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  1. Please see the attached image. I am wanting to move all blog entries and posts so that they align to the left hand side, currently they sit in the centre of the page. Any thoughts? Haven't included site as this page is in a members area which won't be accessible. But if people need to access I could move it to a public area. Thanks for any help!
  2. I am trying to target my blog post title and read more font to be one of my custom ones. This is - PlusJakartaSansReg Please see attached screenshot, I can't share the page as its in a members area Its currently inheriting one of the custom fonts automatically, but not the one I want to use Any help would be hugely appreciated
  3. Thanks @nick_sh, the inset is okay, but it chooses a bit of a random point. It's not a deal breaker for the site, just be nice to have it all aligned 🙂
  4. @nick_sh woops, see here https://chipmunk-rose-m9ws.squarespace.com
  5. Hi everyone, Site password: miko I am trying to target the nav block on the top right in the header and move it in so it aligns with the page content. I have managed to do it to the site logo on the left using the following code, but cant work out how to do the same with the nav block on right hand side. .header-title-nav-wrapper .header-title { margin-left: 60px; } Thank you
  6. Thank you so much @tuanphan! Do you think it is possible to adjust the spacing somehow in this section as well? Notice that the gaps between the 3 items are a bit random in the attached
  7. Hi everyone, I've been implementing a custom typeface across my site, but the buttons on the digital products not being changed. Can anyone help please? I want to change the typeface to my custom one (plus Jakarta sans) Site: https://chipmunk-rose-m9ws.squarespace.com/memberships Password: miko Also on a second point, if anyone also knows how to hide the bit of text under the price that says 'every month' seems odd to be there as the buttons above already say monthly and yearly. Thank you!
  8. Hi I want to hide my header section + Nav on desktop view only, can someone help me with the code. florislandi.com password - test
  9. Solved I think with /* link hover color */ .fe-63cfec583e981e02c537c53e a { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } .fe-63cfec583e981e02c537c53e a:hover { color: #5C63E4 !important; text-decoration: none !important; } //remove underlines from hyperlinks// .sqs-block-html a {background-image:none!important} /* Remove non-background image underline for heading and paragraph links */ h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a, p a {text-decoration: none!important}
  10. In the clients section I am trying to remove the colour and underline on hyperlinks and replace with a hover over colour. I have managed to do this however my code is affecting my site title and turning it black, and it should be white. The code I am using currently is - /* link hover color */ a { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } a:hover { color: #5C63E4 !important; text-decoration: none !important; } //remove underlines from hyperlinks// .sqs-block-html a {background-image:none!important} /* Remove non-background image underline for heading and paragraph links */ h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a, p a {text-decoration: none!important} Site password - test
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