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  1. Hey, exactly like that! how do I make it happen?
  2. @tuanphan sort of like this video. If you make the code for reveal images when hover over x, I can adjust it for the text block no problem. Any updates? Really need this, thanks-a-million in advance!! Screen Recording 2024-02-20 at 19.35.23.mov
  3. Hover on that specific text block, there are more than 8, they each are a project, and I'd like to give them individual images that pop up on hover.
  4. I've been researching for hours with no luck. I want to reveal different images in the middle of the page when hovered on specific text blocks to demonstrate a sneak peak of my projects while going through the list. Would love a gentle transition, but just plain opacity 0 to 1 would work too. Somebody help please. The website url is sersah.com pass is 20242024 @tuanphan Thanks in advance!!!
  5. Hello, It's three different issues I'm dealing with.: 1. I have a slideshow gallery block which is set to auto-crop. I can't seem to change the height of the gallery on mobile so it is in a portrait ratio when displayed on mobile. This is how it is now: This is how it should be: 2. The gallery also includes embedded videos from vimeo, what happens to them when displayed in a portrait style? I will remove the controls from vimeo and make the video play on auto. Is there a way of making them work like background video which fills the wrapper? Or is there a way to disable them for mobile version. 3. I have moved the arrows of the said gallery to be on the sides on desktop, and to be on the bottom right corner on mobile. I've made this very crudely and sure it won't be responsive or work. What's the right way of doing this? Many thanks in advance. The pass for the website is 20242024
  6. Hiya also looking for a solution! *This should be a standard feature, we can change the entire website but have to stick with English for some of the tools.
  7. Site URL: https://www.practice.cat/works/alma21 Hiya, I want to make the height of my portfolio page small or medium instead of full height. There seems to be no option for this in ss7.1 Also I'd like to numerate each project with numbers, 1,2,3 etc, but would like to make these numbers a smaller font size, and italic. Thanks in advance.
  8. Site URL: http://practice.cat Hi everyone, I would like to display the images of our products with a landscape 16:9 ratio crop on desktop, but on mobile want it to switch to 3:4 vertical crop. Essentially choosing different ratios for mobile and desktop. Can anybody help me with this?
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