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Everything posted by Alexg77

  1. Yes! It's https://www.alexandra-geller.com/ Thanks @tuanphan Here was my code: @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { section[data-section-id="65ac39e0d5147a5718dcd805"] video { width: 100% !important; height: 80% !important; left: 0 !important; top: 0 !important; } section[data-section-id="65ac39e0d5147a5718dcd805"] { min-height: 30vh !important; } }
  2. Thanks for your help @tuanphan, this worked to remove the color bar. And are you able to weigh in on what's going on with my code? It's for some reason not resizing the video to horizontal on mobile.
  3. Hello, I've checked other discussions, but am still having issues resizing the background video on my splash page for mobile. Two issues, first, my code isn't working, and second -- there's a strange white bar appearing under the video that I'm unable to remove. I adjusted the color settings for that section but the BG is still looking white rather than the same off-white off the footer. Anyone able to help me figure out how to adjust dimensions for mobile? Many thanks! site is alexandra-geller.com @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { section[data-section-id="65ac39e0d5147a5718dcd805"] video { width: 100% !important; height: 80% !important; left: 0 !important; top: 0 !important; } section[data-section-id="65ac39e0d5147a5718dcd805"] { min-height: 30vh !important; } }
  4. Site URL: https://apple-drum-7nk8.squarespace.com/experience I can't seem to figure out the correct unique identifier to remove the display of titles and categories in just one of my blog summary pages. I have two separate blogs using side-by-side grids for their summary pages. How can I remove the title and category display on just this one blog collection (the one on the "EXPERIENCE" page)? How do I find the unique identifier for this specific collection? Page URL: https://apple-drum-7nk8.squarespace.com/experience // Password: p3akt3ch My code: #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1611685336323_126 .blog-basic-grid .blog-title { display: none; } #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1611685336323_126 .blog-basic-grid .blog-categories { display: none; } Thank you!!
  5. @MarcWatson@LaurenLeader I think I actually found a solution! You can purchase the Universal Filter plug-in from the same resource: https://www.squarewebsites.org/products/universal-filter. I had taken the filter off while I tried to figure out the infinite scroll issue, but when I turned it back on (and read the fine print), I realized the filter actually loads all blog posts and enables infinite scroll, so to speak. The only catch is you'll need to enable some kind of filter on your blog page -- but there are some clean and minimal ways you could work this in if that's the trade off. Anyway I'm still working through customizing the filter's design, but it's pretty great!
  6. Looking for solution to same issue! Let us know if you found anything @MarcWatson. I found this for extending post limits on summary blocks https://www.squarewebsites.org/products/lazy-summaries#showReviews, but I'd like to find a way to make infinite scroll (or at least get to 60-70) blog posts on the side-by-side grid page.
  7. Yes, @krizbell looking for solution for same problem here. Please post solution if you find one! 🙏
  8. @paul2009 I'm trying to figure out how I can integrate a paywall for both individual videos and also video bundles on my Squarespace page. Does Vimeo On Demand require customers to log in to Vimeo or have pre-existing Vimeo accounts, or can the random lay person simply click on the video embedded into the Squarespace site, pay on the spot, and subsequently watch the content? Second, do you know if there's a way to integrate subscriptions (or membership) to access multiple videos? Thank you! I've been looking into all sorts of solutions here, like Podia or Zype, but can't seem to figure out what the most seamless, simple paywall integration for online webinars and courses is for our Squarespace site.
  9. Hello, I'm trying to figure out a clean solution to enabling a pay-per-view + subscription option for online video content. We're looking to include webinars and teaching videos on our website, and I'm wondering if anyone has found a clean way of enabling visitors to either a) pay-per-view or b) create a subscription to access video content. I've found a few outside platforms, but they appear to be quite costly, and we'd like a clean integration into the Squarespace site. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
  10. I am setting up a website for a client, and she's interested in creating a paywall for online videos - including payment options both as payment per video and also as member subscription. Second, she's interested in requiring payment for event registration. Essentially she's looking for new ways to offer her teaching and training, and offering her courses online seems like a smart ways to allow her to widen her audience. On Squarespace, how can I: 1) set up a paywall for individual video content? (we can use vimeo or youtube, or other video platforms as needed -- also has anyone used Zype to set up this paywall on a per video basis?) 2) offer a subscription service to unlock all video content (I saw Memberspace and Podia might be good options here?) 3) require payment for event registration Thanks for your help and suggestions here!
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