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Everything posted by Soredadux

  1. Sorry! I'm not an expert at all 😞 I'm guessing that you would need to do the +300 buy buttons 😕 Hope that @tuanphan can answer you.
  2. Hi! Did you solved the refresh problem? I'm dealing with the same issue, I thougth it may be Ajax, but I turn it off and keep happening. Thanks!
  3. None, I'm creating all products on Shopify, and I'm posting the code on Aditional Info with all the info from Shopify: Name Product, Price, Description, Add to cart. All the info from Product from Squarespace is hidden, and the only thing that shows is the code from de Shopify Button. Hope it works for you!
  4. It's not working, I think it has something to do with the second part of the code. I've put this on the append part: "TEST" to check if JS was working, and it worked perfect: But, It doesn't work with the shopify button. The page is: https://www.libeluladesol.cl/disenos/martina-ljbs3 (pw: Gabriel2020 ) I've really appreciated your help!
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