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Issues with Squarespace not collecting correct Tax rates

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  • 2 weeks later...

SO SO disappointed!! I spent all week dealing with customer service building my boutique with tons of different items, both taxable and non taxable. Squarespace basically ignored the fact they id be screwed when it came time for me to look into organizing sales tax! yay!!!! Today I learned that you cannot do product category specific sales tax! So, say you have a sale in Mass, Vermont, or the other clothing exempt states, that consisted of a flower vase and tee shirt there is no way to tax only on of those items. A HUGE OVER SIGHT that makes it impossible to run a fully legal business that has multiple varieties of goods. so sad because I love Squarespace designs. They just released a beta auto tax but no use to anyone who sells different types of products or services. Also, a fun fact , you need to literally manually enter every state and the tax rate on the back end if you want things proper, and each zip code if you really want things on point. Such a huge oversight and it should be better mentioned before wasting peoples time. 

Currently waiting on line in the chat, since they do not have a phone service, so that I can switch to Shopify. so sad, actually crying as I type this!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually I just got an email from them about this exact topic this morning. Here's what it said...


Your commerce clients will soon be able to charge tax on service products in addition to physical products. We’re starting by releasing product-specific tax categories and a Taxes panel UI update to anyone who hasn’t connected the TaxJar extension. Product tax categories will be available to your US-based clients on Commerce Basic and Advanced plans."

I don't know if this helps you.

In the end I decided not to offer my classes through squarespace. I will have them as my mainsite and then use teachable on the landing page when people make a purchase. It's annoying to use both but teachable handles all the sales tax so I don't have to. #winning.

Edited by MrsLydia
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just received this email today regarding what looks like the official extension announcement with tax jar for automatic tax calculation based on address entered in your online store. Wondering if any one has tried this out yet for some feedback...how it working?

squarespace email Taxes.png

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  • 1 month later...

I have a TaxJar account connected and my SS store is calculating taxes automatically, but ONLY in my state. Out of state sales calculate ZERO tax. I thought I could get around this by adding each state's avg tax manually, but SS makes you choose between manual tax rates and automatic tax rates. It WILL NOT DO BOTH. I'm at a loss. This is ridiculous. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Site URL: https://kundalikombucha.com


I have tried all the different options I can think of:

  • manually entering every Zip code/range I possibly can
  • making the entire state a high enough tax rate that it covers all taxes in my area
  • using TaxJar to automatically enter tax rates

... & squarespace somehow still won't collect the correct tax rates every time when purchases are made from my online store. For example, say someone makes a $26 purchase from zip code 80026, where the tax rate is %8.485. Squarespace manages to calculate the correct amount of tax for this purchase ($2.20). Now say someone makes the same $26 purchase but from zip code 80211, where the tax rate is %8.0. For some reason, this time Squarespace only takes $1.04.

This is very frustrating and cuts into my revenue. Can someone please assist me?


Thank you,

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1 hour ago, kristianhval said:

Squarespace somehow still won't collect the correct tax rates every time when purchases are made from my online store

If you sell in the United States, you can use the TaxJar extension to calculate sales tax automatically at checkout, based on your customer’s shipping or billing address. This extension is supposed to automatically calculate tax rates for states, counties, cities and zip codes, using TaxJar’s real-time sales tax data. You'll need to be on a Commerce plan to use it.

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Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥.
Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. 
Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links.
Forum advice is completely free. You can thank me by selecting a feedback emoji. Buying a coffee is generous but optional.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
On 3/17/2022 at 12:05 PM, crisisandcreativity said:

Hi, I'm having a similar but different problem. I have connected the TaxJar extension and set it up completely. In Squarespace's Commerce section, I checked that I want sales tax added at checkout. Yet when I do a checkout in trial mode, sales tax is not added even though there is a line item for it. Do you know what's going wrong? 

I'm having this same issue! Were you able to fix it? I have talked to support and they said everything in my account looks correct and they don't know why it isn't working which is obviously not helpful.

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22 hours ago, LindyStark said:

I'm having this same issue! Were you able to fix it? I have talked to support and they said everything in my account looks correct and they don't know why it isn't working which is obviously not helpful.

I am also having this issue- definitely need help as I am getting orders placed and it's not collecting taxes. 

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1 hour ago, CaitlynCarstens said:

I am also having this issue- definitely need help as I am getting orders placed and it's not collecting taxes. 

Are you using manual tax by state/zip code with Squarespace commerce or are you using the TaxJar integration? 

If you are using TaxJar it won't show anything in the sales tax line item at checkout if your customer's state has not been set up for tax collection in your TaxJar account. If you have not set up that state manually in TaxJar, sales tax will not be calculated until you reach economic nexus in that state.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It is now May of 2022 and I have 10 days left of my free trial (before I ask for an extension).  The site I am building here is far more beautiful than my Etsy store ever was.  I have not imported my listings yet and I am doing as much homework as I can.  SO GLAD I found this thread, though it seems like postings have largely stopped in the last 6 months.  Could be good news?  Is there any input from folks here who sell physical products in the US about sales tax collection and remittance program?  Is it working?  Should I stick around?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a client with a similar issue.  We are in Vermont selling products to Vermont residents and the TaxJar extension isnt adding Vermont sales tax at checkout nor is TaxJar importing Squarespace products into its dashboard so that we can update the tax type on the products... Anyone have any insights on this?

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On 1/4/2022 at 2:49 PM, paul2009 said:

If you sell in the United States, you can use the TaxJar extension to calculate sales tax automatically at checkout, based on your customer’s shipping or billing address. This extension is supposed to automatically calculate tax rates for states, counties, cities and zip codes, using TaxJar’s real-time sales tax data. You'll need to be on a Commerce plan to use it.



Actually, this explanation over-simplifies the Squarespace sales tax process that I, along with the previous Squarespace Customers, are struggling with. According to Squarespace, (with the Squarespace "Commerce Plan") we are able to use the "TaxJar Extension" to calculate sales tax "automatically" at checkout, based on the customer's shipping or billing address.  So, I connected the TaxJar extension to my Squarespace site by creating my free TaxJar account, and discovered sales taxes on Squarespace work for shipments to my state (New York) but not to other states.  I contacted Squarespace about this issue and they told me "Third-party extensions are outside of our scope of support" and I need to contact TaxJar. I contacted TaxJar and they told me I need to contact Squarespace about this issue, since the TaxJar engine service is included with my Squarespace commerce plan to "give access to the TaxJar engine, which provides tax calculation at checkout".  Alternatively, TaxJar is happy to up-sell me on their "TaxJar Professional Plan" features and benefits.  

So... we are being bounced around for a service that is supposed to be "automatic", and included with our Squarespace Commerce plan.

@Squarespace, if there is an "automatic" process that we are unaware of, please let us know. And if not, it seems you need to correct your service language to state the TaxJar engine will "automatically provide tax calculation at checkout" AFTER you register in every state, and AFTER you obtain a tax ID in every state.  Hoping for transparency and a user-friendly solution, thank you.

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On 5/3/2022 at 4:26 PM, CaitlynCarstens said:

I am also having this issue- definitely need help as I am getting orders placed and it's not collecting taxes. 

Hi CaitlynCarstens, Were you able to resolve this?  My comment on the thread:

According to Squarespace, (with the Squarespace "Commerce Plan") we are able to use the "TaxJar Extension" to calculate sales tax "automatically" at checkout, based on the customer's shipping or billing address.  So, I connected the TaxJar extension to my Squarespace site by creating my free TaxJar account, and discovered sales taxes on Squarespace work for shipments to my state (New York) but not to other states.  I contacted Squarespace about this issue and they told me "Third-party extensions are outside of our scope of support" and I need to contact TaxJar. I contacted TaxJar and they told me I need to contact Squarespace about this issue, since the TaxJar engine service is included with my Squarespace commerce plan to "give access to the TaxJar engine, which provides tax calculation at checkout".  Alternatively, TaxJar is happy to up-sell me on their "TaxJar Professional Plan" features and benefits.  
So... we are being bounced around for a service that is supposed to be "automatic", and included with our Squarespace Commerce plan.
@Squarespace, if there is an "automatic" process that we are unaware of, please let us know. And if not, it seems you need to correct your service language to state the TaxJar engine will "automatically provide tax calculation at checkout" AFTER you register in every state, and AFTER you obtain a tax ID in every state.  Hoping for transparency and a user-friendly solution, thank you.
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@Cassiefio is this still working for you? Does it work in all states? This is my current experience, but would love to hear from you if you figured out a solution! Thanks in advance - 

According to Squarespace, (with the Squarespace "Commerce Plan") we are able to use the "TaxJar Extension" to calculate sales tax "automatically" at checkout, based on the customer's shipping or billing address.  So, I connected the TaxJar extension to my Squarespace site by creating my free TaxJar account, and discovered sales taxes on Squarespace work for shipments to my state (New York) but not to other states.  I contacted Squarespace about this issue and they told me "Third-party extensions are outside of our scope of support" and I need to contact TaxJar. I contacted TaxJar and they told me I need to contact Squarespace about this issue, since the TaxJar engine service is included with my Squarespace commerce plan to "give access to the TaxJar engine, which provides tax calculation at checkout".  Alternatively, TaxJar is happy to up-sell me on their "TaxJar Professional Plan" features and benefits.  
So... we are being bounced around for a service that is supposed to be "automatic", and included with our Squarespace Commerce plan.
@Squarespace, if there is an "automatic" process that we are unaware of, please let us know. And if not, it seems you need to correct your service language to state the TaxJar engine will "automatically provide tax calculation at checkout" AFTER you register in every state, and AFTER you obtain a tax ID in every state.  Hoping for transparency and a user-friendly solution, thank you.
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Hello All - I am also having problems setting up "automatic" sales tax calculations with the TaxJar extension - we can't sell our products on Squarespace until sales taxes are set up correctly! According to Squarespace, (with the Squarespace "Commerce Plan") we are able to use the "TaxJar Extension" to calculate sales tax "automatically" at checkout, based on the customer's shipping or billing address.  So, I connected the TaxJar extension to my Squarespace site by creating my free TaxJar account, and discovered sales taxes on Squarespace work for shipments to my state (New York) but not to other states.  I contacted Squarespace about this issue and they told me "Third-party extensions are outside of our scope of support" and I need to contact TaxJar. I contacted TaxJar and they told me I need to contact Squarespace about this issue, since the TaxJar engine service is included with my Squarespace commerce plan to "give access to the TaxJar engine, which provides tax calculation at checkout".  Alternatively, TaxJar is happy to up-sell me on their "TaxJar Professional Plan" features and benefits.  

@Squarespace, if there is an "automatic" process that we are unaware of, please let us know. And if not, it seems you need to correct your service language to state the TaxJar engine will "automatically provide tax calculation at checkout" AFTER you register in every state, and AFTER you obtain a tax ID in every state.  Hoping for transparency and a user-friendly solution, thank you.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

@cromero311 @Feature_Creature @FiberParts

Please contact Squarespace Customer Care directly for assistance. Forum users would love to help but we are unable to assist with technical issues and Squarespace employees don't routinely monitor this forum for feedback (see the guidelines - item 6). 

Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥.
Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. 
Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links.
Forum advice is completely free. You can thank me by selecting a feedback emoji. Buying a coffee is generous but optional.

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  • 5 months later...

Is this seriously still an issue? I live in Missouri and the sales tax shows up when you use a missouri zip code. But, if you put in a zip code out of state, it doesn't charge any sales tax???? Like what? I have the business advanced plan so I have tax jar on my account, I'm not sure why it's not working. Very frustrating. 

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