It is not password protected.) Is the link not working for you? I did try it in incognito mode and it works for me there.
  6. I'm not a web design expert but it looks really great to me! Very lively and fun. The only suggestions I have are a search capability when I go to all products, and also to have the product list that shows up on the page exactly match the drop-down list, I got a little confused. Really nice overall ! The load times weren't bad for me on my computer.
  7. Hi, First-time squarespace user, and my site is close to a v1 release so I would love some feedback. I am still tweaking the automations and forms on the back end, and our members page / plug-in, but the rest of the site is "done" enough for review. (This is not our final domain obviously, our domain still has the old site live so I will switch it as soon as I finish the back-end automations with the forms.) I am not a web designer or a marketing expert, but am learning as part of this new online piano business I am partnering on. I have a few questions about navigation & more: 1. I'm wondering about my use of the "More" button in the Top Nav, trying to keep it as uncluttered as possible while keeping these extra pages easily available /findable for people who are looking for them. Does it work? 2. I know it's redundant to add a "Home" to the top nav since the logo takes you home, but I want to be sure people can easily get back here. Keep it, or kill it? 3. I have checked everything on mobile but I'm not sure it's properly working on all devices, so if you spot any wonky formatting please let me know. 4. Which membership plug-ins do people recommend? I'm looking at Memberspace but open to other ideas also. I want to have a gated members area which I can have people automatically sign up for through our JOIN page. The membership options in Squarespace are too limited with only two price tiers. 5. Any / all additional feedback is welcome. Web link: https://sponge-cranberry-43f9.squarespace.com/ Thank you in advance! Angela
  8. Wow thank you @creedon This tip was amazing! Nothing else was working for me.
  9. Hello! I'm new to Squarespace and not highly tech savvy. Our old site was done on wordpress with a web expert. I've rebuilt most of it on Squarespace and am pretty appy with the results. However I am not sure how to best collect data from our buttons/forms and get it over to Mailchimp with tags for automation. We have a "Great started for free" button all over our main page. I originally was using the form button, but this has some issues. I couldn't resize it, and I had to make a new form each time I wanted the button on the page. So I am hoping I can use a regular button. But I'm not sure how to "link" that to a lightbox form (ideally) that will collect emails for our lead magnet / challenge. And then ultimately get that information into Mailchimp with a tag. It seems like this would be a common use case, but I'm stumped . . . Any other feedback or suggestions on the site are welcome too. I'm still working on the "members page" which I am connecting via Memberspace (also new for us). Thank you in advance!!
  10. Hello! I am brand new to squarespace. I am converting my web page now, it is not published / live yet. I created carousels on two pages without realizing I couldn't add links to them. (My fault for assuming.) Is it possible to get help with CSS for this before I connect my domain, or do I need to wait? I am not sure how to insert code but I can do some research.
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