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Everything posted by Ziggy

  1. You can subscribe to updates here, so you know when there's an issue, though I do find that the status system can be a little slow to update. https://status.squarespace.com/
  2. Don't panic, temporary display issues, SQSP working on a fix, keep updated here: https://status.squarespace.com/
  3. Keep up to date here: https://status.squarespace.com/
  4. Don't panic, temporary display issues, SQSP working on a fix, keep updated here: https://status.squarespace.com/
  5. Your best bet with an iFrame is to put the entire <iframe></iframe> within <center></center> tags. Like this: <center> <iframe></iframe> </center>
  6. Add the code to the header code injection on the pages you need (in the pages settings and under Advanced) including the Store page, adding it to the store header code injection will apply to all of the products.
  7. You can use this forum thread to grab some code to help you change the logo, it'll involve uploading a new green logo to your website via a link or Custom CSS and some CSS. https://forum.squarespace.com/topic/150723-how-to-change-logo-on-specific-pages-in-71/
  8. Changing the logo would take a little more work, but this styling (added to the header code injection for the pages you need it) will change the logo to black and the navigation links to green. <style> .Header-branding img { filter:invert(1); } .tweak-header-primary-nav-hover-style-plain .Header-nav .Header-nav-item { color: #193314; } </style>
  9. Do you want just the logo to appear green, or the logo and text?
  10. Disabling mobile view isn't particularly possible. What are you wanting to achieve with not having a mobile view? In looking at your website it would become almost unusable if viewed in the desktop layout on a small screen. Because you're using Squarespace's new Fluid Engine, you can edit the view on mobile in an 8 column grid, so if you want to put 4 buttons side-by-side or 8 products side-by-side, you can design that layout.
  11. Can you share your website URL and page that this is on?
  12. Are you referring to the main navigation, i.e. Home Infos DJ Bewerbung etc.? You should be able to adjust that easily in the Design -> Site Styles menu. Click on Colors, and select the top section theme (I believe that this should be Dark 1 on your homepage) and then adjust "Navigation Links" to the color you want.
  13. I think this would be a good solution for you: https://www.will-myers.com/products/p/sliding-image-banner It allows for you to design complete sections with whatever content that you want on each slide.
  14. You'll have to test it, but on the mobile media query CSS change the 12px to 5vw, and see if it works and adjust up or down until it's correct.
  15. I would try having the font size and padding sized in VW rather than REM or PX. The will adjust the text size and padding based on the width of the viewport (screen), so it will keep shrinking the text as the screen gets smaller, and therefore not introduce a line break.
  16. No problem! Happy to help, can you mark my answer as the solution, and thumbs up? Thanks!
  17. You should be able to do that in the section settings, adjust it to align bottom rather than middle.
  18. This is what I'm seeing: The logo doesn't move, but it's cut off. Are you trying to have the logo protrude below the header background color?
  19. Haha, yes! Adjust the padding bottom, amended below: .products.collection-content-wrapper { padding-top: 1vw; padding-bottom: 1vw; }
  20. In your Custom CSS you have this (somewhere): .sqs-block-horizontalrule hr { background-color: #cf000f; height: 2px; margin-top: -14px; margin-bottom: 0px; } Remove or change the background color to fix your problem.
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