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  1. @tuanphan i had to take it down bc the client freaked out about it looking different. Any ideas why?
  2. https://www.metanoiaboudoir.com/ My client wanted the navigation item "GALLERIES" to go directly to the boudoir gallery (instead of the gallery home page) but when I add a "link" to the navigation, its a totally different font!
  3. Is there a best practice to troubleshoot why there are font changes on my site? In the screenshots you can see what it looks like in the builder and then what it looks like just the website in a browser. What code am i missing? This wasn't an issue before... www.tamaramakeup.com
  4. @KwameAndCo is there a way to put text over the banner slideshow? the "bump birth and beyond" line is what I'm trying to overlay over the slideshow. https://caper-oval-e5kt.squarespace.com/home-page-1-1
  5. @KwameAndCo also - to clarify i do NOT want it to look like this on desktop, ONLY on mobile. (Adding the code did this to the desktop version)
  6. @KwameAndCo amazing! Is there a way to also set a font size so I can make it a bit smaller on mobile?
  7. Hoping someone can help me code this to not look so bad on mobile! @tuanphan you are always so helpful! I'd like it to at least appear to be more rectangular on mobile. I'd settle for square but it just cuts too much off! https://caper-oval-e5kt.squarespace.com/home-page-1
  8. @tuanphan what if we're trying to minimize the space between the title and the image? Trying to make it more apparent which post the title goes with. https://www.playroominspo.com/gift-guides
  9. @paul2009 how to you UNDO this tho? I Can't get mine to like STOP being in safe mode?
  10. @Ziggy would it be helpful to give you contributor access?
  11. If its helpful, this seems to be the back end area where you can change the color? But it does nothing when i make the transparency go to 0 - just goes back to grey
  12. @Ziggy just to clairfy i understood right, heres what i have in CSS /* Transparent Dog Background PopUp */ .sqs-slide-wrapper[data-slide-type="popup-overlay"] .sqs-slide-container[data-slide-type="popup-overlay"] .sqs-slide-layer-content { background-color: none !important; } .sqs-slice .sqs-gallery-design-stacked .yui3-widget .sqs-slice-gallery .sqs-slice-gallery-content { background-color: none !important; } .sqs-slide-wrapper[data-slide-type="popup-overlay"] .sqs-slide-container[data-slide-type="popup-overlay"].overlay-alignment-center .sqs-slide-layer-content .group-copy { background-color: #fff; } .sqs-slide-wrapper[data-slide-type="popup-overlay"] .sqs-slide-container[data-slide-type="popup-overlay"] .sqs-slide-layer-content { box-shadow:none !important; } .sqs-slide-wrapper[data-slide-type="popup-overlay"] .sqs-slide-container[data-slide-type="popup-overlay"].overlay-close-button-location-inside .sqs-popup-overlay-close { top: 42%; } .sqs-slide-wrapper[data-slide-type="popup-overlay"] .sqs-slide-container[data-slide-type="popup-overlay"] .sqs-popup-overlay-close { color: #000; }
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