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Everything posted by SRF

  1. Hello. Does anyone know how I can limit the number of characters per line in a text block? I've come across a lot of information for limiting the total number of characters in a blog post or form field, but can't find any info regarding lines in text blocks.
  2. I apologize but I do not understand your reply. Let me clarify my needs. I am looking for a solution that would require users to check a box agreeing to the Terms & Conditions before they can fill out a registration form. This would be like a clickwrap. I am aware that using a Radio Button with "required" toggled on will force the user to check the box indicating agreement. However, forcing the user through a multi-step process increases the likelihood that they read the Terms & Conditions, or are at least more aware of them. I have done a lot of research and this kind of functionality provides more protection if there is a legal dispute. A good example would be Apple. Their Terms & Conditions open in a pop-up window. The user must scroll to the bottom and them click on an Agree button before proceeding.
  3. Your reasoning definitely makes sense. Luckily, I was able to determine the problem. The CSS needed a block ID for the accordion. Once added to the CSS, the nested accordion displayed and functioned as the developer intended. Though, I definitely have to customize it and am certain I will need assistance setting the proper widths, margins, etc....in addition to any mobile-related issues that may arise. Thank you for your time.
  4. Thanks for the quick response. As I mentioned above, all I did was follow the developer's link to a page on CodePen that already had his CSS and HTML code generated. Then I copied the CSS and pasted it into the Custom CSS panel. I copied and pasted the HTML into a code block in a blank section on a blank page. I have no other code in the Custom CSS panel, any of the Code Injection panels, or any of the Advanced code panels of individual pages. As a starting point, my primary question/concern is regarding the fact that the first 2 lines of code generated begins with: @import "compass/css3"; // only for presentation purposes Those 2 lines lead me to believe something has been intentionally deleted so that the code can't be used, or site specific code needs to be added somewhere. Sorry if I did not make myself clear. Could you please start by looking at the CodePen page using the link initially provided to determine if the code is incomplete or not? There's not a lot of code. It seems fairly basic. If the code appears complete with no intentional or accidental errors, we can delve into my site but that seems futile at this point since I don't have any other custom CSS or HTML on my site that should be interfering. Thank you.
  5. Hi everyone. I am not a programmer. I'm just a regular guy trying to redesign/refresh my current websites with urgency. I've done a lot of research trying to find a plug-in for nested accordions in Squarespace 7.1. That was unsuccessful but I did find an example from CSS CodeLab with code provided in CodePen. There is no mention of compatibility with Squarespace or any other platform. You can view the code and the accordion it outputs at: https://codepen.io/Sugarme/pen/WdpwbW) I copied the HTML code and inserted it into a Code block on my page. I copied the CSS code and inserted it into the Custom CSS box in the Website Tools section. There is no other code in the Custom CSS box. The HTML and CSS code provided does not generate the accordion as it appears on the CodePen page. I've attached a screenshot of how it appears on the CodePen page (see link above) and a screen shot of how it appears on my page. The CSS code provided starts with the following 2 lines: @import "compass/css3"; // only for presentation purposes I do have a very basic/limited knowledge of HTML and CSS and assumed that some of the code was generic and just needed to be tweaked to include specific Class or ID references. Is the issue that the code is not compatible with Squarespace, or that there is generic code needs to be replaced with specific code? Time is of the essence. Please help! Thank you.
  6. Using the code provided earlier in this thread, I was able to display photos art their proper aspect ratios on the product pages. img.ProductItem-gallery-slides-item-image { object-fit: contain !important; } However, when I am on the store page and click on a product's "Quick View" button, all images are displayed in a 1:1 ratio (square). Does anyone have code to resolve this issue while in Quick View? Also, the formatting is all messed up and I have no idea why. I did add custom CSS to change some formatting on the product pages. Could this be affecting the Quick View pop-ups?
  7. I am a rookie and could use some guidance. I am redesigning my photography site and want to include a store so people can purchase the images in the galleries. Is there an efficient way to set this up so I don't have redundancy on the back end or front end. Can a user be directed to a purchase option from a gallery's Lightbox? Can a store page be set-up as a gallery? Turning each image into a product block is not efficient or design-friendly. I've tried many things but can't find a solution.
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